Congress Calls on President Obama to Use His Authority to Reclassify Marijuana

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Congress Calls on President Obama to Use His Authority to Reclassify Marijuana

By Americans for Safe Access | SafeAccessNow.orgFebruary 12, 2014

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Letter signed by eighteen federal legislators says marijuana's current status "makes no sense"
WASHINGTON, DC — Eighteen Members of Congress joined together today in calling on President Obama to use his authority to reclassify marijuana from its current position as a dangerous drug, alongside heroin and LSD, with no medical value.

A letter sent by federal legislators today says that marijuana’s current status “makes no sense,” and requests that President Obama “instruct Attorney General Holder to delist or classify marijuana in a more appropriate way.” The Congressional letter comes just days after Obama told The New Yorker magazine that marijuana was less dangerous than alcohol.

Although marijuana was sold as an over-the-counter medicine until the 1930s, produced by the likes of pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly, the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) of 1970 classified marijuana as a Schedule I substance. Ignoring White House-appointed commissions, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) judges, and reports, all calling for marijuana’s reclassification, the federal government has refused to recognize the medical science and popular will in order to maintain marijuana’s current status.

“Classifying marijuana as Schedule I at the federal level perpetuates an unjust and irrational system,” read the Congressional letter. “Schedule I recognizes no medical use, disregarding both medical evidence and the laws of nearly half of the states that have legalized medical marijuana.” In a separate statement, the letter’s lead author Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) said that reclassifying marijuana “is a step the administration can take to start to rationalize federal marijuana policy to bring it in line with the advances that are happening in the states.”

In addition to Representative Blumenauer, the Congressional letter sent to President Obama today was co-signed by Representatives Steve Cohen (D-TN), Sam Farr (D-CA), Raúl M. Grijalva (D-AZ), Mike Honda (D-CA), Jared Huffman (D-CA), Barbara Lee (D-CA), Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), Alan Lowenthal (D-CA), James McGovern (D-MA), James Moran (D-VA), Beto O’Rourke (D-TX), Jared Polis (D-CO), Mike Quigley (D-IL), Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), Eric Swalwell (D-CA), and Peter Welch (D-VT).

The CSA gives authority for rescheduling controlled substances to Congress, but it also grants executive branch authority to the U.S. Attorney General and the DEA. “President Obama just told the nation during his State of the Union address that because Congress has been unable to act, he would take executive action where he could on behalf of helping the American people,” said Steph Sherer, Executive Director of Americans for Safe Access (ASA), the country’s largest medical marijuana advocacy group. “The president has the authority to reclassify marijuana and could exercise that authority at any time.”

Last year, a legal battle to reclassify marijuana at the federal level ended in the D.C. Circuit. The Coalition for Rescheduling Cannabis (CRC) had filed a petition in 2002 to reclassify marijuana for medical use, which the DEA denied in July 2011. However, the governors of Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington filed their own joint petition that year to reclassify marijuana for medical use. Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper filed a separate but similar petition, which he was mandated to do according to his state’s medical marijuana law. Both of these petitions are currently pending before the DEA, and the Obama Administration could approve them at any time.


Reclassifying it would be amazing, I believe it would change alot of peoples views on cannabis, and push the movement in states that have no medical cannabis. Its a step in the right direction to end federal war on cannabis. I stand doubtful that obamas administration will reclassify it. He has shown that he plays both sides of the fence on this issue


Big money wants in and can't invest billions until the Feds clear the way. It's coming very soon.......
You hit the nail on the head there.
I have a buddy who is involved in designing a huge project in Massachusetts for BIG money. He is an architect who has worked with many mmcs to get them compliant with RBD (building code), OSHA, etc. Non-dislosure agreement prevents me from naming the famous family who's about to blow up Mass...


He needs to do something
...yeah, self immolation comes to mind.

...sadly, he won't have the balls OR the principles to do anything but lead from behind while he and all his supporters attempt to destroy any and all dissenting voices, he is the scum of the earth, PERIOD!

...if i were black i'd be ashamed.

peace, bozo


You hit the nail on the head there.
I have a buddy who is involved in designing a huge project in Massachusetts for BIG money. He is an architect who has worked with many mmcs to get them compliant with RBD (building code), OSHA, etc. Non-dislosure agreement prevents me from naming the famous family who's about to blow up Mass...

Sounds like the project I just got invited into in New York City....


...yeah, self immolation comes to mind.

...sadly, he won't have the balls OR the principles to do anything but lead from behind while he and all his supporters attempt to destroy any and all dissenting voices, he is the scum of the earth, PERIOD!

...if i were black i'd be ashamed.

peace, bozo

Impotent & Amateur come to my mind... "Got my pen and phone" :woot: The unconstitutional executive orders trick is going to backfire when congress hangs up funding (absolute power of the purse $$$$) for some of his pet projects like the E.P.A. or Federal D.E.A. and the new billions of dollars War on Climate Change that is more serious than global hunger or terrorism and nuclear weapons in Iran? The guy is A Joke and He's going to do wonders ;) for democrat senators (Mary Landrieu LA. / Mark Pryor AR. / Kay Hagan NC. / Mark Begich AK (See Ya Later...) all Democrats running for A congressional senate that is up for the taking by republican energy states that are up for grabs this year... The President is Clueless... Keep up the Great work ROOKIE ;)
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funny how both heroin n lsd have legitimate medical uses too. the whole system is a crock of shit.

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Congress called but the Prez said, "I ain't answering that shit.......yet."

Its funny, i got this scene of Cheech singing, "keep on knockin, but you can't come in."

We did what you asked Obama. We got our representatives to actually represent the the balls in your court. Do it.


if it doesn't get re-classified then maybe the ASA or any rich canna minded person could consult an attny to see about getting ALL U.S. patents related to Cannabis and its medicinal effects voided, if that's even possible.


I thought the United States has the patents... Dirty game they play....



not sure what you are referencing. the govt could be the owner of one / some but it is the likes of GW Pharm / GSK and other pharmaceutical companies that own them.

didn't S. Kubby patent a strain and the leverage it for big money?

its those who should not be able to obtain a patent on the premise of Cannabis having 'medicinal value' when by it classification it has 'NO Accepted Medicinal' use.


it looks like the dept hhs (u.s. govt) owns it.

under the dpt hhs patent 6630507 look at the references cited, both domestic and foreign patents owned by many diff entities.

it is a dirty game they play.

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