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fellas, when it does go fedlegal... things will b outta closets n be able to become trendy, with less fear, involvement...
i was thinkin of all things that kill, above 70° & the idea of sleeping, in a grow tent... n then the benefits, of cross tech, ran through...
insulation, second to nun...
u want light, efficiency... 33% free, bonus, without more bulbs... u want darkness: they're light tight...
think about the thousands of ancillary businesses u could build off those concepts... holy shyt. make ur millions... u guys deserve it, for your riding this train n lookin out for strangers, from the get go.
i didn't forget u, cat... like the ambience of canopy beds? skeeter netz? box the bed in a decorative tent-ish... n with the right nightlight... kids can c the universe, in reflective, insulated, kill proof, mylar...


jackets... pants... mylar dresses n skirts... shoes... cross tech, applied...
if the 80s can survive, space jackets... yeah... back mylar companies...embrace the plant... oh yeah- this is happening, no matter which country our future government, sells out to, re- pot.


#2&3, working in tandem, at a Chinese, buffet:

uh huh hu... uh... hey, beavis...
uhhhaha... ummm... yeah?

i know it seems awesome, amanda, that we're the second ones, in the shytter, special Olympics, and i dunno how many chefs they employ, when no one, is payin registers, or how much grill space the truly have... but uhhh...

i think I'd rather come, at the high, traffic hour... realize- if 9(4x10), buffet tables, have... that's over 100 items, requiring separation... and only one car, was in the parking lot, 10min ago... ummm... i think i know what we can expect... fair warning...


stupid, hurts:
if i can't understand the fine print... y use fine print, to further, instruct? humans... humph!

awesome... 12 bags of salad... overpriced, lettuce... which expire, tomorrow... thatnow, get driven miles n miles, back to town... i can never get this time, back. ty wmart; the devil... pay ur people better n let's use some common sense, so u don't have to "toss my salad"... aholes! great policy... anyways, i do know they f u in the drive through cause they know you'll b miles away, when u realize, u just got f'd,... AGAIN!
and what shall b my compensation, for my wasted, life? sorry, ahole... here's u salad? fuk u! u r literally, killing me.

fine... dry ice run... i hate fukin town, but lettuce make, lemonade...
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we'll get a new cooker that can handle more than 1500ml/1.5L... while giving w the art the bird n teach poolman's mom, what she should know... cause it works for her.
this... for the pool peeps, who double charged my ignorance, for 18mo... i don't pay back... grudges do more harm, than good... i you...we... our collaboration, helps this poolman's mom.
u know... mr Simpson is more than inspirational... he didn't have a rick Simpson, to set his compass to... gods have given me 2 & you 4+4.


said I'd b busy about town, today... makin sure, "he wasn't gonna use me, for a 'job'"...
related mosh's generous offer n d's advice... n that his reputation that he holds dear... is essentially, nation wide... now.
didn't sound good, but didn't ask me to divert/detour, my day... typed. he didn't sound all there n he wouldn't b high, etc. sigh... i mentioned the wrong town name n he didn't comprehend, fence... he's a smart, man... his mind, is elsewhere. sorry, mosh... d... I'm certain, another time, he b equally, grateful.
ummm... i was thinkin... n forget y i oooo fence- stopped... i saw a stunt man, wire his entire house. don't ask what... ENTIRE... and besides the zip line... he made a pulley, for his slider n screen door: fishing line n umm... a pully n weights. invisiline... hidden, weights. now, think of a pole n a gooting, with a pulley... what has that? a flag pole... our peeps r Patriots! if not in lieu of electric gate... it supports, a sagging, pole... sagging... fence... and etc... 3 pulleys=weight, flag and ummm... support, cable...


g, wanted to stop at a local store, returning, from the devil's den... for dog bones... for the momz, pups, as she's away...
g, makes zero money n over a decade. any she has, was xmas $... she n her fam have their own, problem.
i waited n car. i watched an employee, walk out of his way, as he was also busy...
i saw... i miss, nothing n forget, everything. Walked in... told him I'd seen him help a stranger... old man, with walker... askdd whether i could help with yard work, or something, to return the fav. nope... would have nothing, "i do this, for all my customers"...


dozer, lived n heaven, died n heaven n went to heaven...isn't that something? i live here, too...


You will get to heaven if its on your roadmap. Sounds so old school since Googlemaps wasn't mentioned. Or Waze. :)


so- this morning, i was shootin, cold, Chinese buffet, out the back door... locked, in the 10x; bathroom...i heard g sayin some stuff, bout the momz, pups, her own family's med, issues n such...
i flushed... didn't wash my hands (til i hit, kitchen) n asked whether she'd just gotten off the tele, with momz. it was a lil harsh, but she's frazzled; i get it...
nope... she was prayin...
then, i said, well, keep doin it... pray, at least, for ur sis...
so then, where at satan's house of groceries, where wmart, gave us, 2 day, expired, salads, n some that went, 2 days, fwd.
her aunt calls... we're busy... i tell her (it's dawn... she's forshimmelled... and i said, "realize... with the 15ish u know, who r ailing n the hundred, or so, I'm affiliated, with... as empathetic n sympathetic, as we feel... these people, just lost the most precious beings, in their lives... and while we may feel 4 em... we have zero idea, how it feels, to b them."; we have each other...
and as bad as u feel n as bad as this morning, is going... i want u to remember this day n that you said that... your gods... nature... karma... provide a balance. u will c them, again... just imagine, as last year's bullshit, gmspills over... our calendar, means nothing, to this balance... just imagine, if u feel this bad, today... how good you're going to have it, tomorrow...
momz, text... told her what an amazing week I've had... yeah... isn't that something...

I'll get to the garden. I'm chillin an oil/topical batch, down... we goin c bout this smart pot... n unflushed, unfinished, bud. still, like a 6-7 strain, mix... ummm... i forget.
2. mosh! diesel! on my way back, the second, time... i was thinkin: what to do, with this subpar, b.s. n thinkin bout the diff, processes... bubble bags anxmd i believe, i have the more popular, canvas, color coded, onez... know how much care, we spend, makin thc? know how it's waterphobic??? so if it doesn't filter through, where does it go??? canvas, riblets! make n market, a nonstick, bubble bag, before someone else does!! just send me a copy, when u get rich. pisses me off!!! it's a conspiracy!


hey- i ment to say- mylar in construction... walls... designs/centers... mylar, paint... caulk... the whole, shebang.
lots more to pay for, cat... lots more...
here's my take... for those who r parents: is there a singular thing, ur kid could ever do, no matter, how twisted... that u would c, burn n have pineapples shoved up their carports, for an eternity? or is fear and intimidation... more man's way, to "accomplish", thingies? that's my feeling, but that doesn't mean I'm off the hook, for the rest. rhetorical: just consider it.
and what have those godly, human's done, in the last couple, millennia? since man, walked the earth? anywhere in nature u considered... something not human; flora, fauna... might burn, eternally? r some of flora+, different from others? animals, diff? and u think they'll burn, for whatever, action/behavior? just checkin... what makes us/u/we... so different? there's a balance... patterns...


I've never been a mother, and maybe that is why I have never believed in unconditional love. Even my dad has forced me to draw a line in the sand in my life, and he sometimes dances on it and around it, but never crosses it. Which also makes me believe my old man doesn't believe in unconditional love, either. 😇


u know who u r and what u believe so ur already, doin the lord's work, so to speak... u know i use the term, loosely; all the time. ur a good person, great grower... and u don't require anyone else to tell u that... u just have to know it.

i didn't mean i don't think because of the places I've been n things I've done that imma fry .... ever... i just know what i owe and intend to pony up, before i go. never, in my life, will i have so much free time, again so... it's begins, today: each day... clean slate n what i fill it with, is up to me; currently, trim leaf n minimal, "whatever", bud... but mostly, it's not for me so hopefully, my slate has more than tic tac toe n hangman, by the time my head hits the pillow.

cat, if u were present... oh, nm... i got suspended, from the site, nair, to return, but when i was finally, opioid free, sept 1... when i started, hangin with ltr, i couldn't even drink n hang at a bar, longer than 3hrs... now... i go from 0200 to bout 2000 (2am to 8ish pm), til i call it quits. sure, i gotta chill n sit/stretch, but uh... I'm sooo close!

early on, i got the ethanol, saturation value, of thc... it was so ridiculous, high... no amt of grass i could crank out, would even saturate, a gallon... n since today, is a bullshyt, hodgepodge: imma wash, once, only... n dump back in, to grass loaded, jars... with the already, strained, iso. I'll try one cap... if it seems, dangerous- all topical. only used like 2z's, of actually, finished, pot sooo... I'm cool with it. we'll c.

btw, i got the autopot, so the mbe2, wouldn't limit me. i heard many processors, were usin em. any tips, would b great, far as how the f this thing works. i already jacked the big rice one that sounds like amana, but isn't... no glass window: that blows, but i know 1500 ml = start watchin, round 50min so... we'll c.
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k so t4, took off... t2, is gettin ready- to. I'll give the godfather, til the clones, hit the roof (cloner), before i decide whether they offend my delicate, thinthitivities...


besides n don't take this wong, over vocabulary, but odds r... ur "jaded"..., because u love ur pops, unconditionally... hey, i felt i did my best, with my kid and he doesn't really speak to me. but we obviously, did well at the independence part, previously, mentioned.
the xxx- well... from my perspective, she fuct me... n hurt the kid. from her perspective, i can assure u... she felt, parental alienation syndrome, was the right thing to do... so we fuct up our kid, but the dood goes to Pepperdine; how bad could it have been? he'll do very well, for himself. biggest fav i ever did him, was let him ride, on my credit n by the time he leaves school, (his credit, is already bitchen n i taught him, investing, as well; so did his econ, teach...) he'll have awesome credit, he never f'd... and 100k, before any gains/losses. he's pist he went so conservative, but he won't b... soon, enough. wasn't my recommends, but at least i know he'll b safe n well positioned, for my sky will fall, take on these ubber low, interest rates.


and btw... my perspective on the xxx: she meant no harm, did her best n that's all, anyone, can ask.


206gr northbound train . don't recall previous ttl, or estimate, for this ones.

oops... just right, though.

i calculated, nothin.... no head for #s. freaked, over filled vat and needing to flip some to caps n topicals, right quick!!!


yellowing, n the sun. not too bad. actually curious: never stilled, random whatever, leaf, or unf unf n still, ate one. almost forgot: day 1, effects, of new oil... gonna get weird, pho sho. still... i gotta test it. 1more hr, to still, i figure. dunno: new gear n hopefully, programmable, temps.


not tryin to b blasphemous/offensive... folks- i just have questions...

almost forgot- whole point of g's prayin, story: 2hrs, later-ish- momz text she was sick n hoppin on a plane; days, early. bet she didn't request a bereavement fare... many airlines, do it, folks... but ya gotta ask. i forget which planes, go to yvr and the island, puddle hopper, from yvr, but they hooked me up, last minute, yrs ago. beautiful country; shitty, speed limits.
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