current season

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Oh no! You just didn’t!!

lovely tan, mosh.
play much basketball?
after affirmative action, you people did well for yourselves.
I'm sorry that hypocritical skank, used that M word, diesel. hurts my ears, too.

my aunt could afford weeble wobbles for my cousins, when we were kids. i enjoy my memories, of playing with your kinsmen. very fun, summers. always felt short to me, though.


Smokers do a lot of relapsing in regards to lung related illnesses. It adds one more stressor to the body. Try and stop smoking and drinking for a couple of weeks, add idle time to your routine (that might actually be harder for you), drink a lot of Gatorade and water, use your humidifier inside instead of for your plants. Hawk that stuff up so it doesn't settle in your lungs. Take the tincture that lets your body sink into comfort, and not ramp you up. Tada! Cattacure! 😸 But you knew -all- of this.
i want another x chromosome.
i just want to spend a day, listening to cat share with us... how it feels to b right, all the time. g wouldn't give me the satisfaction, of showing me how to do it... screw it... I'll never quit smoking to show determination and strength against adversity. no?

thank you, cat.
hate to see you waste your time.
appreciate the sentiment.

it produces an image, for me:
know how rocky, climbed those steps, as a significantly, younger man?
1. I'm scared of heights
re- trigonometry
emergency rooms... that kinda thing

2. bout the second step, I'd need a cigarette to contemplate why i was going up, just to return; no carrot for me

3. where's the sweaty corona... wolverine, could ya spare a square?

4. what was the question

5. at step 4, there's a naked person, the reader's version, of a ten... a corona, dripping... coozie... not naked... lime... i cut... a single Marlboro... i always carry two lighters... and an oxygen producing machine and I'm completely, at a crossroads. what would y'all do?

grab the beer, chug it, before it catches a chill... pick up the cig, in same, sweeping motion... tell green lantern's smokin hot wife, I'm over the hill... how bout i get neked, n we go have a drink.


I'm going to build a guest room in my head... diesel's music room. definitely has a few poles and cage gurlz in it. fucking speaker got busted from d's dam bong water so between that and the ladies being securely positioned... my personal hell. man... already broke diesel's music room.
i should've quit, while i was ahead.
I'm not gettin in d's hot tub, either... I'd know where it's been and the cover would b shreaded to shit... is that something dead... diesel, wtf... respect, man... u really know how to party. i thought it was dead.


booze hound. he wants what's inside. seen the candy n latex pooperz. laughing my ash off!

even the dogs have their own play room... that's what fuck you rich, looks like. i bet there's a pallet of tp rolls, delivered to the pup toy, storage wigwam.

ahhh... my precious corona
have to wait til i earn one. shit. thanks d... real pal... nice tease, with the fridge.

cintas... which i was thinkin might b a well timed, investment, sent out a flyer, stating they might not have tp to deliver. either it's an awesome, fiscal, year end bonus... or i wasn't the first to consider: retail licensing.
so just go with those body filled, security companies. ser ccc... i forget, but they spend a grip on shiny cars... i figure their employees, not being their assets of choice... starving, but gettin plenty of o.t., I'd imagine. s... something.


i can't listen to this ghettospeak. people believe it's a good thing, to sound retarded.
reminds me of my buddy. he's black. a combination of east coast old money and the heart of the south. served his country, usc pedigree... raised right, one way, or another. he would treat the wealthiest and poorest, stranger, with equal respect and hospitality.
his sons... we love his entire family. his wife lost 5, family members, in December, btw... his sons, are so well educated... both married... both have children, of their own... unfortunately, to survive high school... they had to learn another language, to fit in.
the family... man... his wife, knows how to cook/BARBECUE!!! I'm not even sure I'd call it chicken, it's that good...
the boyslearned how to flip a switch. they would speak as educated, young men... their friends would come to share the meal/event/you name it and the hood speak would pop out. the first time i heard it- i had to turn around, to see who i thought it was, was speaking. it's impressive, actually. those boys could fit in, anywhere and make those around them, feel comfortable.
the skank, diesel put up... nails on a chalkboard. lord... if she walked in my house, naked... I'd start pluggin away at the lovely, cat in heat, screatchin, hoodrat and call the exterminator... if my town has one, or they accept less than $3 per mile.
quite the lady. nice mouth. obviously, it'd either b dinner and a movie... a movie, being an excuse to not speak, or get to know her... the dinner... her mouth full... and what follows... please... u still have to talk to em, even if their mouths were full, previously... "time for you to leave". nope... the dealbreaker, walk around the block... i would b pushing her back in, over the threshold and yelling for help, with my current, raspy, whisper, hoping for large men to come, help me hodor shut.


sorry, i can hang. gotta get ready for work. y'all killed the battery, anyway. your fault, too, diesel.

mornin, mosh. mornin, cat and all.

i miss my morning conversations b4 work, with the boss, so now, i just rage to music, n watch riot, from his gate, for a half hr. creatures of habitat; don't care for tardiness.


looking for a home
around places my idea of value in beauty, are expressed... well..., i do my homework.
mosh n diesel's homes r comparable
as is my interpretation of the beauty, which surrounds them...
and there's a modicum of value to b exploited from me crazy and i am a calculting, mofo... i gotta figure mosh coulda received just under 2hundy, last summer and diesel... depending on more specific locale... bout 10x, mosh's digs, for the same lawn to mow.

I'd looked by mosh for g...
and two story joints, in the pac nw... and the diesel's hike neither groceries, nor laundry, up n down a staircase so... hiz spread, throws me, but y'all have beautiful homes, in enviable, areas. very cool. u both earned it, of that i have zero doubt.


i had to arrest costs for a fixed, future and literally, had to choose over states within a $600mo, travel budget, for fucking pain management.

i live in the most beautiful place, on earth... unless i were to live, somewhere else, but man... is it easy to get an even tan, in 2000°F.


looking for a home
around places my idea of value in beauty, are expressed... well..., i do my homework.
mosh n diesel's homes r comparable
as is my interpretation of the beauty, which surrounds them...
and there's a modicum of value to b exploited from me crazy and i am a calculting, mofo... i gotta figure mosh coulda received just under 2hundy, last summer and diesel... depending on more specific locale... bout 10x, mosh's digs, for the same lawn to mow.

I'd looked by mosh for g...
and two story joints, in the pac nw... and the diesel's hike neither groceries, nor laundry, up n down a staircase so... hiz spread, throws me, but y'all have beautiful homes, in enviable, areas. very cool. u both earned it, of that i have zero doubt.
No 2 story, especially if your not a drinker.
But if your a raging alcoholic could be good.
Make sure you get some land for your garden.
A160D921 A864 4C99 B2E8 A37A53BE5CDB


looking for a home
around places my idea of value in beauty, are expressed... well..., i do my homework.
mosh n diesel's homes r comparable
as is my interpretation of the beauty, which surrounds them...
and there's a modicum of value to b exploited from me crazy and i am a calculting, mofo... i gotta figure mosh coulda received just under 2hundy, last summer and diesel... depending on more specific locale... bout 10x, mosh's digs, for the same lawn to mow.

I'd looked by mosh for g...
and two story joints, in the pac nw... and the diesel's hike neither groceries, nor laundry, up n down a staircase so... hiz spread, throws me, but y'all have beautiful homes, in enviable, areas. very cool. u both earned it, of that i have zero doubt.
Thanx - I left a much nicer and bigger pad back in Michigan! Along with some cash . But life’s not all about money even though we all need it! Lol much happier here in the sunshine state! 🙌🌞


i had to arrest costs for a fixed, future and literally, had to choose over states within a $600mo, travel budget, for fucking pain management.

i live in the most beautiful place, on earth... unless i were to live, somewhere else, but man... is it easy to get an even tan, in 2000°F.
U do have some of the most amazing natural structures!


No 2 story, especially if your not a drinker.
But if your a raging alcoholic could be good.
Make sure you get some land for your garden.View attachment 954641

i have m corona!

i know im off so... do whatever u feel is right, diesel. nonetaken, ever.

just received by my pup n g, back from 3 no- 4 places o biz

stalked Larry the roofer... felt like i was diving on grenades!
did a social experiment, when i saw a pattern, forming...

stop makin me laugh, diesel! makes me cough myself out, dry heave from coughing n laughing so hard
and now that my nose is corona disinfected... it ain't a twist off! this shit ain't cheap and i am so fucking knock it off!
note to self
tell local phonebook- thurs morning, dg, tp. earlier the better...

i meant diesel n mosh

the pups... always cute pics.
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