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  • Thread starter SPARECHANGE
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dire wolf

dire wolf

and even though, wolfman's quoting... it's direwolf's, story... as it relates to him. what strikes the cords n those "poems", u know inside out?
gotta finish the story... a song, as seen through your eyes. u have us on the edges of our short n curly's, sir...
your turn...
your chapter...
mr artist...
tell us a story?
i thought for sure, diesel would laugh, at the manilow, ambiance...
Hey sparechange , my wife was laughing , she attended elizabeth barrett browning jr high school , she said oh yea ebb , everything but boys ...all girls school...
Shes telling me how she had to do a play and she was robert browning , and laughing so hard.......
Yea i got a story , when i get the courage to share it , i will .........


Hey sparechange , my wife was laughing , she attended elizabeth barrett browning jr high school , she said oh yea ebb , everything but boys ...all girls school...
Shes telling me how she had to do a play and she was robert browning , and laughing so hard.......
Yea i got a story , when i get the courage to share it , i will .........
didn't light my fire. couldn't get into him.

can't wait to read it!

i know the rock's bar bra...wl...
was a satirical, metaphor (& true to life), but i loved it!... and found him more entertaining than the screws they put to mrs. direwolf (& me) he was actually really good/funny/witty and i doubt it took him more than 5 min, tops... it's so cool, he/u/u all, spent the time. unfortunately... treasures, unlikely to b forced on a college prep, kid; shame. i mean i can c mr browning, tryin for arduous rhyme, but it'd still put me to sleep, most anytime. that's not how u encourage kids to seek out centuries old, dying culture/s. i had to seek him out, for myself, like another anecdote, i believe it was u- mentioned, recently. nothing like hanging with people, who expand ur horizons. a very attractive quality, to me... is someone who challenges u and even makes ya turn to a dictionary/google, with every breath... yeah... ok... ya got me all hot n bothered, now. i might go gay.

yup- that's right- ur comic type artist... u mentioned- i went to Google: checked him out/wikiblablabla and saw awesome, samples of his works. yup... u make me learn.
-the coolest!



always wanted to try one of these... but ya look at the price... and what goes into it... not a chance; not even on the thighs, of any suit of gal.




i was lookin for roadkill and can of hairy purple, scenes...

mosh will appreciate THE JUDGE, I'm sure.

-hey, don't look at me, like that. I'll punch ya in the gd throat!...
dire wolf

dire wolf

always wanted to try one of these... but ya look at the price... and what goes into it... not a chance; not even on the thighs, of any suit of gal.

Crazy , thai stick , we had so much of it in the 70's i can remember like it was yesterday , my big brother and i used to sell em for 10.00 a stick ...
Really nice , similar to a chocolate thai if you can find it .....
No opium in them , as i recall.....
And where did rqs learn this reciepe ?


people play music for their, "POTthed", plants... i wonder if i play budporn for em... so they can c what they wanna b, when they grow up... if they'll grow 14' buds in 12ish, days for me... hmmmm... good cartoon drawing for ya, wolf n maybe an advent calendar, peeled to the 12th... in the background.
-christmas spirit
n holiday cheer
great for giggles
any time of the year


Crazy , thai stick , we had so much of it in the 70's i can remember like it was yesterday , my big brother and i used to sell em for 10.00 a stick ...
Really nice , similar to a chocolate thai if you can find it .....
No opium in them , as i recall.....
And where did rqs learn this reciepe ?
haven't read it, in over a year. all that curing n risky, refrigeration, i believe it said... rather just bury it n come back 3mo, later. still n all... i know vegas had em and it was gonna make the price of a pound... seriously, astronomical, if purchased in stix.
yeah... i can easily imagine the nam ones, being laced.


[grabs permanent, marker... starts checking off toes, as decades wolf (previous addressed as THE KID) has been on the goofer... big toe... 70s... 80s... 90s... 02's... 10s... 20...
leaves diesel, outta fuel in a jeep, in the ditch...]


-happy 50th!


house cleaning

not quite

know the oxygen bars n massage, kiosks...

imagine 31 flavors (baskin robbins),
meets color me MIND... plus whatever that make ur own ecoli burrito place is called that was around $600, bout 2010ish... anyway- lil kiosks that allow u to mix n match, like even some whole bean coffee sections, with grinders n shit.. lil $5 brunch, 4 strain, siesta, specials...

-put this in your pipe and smoke it


i have fallen prey to a viscous, dwarf hamster, attack.
Theodore, aka teddy... is the sweet one. nick the dick... more like a bachelor party, scene. anyway, the petmills, tell ya- o yeah... they all get along, great... I'd rather lose $500 in moments, learning craps, at the hilton n banging my buddy's company, owner... in similar, seconds... lord, these siblings r dying to kill each other, as is often the case, when pet stores, close for nocturnal, kritterz... u don't get to c, dookin it out.
remember: wash hands, before handling, different granimals... i suspect they have their HUNGRY EYES, locked on a


i should hook up with socal plumber... he's been around, since page #1...

anyone, real friendly with em? trust em?


can't sleep
fell for the oldest trick n the book: the munchies.
omg dennison's hot... it ain't famous Dave's, but wtf, right... so i threw it over some easy, four cheese, rice and 4 carnation instant breakfast packets, later... i looked something like carl, the morning after. ohhhh... spiceme foods... yummy... oops...

it ain't the right clip... but right after they finish the party... mornin after...

this needs to roar out, before hittin the road, jack.


so as i make coffee
to give her a break
in my bid to end each day
with at least a bj
i am reminded of some
and i would feel remiss if
i said nothing
looking at my best
magnetic measuring 1/3 cup
knowing just how many times
i will now have to scoop
and I'm thinkin
well if she was gonna bother
to take kitchen utinsell (sp?) revenge
y not use the big one (1 cup)
so i could save her life
not having to scoop, but once
and it occurred after a
lifetime of having it drilled
into my head
the we learn nothing
from a raisin bran jingle
i mean is it an excavator
ur usin
or a coke spoon
and before i forget
i hated both scoops
i hated both scoops
raisins aren't for EVERYONE
and there is never enough cocaine
so y bother buying
y bother trying
fuck u kellogg's
fuck you
do u have any idea
how much life i wasted
pullin raisins, like
jonesing spaced cocaine
from a cereal y'all fucking ruined
-coffee's ready
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