Yea. You telling me?? Lol. I spent the entire day yesterday reading and comparing. Now I'm even more confuzzled. I learned a ton of shit and all it did is make this even harder!!! So, I decided this....I just want a good fukn light. I'm gonna remove the cap on what I want to spend and say that I don't want to get ripped off or buy an inferior product. But I want a good light. I have a 4x4 tent and I'm going to set my tent up using a 3x3 area for the plants. So, I want a square area and I want the light(s) to cover the area completely. I'm a new grower, but I know how to work with plants. I don't like to do things half assed. And I don't like to have sub par equipment for hobbies (hobby=fun...). I gave my outdoor crop much love and the conditions were against me....and I know this. Every year is something else. This year it was dry heat, last year botyritis. I poorly selected my strains, over trained, over pruned and they still looked pretty good. So indoor, I want to step up my game... and from what I learned over the years, lighting is arguably the important variable. So if I tighten that up with good, proficient lighting, solid genetics and a quality pH pen I'm bound to be proud of my girls. I'm drying now and I've got airy, leafy ladies who lost a lot of weight. I'm lucky if I get 8oz out of 10 autos! So, I've got a lot to learn, but if my environment is nurturing, that's a start! I just know i love growing. It soothes me. It makes me feel part of many things, including nature and community, and self love revels in the magic of optimism.