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i miss, helpin n triage. miss, visiting, pages/threads... u guys know, i never do well, exiting, the superHIGHway.

need to chill.

would actually like to complete those flushes n relocations. means, addressing a serious, treasure map, issue and i don't look forward to it.

the actual world champ, pool player, I'll exclude cause he ain't a regular... but maybe, twice a month and is of multiple, clubs. so ranking wise... technically, i beat the number 2 playa n the house, for the first time, i remember. he may have scratched the 8, before. i don't recall. i don't see those as era boosterz... and still, it sucked because he wasn't, "on" and my leaves were nothin more than dumb, luck... but i was 80% on so... ok.
next guy... don't pay enough attention to say so I'll just say he is a very good pool player... and i couldn't say y he did it, but he fucked me, twice n handed me the win (finesse, the entire game; completely exploded, shooting the 8... it was a gimme... doesn't count... & i couldn't, not make, what he left me with, on it. but i was... shootin 8, before he was... still... i lost, to myself.).
people may talk... but i would not have beaten either of em, YET... otherwise. hey, it's only been a few months... maybe 10 games, a wk.


the answers to these questions, r prolly available in every interview, the man ever gave, but if i were drinking with the likes of mr king... omg... i would b spilling corona, from a palsy stricken, mouth. but if i could speak, between filtered gasps... my questions would b: 1. what where wnen why how and whom- inspires you
2. share your dreams with me?


and i can't even get into his books... never could... but i think 90% of the movies, created from em- impressive, to say the least. always, liked my horrors.


unless i get the right head (head) for it... flushes ain't happening, today.


i am humbled
and this sounds contrary
however, i feel it's important you four see this.
you four are helping people
sharing your hearts and lives.
i would say, twenty k, is a start
it all starts
with you four

you four
and iii find y'all

i know u guys think i make this shyt up

thank you, diesels
thank you four
thank you
to thcfarmer
for lettin us lose our marbles, together
Screenshot 20200308 103307 Email


effects of bud backbuilding bud stacking
i will snip snip the seedlings, at the appropriate time, hopefully, and redo the cloning of seedlings, experiment, to verify
it is
100 % viable
or not

we know a guy, who did it
one time

it'll help stall em out n spread the harvest, nightmares, a bit; perpetually...
the rrock

the rrock

on another note,ran into my"buddy" the Nature Boy last night down at Joes bar, chillin and Grillin waiting for the hulkster to show up,it was a thing weve got going on. All the old stories on the road with "the nature boy"wwooooooooooh.Oh yeah the"Hammer" showed up also. Just another night at Joes>woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh<>fucking EPIC

THe Queen makes an appearance tonite>Miss C
if you smell what the Rrock is Cooking


she got a twin sis? i might know a guy... i know the rock has big hands, but depending... might b too hot for a sparechange, to panhandle. google flights is good do go. says about a hundy, to EAT AT JOES.... if she happens to show with her hoes. sometimes, that is just how it goes... for inquiring minds and those in the know. sounds like a riot. if u brain's not on drugs, yet, i can bend it, or fry it. multi strain oil coctails and black uhuru's, just try it... but i wanna know what beers r on the menu and if you'll drink it all, or straight, whiskey n rye it. tata for now, my Plymouth; my rock... imma just b quiet n not talk n hopefully the night will end, with a missy... on ur rock hard baaawwwwk.


no, i don't practice or write a ruff draft. it's just random thoughts, typically n the aft.


on another note,ran into my"buddy" the Nature Boy last night down at Joes bar, chillin and Grillin waiting for the hulkster to show up,it was a thing weve got going on. All the old stories on the road with "the nature boy"wwooooooooooh.Oh yeah the"Hammer" showed up also. Just another night at Joes>woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh<>fucking EPIC

THe Queen makes an appearance tonite>Miss C
if you smell what the Rrock is Cooking
I don’t watch wrestling anymore, like when I was a kid, but I do live in the heart of it! So many retired and up and coming wrestlers here in central Florida !


I don’t watch wrestling anymore, like when I was a kid, but I do live in the heart of it! So many retired and up and coming wrestlers here in central Florida !
wwf freaks. loved, Mickey Rourke, in the wrestler; a lifestyle, to be revered and, or feared. loved, sideways guy, as a backyard, wrestler, in a recent filck, with transformers guy and one of my special Olympics', peers. 1800... i should c who's workin at my eat at joes... i could use a sweaty cold, mme. dick jr. beer; believe u me, ya hear.


just so i keep track- g= 10 strain cocktail. 8x+in amnesia+atf... it don't work- use the cbd cocktail. currently takin bout 4-5mg amnesia+10mg ummm... 8x+10mg atf.

if freaks- whip up cbd only oil n subling it... ummm... oh... or on the grapefruit she held back from tyred.

so g's on the pain, superhighway and her opioids ain't cuttin it. i have a mind to snoop her pill count, if ANY... left... but it's none of my biz: her consequences; not mine. obviously, i have previous cause to suspect, but the hip thang, is newer, far as poppin... pain, is subjective. there's no amt i don't have on deck for her, oil wise, or can't whip n a jiff. and there's no expense i won't go to, should i need to run for dispensary, pot.
opioids, in my experience- the solution, the cause x50 &... in 90min (hope she's sleepin), she'll b so fried, u could remove her other kidney.
i drop my tolerances, to nil... i dose very low so i don't freak the anyones... now... her pain has pist me off... the #1 ain't half empty; it's damn near, full... well... not quite, but it's alot. now that the atf has had its day... and one cocktail, was the end, of yesterday... amnesia ain't in her 6 day cycle... i should stay home. she goin b horned... ahem... watchin my lingo. she goin get through this... i will c to it. my girl seems committed to knowing, opioids, suck and i do my homework. y'all know... i didn't expect much in the way of a day 2, for her.
yez, i heard a story... sitka (sp?), ain't as cold as north Dakota and ford made a 100, pickup... 4x, with cobra jets? i say that right? 16 corvette's and the ford, was hiz fav. & his pops, was pist, his birth cost $6... but when his brother got older... he charged, $6 for the alaskan, $6 vw bus cab company, he (his bro) owned. his brother...
he told me his mother, borrowed wood, to open a bed and breakfast in Marlboro Oregon, or Washington... i forget... people would trave, 200mi... just for her "banana pie"... and a bear... in Alaska... will not simply, leave u alone, if n ur "yard". father bought him a truck and a saw, at 11 and he started logging. at 16, the only at his school, with the first of his corvette's. currently, a lovely, mustang of 60s, ilk, sandrail... greyhound bus, with over 600 ponies, Detroit, etc. likes the toys. likes to show the worth of self proclaimed, ahole, via shiny shinys, when inebriated. i may, or may not allegedly, have encouraged a few... the man wanted to hear his own voice. who better, to save a barmaid, in voicestress. i listened... he moved airwaves and ship holds, of blended whiskey. i listened.
didn't catch the name... didn't need to. when he mentioned, moving mountains... i knew i was speaking to, "if blablabla were permitted to... none of your neighbors', roads, would b so rutted (and accordioned)"... i had a feeling, i knew exactly whom i was listening to because my ltr had mentioned such a huMAN. his steet name, came up... i mentioned, it's my dirt highway to heaven (from ltr's, joint)... and so began, another story... he had no respect for the kid, next to him... and y should he... he doesn't know me... i didn't serve and I'd led with the worst, as usual... but n giving me the time of day and imposing his will, as so many men of the 50s, are wont to do... including myself (repeat offender... I'm workin on it)... he began to warm up and it seemed as if he was trying to qualify. he would never need me... i suspect he has a lot he feels he needs to pay for... he keeps his bank balance, to justify his worth. this man fears nothing and what he does... he overcomes... adapts... any Eastwood fans, hear what I'm shovelin...
his brother... "my poor brother"... i caught the... hmmm... i dunno... but like a pool stick... with a bum tip... i could just hear IT.
sir... if i may... would you tell me about your brother

he began with something n what i caught was the "era", he addressed and attributed, to his brother's... medical problems. he'd mentioned, "out of the 70s"... can u picture it... bunch of naked hippies, in that dark green, vw bus, all hopped up, on the goofer n possibly anything spiked, of air American, special delivery. -frankified
so we "assume"... the hiv and when he said 90s, at 40yrs old... and a 20yr old boytoy... i was glad I'd shown up, with a spare-ear... ty ty -van gogh
he loves his mama and his brother... nathan, doesn't cook, wknds...
-and the band played on

on the jukebox, in the background and our new love, barmaid, had locked us in... so he could finish his beverage and hizstory. and that was just one of his many, lifetimes. sounds like fun, landing in dirt, gravel, kicked up against the fuselage... yes... we're going down.

of course, i have stories, of my own... when these peeps ask, or some tangent i could go on, might relate, if i could make it, full circle... but i already know how mine ends n some folks, sometimes... sometimes, they just need friends, romans and community, to lend them, van gogh's, ear. no problemo.

but if i had drawn sticks n parallels... yes... i was shy... i listened to ron white, took em as my own... walked into the lionesses, den... n learned to oppress, shyness and: make em laugh... make em breakfast...
i was afraid of being hit in the face... jimmy n i started a fight club... i do not fear, having my ass beat, stomach, full moon blued, chipped, tooth, broken ribs... i no longer fear, being hit... anywhere.
tomorrow... someone needs a roof patched, before the evening rain. leaks, already so worst could happen, we redo. i will try.... a ladder will b necessary... walking on the moon... sigh... someone cannot do for themselves... ltr... could not beat the weather, on his own... i... will... try. omg... breathe... i... will... try... sigh. fuck.
so... imma b busy, today... do that thing for me... gravity, altitude n fat men... i... will... try.


a good friend of mine, said something profound. this is an original.

-m&m's mars and mochas
"Peace my friend ! Peace within that’s our reward!"

thank you, my friend. i am going to need it, today. very... very... calming. goosfraba.


my girl is laughing
she is
i am fucked up, man

g... no longer, feels pain

bet she's horny... back rub, time... ;P

amnesia... will make her, super sensitive... to touch... tactile...


go ahead

give me the impossible

and my friends

and... wes wills' find a way

mind over matter
i no longer mind
her pains
no longer


she's starting to fear a bit. she never been so high. well... that's my first, 10 strain, singular, cocktail. she knows from experience... in scaring the family weinerdog... she goin b like thiz, for two days. giggling, once again...
ty... i know u only want the best for me

my lovely... lovely g... strongest, bravest woman i know... besides every other woman n cat i know...
of course. she trusts me, with her pain. it is my honor; my privilege. my peace...


never enough
i don't like the high

baby... u do know... the elevator will continue to go up, over the next 5hrs, stopping, at various floors... remember...
or would u rather feel the pain...

i don't like being this high

it is
what u requested of me

i can whip up cbd oil, in an hour...
or... u can smoke it... eat some ice cream...

i don't like being this high
no thank u.

cbd... for me... counters buzz. doesn't do nothin, for we... for pain. i keep it on hand. never know.


addressing a 5min stale

ur right, though

i suggested a bath n darkness. she's giggling, but wants to chill.

isn't that something
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