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9-11 inside job or not on ur life

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Any idea where you can find the pictures he was showing?

and it looks like He was found dead January 1996, due to what appears to be an execution style murder.

Adrenal Crone i got the Fear..


ya just google him google is our friend in the info wars


they also recon they have a nuclear tunneling machine that can cut a tunnel a mile long in a day an up to 20 meter diameter an all them bases ar all joind. and another bloke how was working there said they wasent aloud to talk to anyone wile they were working an these orbs would fly around them all day keeping an eye on them he said the orbs would cum up behind u and hit u in the ars n shit like that so he turnd around one day an sprayed spray paint all over it he said it bounced around of all the walls when arsked he said it was an accident. lol


ive seen pics of these tunnel makers you speak of they use nuclear heat to melt the rock[bedrock] the dni[department of naval intelligence] uses these tunnels any where in the world in 4-6 hours /hey tripstick google JOHN LEAR listen to this guys interviews im not 100% with him on certain issues but he always seems to be in the ballpark[maybe left field sometimes] but hes still in the park and on the field listen to him speak to GEARGE NOOREY or to PROJECT CAMELOT he has some fantastic sources and his credentials are impeckable


yeah i have been watching a lot of videos today... Hell of a way to kill a day.
ill search for JOHN LEAR

the guy up above has a lot of holes in his story about killing the grey.
He said he was wearing a space suit but could smell the alien stench.
But if he was wearing a space suit how could you smell the out side air?
that's not a very effective suit.

and then he said he had to put a clip in his gun. that seems a little retarded not to have a clip in your hand gun..

oh well still fun to listen to.


wereing the space suit dpesnt necessarily mean he had a helmut on also theres been rumors swirling around the alien/ufo community that you cant go near these ets with live ammo or they kill you telepathically,also on same topic bob lazaar speaks of an incident at S4 next to area 51 in groom lake nevada [thats where the SKUNK WORKS LABS are] that sounds very similar to this gentlemans story


right on.

i found on youtube John Lear Tells All - Part 1 of 4
looks like its going to be a long one.. there goes the night


ya but its so worth it sit back rip the bong roll a jib puff the jib rip the bong again and again and again lol and then become even more enlightened pm when your done with the 1st one if im still up we can disect on the thread get on it dawg go get more informed


just watched john lear, 1 thing i didnt get was he sia on they way to the moon u have to take it step by step to clymateise( sorry bout my spelling), isant that what the space ship is 4 an suit. compresureisd !!


Well my weed wasnt as good as John Lear's so i didnt continue to listen to part 2-4

But Bob Lazar was much more entertaining and believable

I watched the 1 through 6 set up videos about his experience. i see there is a 20 part set out as well...

true grit

true grit

tripstick- great links bro. the starchild is what particularly fascinates me...theres my proof of aliens hybridizing...900 years of genetic trials...pretty sure space bros are all over!
j wizzle

j wizzle

theres too much crap in here for me to get to everything and stay semi serious... so ill just get in on these few things

but when its your 1st term in office as prez you want the american people behind you supporting you and if you wanna push said agenda you need to have the american people believe that there in harms way [which we are not,at least from some haddji cave dwelling terrorist] OH REAL QUICK J WIZZLE OR ANY OTHER NAY SAYER CAN YOU ANSWER THIS ONE QUESTION FOR ME WHY ARE 8 OF THE ''19 HIJACKERS'' ALIVE AND WELL LIVING IN SAUDI ARABIA AS I TYPE THIS HUMMMMHHPH IF YOU DONT BELIEVE ME GOOGLE IT/ THOSE BUILDINGS WERE BUILT WITH THE THOUGHT OF A PLANE MITE HIT THE BUILDING OR A HELICOPTER THE TRADE CENTER WAS DEMOD DOWN BROTHA

1st bold -

heres the only war time president has EVER been voted out of office, thats a fact. i told sooo many people that theres no way bush was going out, its a war, never going to happen....was right then too

2nd bold

there are probably 20 jesus garcia, jesse martinez, or hector gomez living in Los Angeles alone.....i bet 10 of them look the same

seriously though, at least 3 of them could be related and have the same name and apperance....

3rd bold

google "britney spears naked 3-way with a lion"

youll find documents supporting that one too, pics even....

I believe they put the tower designers under fire to misguide and misdirect the ppl that would question the integrity of the building[/B

go fly a plane into a building and tell me shit isnt going to be all fucked up. its a plane flying into a building...come on now.

its called physics...MIT guys have also come out and explained how the building collapsed.

More 9/11 'facts' if you will:

-3/4 black boxes were found at the crash site and taken away by FBI, witnesses and search team have attested to this-again Dept. Of Defense access only demolition explosive- thermite- was found on site.
-twin towers were completely evacuated (for the first time, including security) by feds a few days prior...for inspections or some bs...aka set explosives.

- only time in US history for the military to not have active jets in the air. ever. folks do realize how easy it would be for the military to take out a jet headed at the twin towers right? People do realize they track these planes from take off to landing, and any off course direction is IMMEDIATELY noticed. The military pulled all active aircraft out during 9/11- free airspace to cause to 9/11.

1st bold -

your telling me the federal bureau of INVESTIGATIONS is going to take black boxes from a highjacked plane so they can INVESTIGATE the terrorist plot? no way, sounds way too crazy to be true, something must be up...

2nd bold -

yeah, they would have to evacuate a 100 story building with some of the world largest, most powerful companies just to plant explosives.

WHY EVACUATE? send in your FBI bomb planters as maintenaince crews and you can plant whatever you needed to plant right in front of people working.

3rd bold -
planes go missing all the time. its very difficult to track each and every plane. thats actually why they downed all aircraft, because the ones that are still flying around are the ones which were hi-jacked...

planes go off course all the time.....its a 40-60 year old guy making 100k per year....pilots are fucking drunk!!!! you think an air traffic controller isnt blazing and getting fucked up? I KNOW I WOULD BE BLAZED looking at a ton of red dots on a screen all day....

also lets not forget about the 2 terrorists passports found in tact just burned around the edges a few blocks away from ground zero[how convenient] but the fire was hot enough to take down a steel frame skyscraper[1st time in history look it up nay sayers] but couldnt burn up 2 passports that were in the plane COME ON BULLSHIT

of course the fire isnt hot enough to take down the building, its wasnt JUST the fire.....

look this up in history.... when was the last time a fire was started by an airplane hitting a 100 story building with a full tank of fuel??? NEVER

the building fell due to the force of the impact, and the fire, its the combination of more than one force that took the building down. the structural damage was obviously started but the plane crash, and the fire obviously weakened the building even more....MIT has also documented this.....GOOGLE (google anything, youll find someone who "documented" it)

Zero Hedge reports:

Further, Bank of America has currently halted all foreclosures in all 50 states due to them not having the mortgage notes on a large portion of the properties they hold.If the bank doesn't have the mortgage note, they can't foreclose.

This is a result of the securitization of the mortgage market that the banks engaged in to bundle the sub-prime loans in with the AAA rated loans. When the banks bundled the mortgages together, they lost track of who held the mortgage notes. Hence, they can't legally foreclose.

most of this is actually good info, but the highlighted area is incorrect.

they are not foreclosing because they had auto signers sign documents out of state, therefore the documents are not legal and that is why they are being sued. maybe they dont actually own the mortage because of this. but if they dont own the mortage, it doesnt mean that you now own the mortage, it just means that whoever sold you the mortage now retains ownership because the papers you signed are invalid. however, a large portion of home builders have now gone out of business due to the economy, so obviously there are going to be legal loopholes and you may just end up living for free....
j wizzle

j wizzle

tripstick- great links bro. the starchild is what particularly fascinates me...theres my proof of aliens hybridizing...900 years of genetic trials...pretty sure space bros are all over!

ok...ill get in on this one too...shit is just crazy.

maybe that skull is just a genetic mutation, maybe not, maybe its the alien human child every says its it.

1 thing is 100% certain, and there is simply NO denying this. alien life is 100% REAL. you cant deny it. the vast size of our universe alone and the fact that there is life in the deepest depth of the ocean in firery volcanic vents and anywhere else you can imagine on our planet proves there is life elsewhere in the universe.

there is water ice on mars, thats the closest planet to us, so certainly there are other planets out there with an atmosphere and the right distance from a sun to support some form of life. not to mention all the moon of jupiter and what they have to offer in terms of underwater (maybe under surface liquid is more accurate) life and a heat source required for life

im not sure about ancient aliens, but its more believable than a god who just shat out the universe in 7 days, creating man and all creations but forgetting to mention anything about dinosaurs or any of the other species that were unknown at the time of writing the various holy books that are out there written by authors who were roaming scorching deserts eating unknown psychadelic just saying :) dont get all crazy you godly people....


I thought the UL(Underwriting Labs) tried to recreate the fire/damage and get the girders, beams and floors to fall/collapse and couldn't. I don't think MIT was involved with the testing.

And not for nothing, but I've met/know a few people from MIT and they are not the rocket scientists everyone thinks/assumes they are...


1st bold -

your telling me the federal bureau of INVESTIGATIONS is going to take black boxes from a highjacked plane so they can INVESTIGATE the terrorist plot? no way, sounds way too crazy to be true, something must be up...

Yes that is what they're saying. It was a terrorist attack. The FBI would be digging through rubble trying to find anything that could help them figure out who the terrorists were. Investigation is a pretty broad term

2nd bold -

yeah, they would have to evacuate a 100 story building with some of the world largest, most powerful companies just to plant explosives.

WHY EVACUATE? send in your FBI bomb planters as maintenaince crews and you can plant whatever you needed to plant right in front of people working.

Are you serious? Just to plant explosives? maintenance crew? why would the GOVERNMENT risk being caught? So they can feel like fucking 007 or what?

3rd bold -
planes go missing all the time. its very difficult to track each and every plane. thats actually why they downed all aircraft, because the ones that are still flying around are the ones which were hi-jacked...

planes go off course all the time.....its a 40-60 year old guy making 100k per year....pilots are fucking drunk!!!! you think an air traffic controller isnt blazing and getting fucked up? I KNOW I WOULD BE BLAZED looking at a ton of red dots on a screen all day....

Ummm...planes DO NOT go missing. Idk where you get your info bro, but that was just a lie that you told to everyone here while you are trying to call them liers? Most cell phones have GPS and you dont think a plane does. They track EVERY plane above the US. They have control towers at every airport in the US. They track where the plane is, where it came from, how high in the air they are....they know everything about planes in the air. You're crazy.

Basically bro. You are not telling facts you are making assumptions ONLY to try and disprove what everyone is saying. Just leave this thread.



I thought the UL(Underwriting Labs) tried to recreate the fire/damage and get the girders, beams and floors to fall/collapse and couldn't. I don't think MIT was involved with the testing.

And not for nothing, but I've met/know a few people from MIT and they are not the rocket scientists everyone thinks/assumes they are...

mit is were the professor are located and did tests to ground zero dust they had nothing to do with recreating the damage
true grit

true grit

J wizzle- stop hatin. lol. You didn't make any facts, jsut opinions on purported "facts" that are out there...

1st- no the fbi didn't take the black boxes to investigate terrorist plots, they took black boxes to hide government involvement. why would they care about scapegoats they set up?

2nd bold- simple, to blow up the fucking building. not rocket science. and evidentally that building is ridiculously surveillanced after previous attempts. supposedly it was a full evac for threat...

3rd bold- bullshit. have you been to an airport? have you been through security? are you telling me they work that hard to let planes wander off course? don't let movie fly by towers with idiots fool you. The FAA is on top of airspace like a motherfucker. 3-5 planes all off course at the same time is gonna get caught. Air traffic controllers are not blazing, pilots are not drunk, you are talkin out your ass. The computer systems are so advanced the damn planes fly themselves- which means its computer controlled and tracked.

on the starchild- you should look into some stuff on the previous civilizations and alien influence. do you think big bang was real deal? totally think the evidence is there to support creation of universes, but where did the life come from? like you said, mars has water, now there are theories that life on earth originated from a carbon based life/debris from an asteroid/meteor crash on earth that caused the end of life on mars...would that make us martians? I can dig it.


supa sticky its okay its always good to have skeptics so the open minded can judge for them selves im affraid that j-wizzle is scared to think that his government would do any harm to its citizens its ok wizzle your time will come when you awake from the flock of sheeple/also im actually saying for you to google and go to official sites/heres one the pentagon arguably the most heavily servailed building in the entire world yet tptb could only release a split second cctv footage from 80s era tech where is the plane wreckage where answer that thats all i want you to answer were the fuck was the plane wreckage guess what there wasnt any it was a hellfire missile spit out of a black-opp nuclear sub in the atlantic the whole opp was a black-op false flag psy-op played on the whole world especially the american public to make way for one world governence set-up by worldbankers,military industrial complex, rougue corporations,and crooked politicians who feel there entiteled to pilfer the world for there own needs wants and desires
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