Confusing gender reveal - do I have a hermaphrodite?

  • Thread starter Oysterfieldz
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Hi, I feel stupid but I can't figure out the sex of this plant (I know, it's quite late). To me it looks both male and female. Could this be a hermaphrodite? If it is, is there a cure for this? This is my one and only plant! Thanks!
Oh, and worst case scenario: is it worth keeping for seeds production (or even smoking)? I just don't want to pollute growers in my area with pollen.
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Sorry, this is my first time posting here. I think my picture wasn't uploaded
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Def looking hermy to me. It will polinate it self and other flowers around it. You will 100% end up with seeds. I’ve had some bud that was real fire and had seeds in it before but that’s not always the case. You could save it let it flower out but you won’t get the full potential from your buds. Also have to deal with picking out seeds and the taste of smoking the ones you miss.

If the seeds are located in one area of the plant and aren’t widespread you could go in by hand and pluck each one out. This still risks missing one or 2 and having seedy bud. I had a plant that Hermed on 2 bottom stems due to light stress and I was able to pluck them and have a grow as normal.


Now if you want to keep it solely for seed production you can. I’ve heard from some friends that the seeds you would get from your plant would be feminized but that doesn’t sound right to me. I’d assume all the seeds would have 50/50 chance of herming on you. Gonna have to look into that more. Also once the plant pollinates it’ll focus on producing seeds and not bud because the buds goal at the end of the day is to get pollinated. The longer it goes without pollination the more resin and terps it puts out trying to send signals out for pollinators.


Thanks! I was thinking of removing the male sacs as you suggest but they really are all over the plant, inside flowers. I feel I'll miss quite a few and damage most of the developing flowers. Still worth trying?
Else I'll leave it as it is. At least I'll have plenty of seed to throw around as a gift to mankind :)


yeah the ratio of males part seem a bit high, prolly better to isolate or kill it if you had some others plants.

seem to produce cluster of balls and not single ball alone, not exclusively located on preflowers location but seem also to come a little from inside the buds. Males flower are not located bottom of canopy exclusively but also near plant top lot of sign that's not a lite hermie you can easily deal with.


Indeed, I've just spent 15 min with fine tweezers before to give up. Some sacs were already open so I was eventually pollenizing my buds even more with the tweezers. Anyway there's too much of it, some burried inside the buds.
I don't have other plants. If I keep it, I guess there's no interest in smoking it. Maybe crush it, save the seeds and use all the weed for cannabutter or try to make some hash?
If it's pointless I'll cut it right know (maybe save one bud for seeds) and give it to the chickens!


you can still smoke it and get a nice taste and a decent buzz even if there's some seeds to remove.
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