Condensation On My Plenum?

  • Thread starter UrsaMajor
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So in trying to hit vapor pressure deficit at a humidity of 70% with an air conditioner running it is basically making my humidifiers running constantly and condensation is building up on my plenum because of it.

Any recommendations for dealing with this? Thanks for any advice.
Condensation on my plenum


That 90* bend could be a lot smoother n more swept. A sheet metal shop could make you a nice gradual take off to 90 ,that would help a bit. And increase air flow too. There's also insulated duct wrap just seal it up good with foil tape so it doesn't drip at the seams. That a UV light too?


Wouldn't duct wrap just get wet and soaked? I dread the idea of having to deal with more HVAC people. Yes it is a UV light. Thanks.


If it's good wrap, the kind u get from hvac wholesalers, it shouldn't sweat because it will keep the cold in the pipe. They use it for rooftop units to keep the heat in or out of ducting its high quality. But then maybe it'll sweat somewhere else lol. Mines a straight take off to 16" spiral pipe and it still sweats a bit when I got my humidifier set high. I tied a long shoe lace around the pipe, that dangles down .The moisture dries on the hanging lace without dripping somehow lol. It evaporates in the breeze I guess- a ghetto solution but it works.

A good fan blowing right at the sweaty spot would work too. I have a concrete wall that sweats in the winter, I'll aim a floor fan along it and it keeps it completely dry.....Sheeit that's what I'm gonna do for my duct, just thought of that now haha:)
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