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he would not want to hear it
he knows i have problems
i know
of his own


he accepts me
and watches me grow
like any father
he misses nothing
and knows exactly what I knew at 15;
what I'm capable of

give us a jigsaw and we'll break any worm drive
we four


it's the kinda dirty that one cannot wash away
i still
need to chill
bathroom time n 10x10


o I'm so stupid
Larry went to town
i knew he would start on the slab for bill's ramp today
i fuckin knew it
i have to process the garden not for me
i needed to b here
y'all know how long it takes days to make oil right
I'm so stupid
he went
for dozer's


obviously someone was ill n had shyt goin on
when i didn't trim it

isn't that something

biker sam
biker sam jr
and biker Sam's hot wifey

we don't have time to c each other
i stopped for 2 broke down harley's, yesterday
oc leather clad wannabes
biker sam showed up 5min after i text
within seconds
throttle cable
biker sam and co
were leaving in 10
for havasu
can't all b coincidence
you four and sam
these r our people
and this
is where we come from
there's a real man
never put out his cigarette
no doubt
free of charge


it's funny
she's been in our pool
and i never saw what she looks like in a swimsuit
that's what blind people c
hot wifey
is a female with sooo much heart
on my life
all i ever saw
don't even remember whether i spoke to her that day
it's the same with all my adjectives; just another word


gonna try to ignore... stuff... myself...

g went to the club, tonight. gorgeous mg, pulled in. got stories from tailgunner, bill... was long ago, he was also a single engine, pilot.
he's so proud, he FLEW the biggest bomber. actually the only 3war vet, in there: ww2, Korean & Vietnam.
i asked whether he'd tell me about his eyes... fellas... before ur eyes start burning- use eye protection... even the mylar, is reflecting, sunlight, essentially, at 33% strength; word to the wiser than, "TOO LATE", me... because it WILL, eventually, happen.
anyway, not transplant doable... muzzle flash: phosphorus, coated/burnin, rounds, but i could easily b mistaken. magnesium? i forget. prolly tracer, rounds. i know we have vets, here...

i got to hear his tail, bout buzzin the grand cyn... such an amazing story & teller- i wasn't gonna stop him. realize... the man calls me Robert, all the time and who the f cares. this man, is the coolest (head) and it is my pleasure and privilege, that I'm trusted, to do so... in a room, of raging alcoholics; myself, included ;D.

sorry bout today n many others. I'm just trying to do what i can for em and... we'll c. again... trying to b chill n just share a bedtime, story; cool name for the events, I'd like to c, there... or, a more racy, bar name: BEDTIME STORIES ...nasty... NASTY! y'all r perverts.
imma try n keep off the grass...
night, d, mosh, cat n rockstar, plus 4.


mosh, i saw ur suggestion n got lost, again. i need to not b lookin around, atm. thank u, so much. i did take pics. u know my luck- either didn't come out, or i deleted em, by oops.

I'll show him. the side that ends up, gateless- WOULD have space for it... it's a couple inches, at least, off the concrete.
the side the gate pulls into, is where it grinds, maybe the last 3rd, of the gate. if u didn't mind losin mirrors- it's about two, 4door, honda civics, wide.
the main, support pole, is roughly, 4-6" square and around 4' tall... it looks, as sturdy, as one might think it should.
larry didn't do the slab, wall, or gate. definitely, looks, heavy... so at least 5 feet, is grinding, right against the slab.
now, he doesn't know the strength of the wall and believes that support pole and its footing, are to blame, but as a passer by... i couldn't tell.
that wheel, regardless of setting, would require, the entire thing, lifted, or concrete, ground down.
won't anchor to a wall he is unsure of.

now, with the pup, present, i couldn't see the mechanical, side, try as i did, to get video... but that arm, didn't appear weak, that pulls it n appears, strongly, connected... what about a weight on the (i will say it opens, left to rt) rt side, of that arm? looked like - if longer, dowels/hinge pins (though u know it doesn't "swing, open) were used .. bam! there's u solution, adding height. said no... um... still felt the pole, prolly afterthought, pour... would continue, to fles, with the weight.
c what i mean about duck tape, fixes n $, considerations...
imma still show the wheel.

ummm... as a general, his fav, was still, finishing... he got rid of whatever major, gear he had, when he retired. sounds like- he rents a grinder... there goes any room, for beer $ & while he knows it's a second home... they don't sound liquid; fixed, income... prolly.
he's tryin to work within their budget n still, buy a round. prolly a referral n he tends to b, just as ... generous, i guess is the word... yeah, i can c y he's stumped- torches n grinders- takes price, too high. i gotta get dry ice, soon. I'll pass nearby so I'll grab pics, before askin, again.

thank u sooo much!



thank u, cat. same to u. slept like a rock, before g's cow, dinged the micro, last night. haven't had much sleep, of late. haven't felt, lacking.

i forget, when I've done something, not EVERYONE gets to. i was so bummed to hear, mr bill, had never seen the spruce goose/h Hughes in person, when he was so proud, about his bomber. gotta get the name... gotta b a pic, somewhere, with the pinup gal. b cool to print it, for him.
i had the opportunity, to board, "sentimental journey", as a kid. might could b same model, but i dunno.
believe he said he flew a corsair. if memory serves, that's a fighter... i didn't ask questions. 1. weak stomach 2. they may not want to remember 3. yeah... figure if he had something to say, he would've. he didn't mention what kinda plane, it was and if I'm right and it's a fighter... I'm uncomfortable with answers to questions we might all have, for a pilot of a weapon of war.

anyone have any questions for any of these folks, that the answers won't upset me, or make me hurl- I'll ask em. they don't seem to mind, Sharing their lives, with us. i get permission to share, often as i can remember to do so.

asked the last airborne feller, chip... if they're really the biggest bad ashes, hbo presented em as, far as wanting to share a foxhole, with an airborne, badash... said- yep... pretty much.

thank you for those who served. I'd love to see anything you're willing to share, here. would prefer, not to have to excuse myself, but if it's cathartic- tell any stories, u like. I'll get down n shut up, if necessary.
only, in respect,



oh, man... I'd love to tour, pima, graveyard, in tucson. driven by it, many times.


I need you to relax today:)
Stay on the same realm of being you can take a level stand on.

Breath in


Breath in


If you need a relaxation point of order view this
just reached that point.
just watched the vid.
love that one.
u get the "box set", back n the day?
could use a lil CAT DOG, i think it was? the butler, homis... every time i hear em say his name, it cracked me up. couldn't say y i thought it was so funny. the kid used to watch it.
how bout- courage the cowardly dog? awesome! "STUPID DOG!"... i believe i slowed my hooch's, mental development, when i took up the mantle, for that gem... "STUPID DOG!" most trainable pup, i ever had.


Quit abusing the animals!!🥺
Caruso is basically, my weinerdog's, porn. not our pup. i saw another one of those, where they discuss what really goes on- the basically travel, on and with their pups. nice work, if you can get it. they do meet n greets. for such an unknown, prior to having one... they sound like they enjoy their careers, they've made outta LEMONS! LORD, she is the most willful bytch, I've ever met. my divorce, was easier. more expensive... but easier.
the girl has played some amusing videos, with labs, or goldens, and their peeps, concealed, within whatever, attire, du jour... workin their hands, like they're the dogs, eating at a table. u prolly seen it. first time i saw it- lmao.
g can spend days of life, watchin that stuff. i just stop by to drop off the mail n throw some lil Richard, as time and my lovely g, permit.
i fell asleep, soon as my head hit the pillow, on venereal disease day, thank god. if one is gonna catch something, what better holiday? dam it, i try my best, to observe it.
come to think of it... i might have just broken a near- half century, tradition.
but i digress and i must say... i believe my lioness, was starving, or the 24ish hrs' interest... apparently, rates, skyrocketed.
but the truth is- she been real sore so... rod always tells me, "just do u"... seems to b workin out.
but here's the less trashy ;P, aspect:
not only did i stay on the full 8 seconds, but i got my stamina back and oh... what's oh! tantric... my ability to control the, "ooouuuwa... yeeehhhhessss ma'am", back. now i know that sounds really secksual, but sometimes the meaning is a lil deeper; in the marrow:

this applies to working stuffs- stamina... agility... i forgot my body could even get in that position... ;D (sorry, d... i had to). breathing, will, determination... imma say g won the creativity award... focus...
takes all that, or at least, last night... it did and... i may get to go shirt shoppin, now, so- bonus!
the hulk, must've had a ton of abrasion stripes. nothin wrong, with a lil rough trade, but now that i know it's ok... well... g's lost alot of weight, since i started runnin around. wawawhat? that ain't selfish... I'm just sayin- 1. she started it and 2. she goin b needin some new clothes, anyway. and the $1 cocktail dress... sigh...mmmmm... well, we didn't have the event she thought she needed it for, anyway.
diesel... this a reEl, inappropriate subject... y u keep steering the traffic, this-a-way?

so this trucker, at the club, last night- retired, trucker n sailor... talk about a f'n cussin, bff, combination... and when i asked his sweetheart, about him havin the mouth of a sailor (sounds like prison: no females u can touch, but may see, from time to time... hey... i respect em, too much, to go further... but I'dbe cussin, too... especially, if i heard the term, "get down, shut up"... kinda like g, said, last night) and word on the street is... after 50yrs of marriage, give r take... his wife is the one, makin him, blush... i still can't... g must b double jointed, or something. i don't think I'll b requesting... hmmm... how to say n not get banned.... imma simply say- i might could b okay, with snoozin through another holiday. quite a memorable evening and early early mornin and... draw your own conclusions, but nothing that'll get u mentally, censored. shyt... is that chaffing? no... no pictures... but imma try n get her autograph on the tshirt. what? it was cold! i was too cheap to.... ahhh... clothes n bed.... hmmm... i might need an early nap, today... in clothes, including a rag tshirt... hmmm... pray for me, fellas... seems to work n other areas... experiment!
think coffee, is too much to hope for?


Message me I’m be gone most of the day today again! Lmao this time for some fun though
mrs mosh: grab the atm card... in fact... grab his i.d., as well. I'm more than a lil concerned about ummm... mosh's idea of fun. grab his cell, too... money can also b moved... in fact- take out a 2-100'th mortgage, toss mosh n the basement... or something... lock the door, toss the key... I'll grab my lovely g, diesel, cat n rock and we'll, "what's up, baby doll... GET IN THE TRUCK". u can just move those kegs over... and throw any random women out, to make... oh and if u could empty the ash trays, on ur way to the back... only men n dogs, up front... sorry... btw... did u bring any money? do we need protection, or have you taken care of that? pervs... i meant, did she have any difficulty, getting shells... .22's? well, if she ain't packin a heeeeeater... how do we keep mosh, from howling at the moon...? nm... just grind his stash, into the carpet. ought to keep him busy, til we get back n the inspector, nails the uninhabitable sign, over the strange odor, comin from the moshpit.


mosh, i saw ur suggestion n got lost, again. i need to not b lookin around, atm. thank u, so much. i did take pics. u know my luck- either didn't come out, or i deleted em, by oops.

I'll show him. the side that ends up, gateless- WOULD have space for it... it's a couple inches, at least, off the concrete.
the side the gate pulls into, is where it grinds, maybe the last 3rd, of the gate. if u didn't mind losin mirrors- it's about two, 4door, honda civics, wide.
the main, support pole, is roughly, 4-6" square and around 4' tall... it looks, as sturdy, as one might think it should.
larry didn't do the slab, wall, or gate. definitely, looks, heavy... so at least 5 feet, is grinding, right against the slab.
now, he doesn't know the strength of the wall and believes that support pole and its footing, are to blame, but as a passer by... i couldn't tell.
that wheel, regardless of setting, would require, the entire thing, lifted, or concrete, ground down.
won't anchor to a wall he is unsure of.

now, with the pup, present, i couldn't see the mechanical, side, try as i did, to get video... but that arm, didn't appear weak, that pulls it n appears, strongly, connected... what about a weight on the (i will say it opens, left to rt) rt side, of that arm? looked like - if longer, dowels/hinge pins (though u know it doesn't "swing, open) were used .. bam! there's u solution, adding height. said no... um... still felt the pole, prolly afterthought, pour... would continue, to fles, with the weight.
c what i mean about duck tape, fixes n $, considerations...
imma still show the wheel.

ummm... as a general, his fav, was still, finishing... he got rid of whatever major, gear he had, when he retired. sounds like- he rents a grinder... there goes any room, for beer $ & while he knows it's a second home... they don't sound liquid; fixed, income... prolly.
he's tryin to work within their budget n still, buy a round. prolly a referral n he tends to b, just as ... generous, i guess is the word... yeah, i can c y he's stumped- torches n grinders- takes price, too high. i gotta get dry ice, soon. I'll pass nearby so I'll grab pics, before askin, again.

thank u sooo much!

There other wheel designs as well if that one doesn’t work or there isn’t room. Good luck I’m sure it will be easier than ya think 🤔


mrs mosh: grab the atm card... in fact... grab his i.d., as well. I'm more than a lil concerned about ummm... mosh's idea of fun. grab his cell, too... money can also b moved... in fact- take out a 2-100'th mortgage, toss mosh n the basement... or something... lock the door, toss the key... I'll grab my lovely g, diesel, cat n rock and we'll, "what's up, baby doll... GET IN THE TRUCK". u can just move those kegs over... and throw any random women out, to make... oh and if u could empty the ash trays, on ur way to the back... only men n dogs, up front... sorry... btw... did u bring any money? do we need protection, or have you taken care of that? pervs... i meant, did she have any difficulty, getting shells... .22's? well, if she ain't packin a heeeeeater... how do we keep mosh, from howling at the moon...? nm... just grind his stash, into the carpet. ought to keep him busy, til we get back n the inspector, nails the uninhabitable sign, over the strange odor, comin from the moshpit.

I wish ! Lmao just a little motorcycle racin -
02238FD3 DA39 4D2F 9A74 196C06A475F0
3071158B 5582 47ED A98F E147F81660AF


did anyone else, scratch their head, over ummm... the discoloration of the bleached shyt n the closet? serious, contrast... that's how bad the eyes r gettin... by the time, III noticed, under the lights... yup... that's how bad. the crystals weren't ambered. it smoked some, last night. unbelievable... it's just sittin in a mixing bowl... holy f... sigh... that's how bad the mind is, now... i have space in vats, now. i just threw a scale over the top n left it out. it's not cured, even a day. jezuz.. my heart just sank/singular palpitation... yeah, I'm very upset about this. anyway, nm- just went completely, blank.

mornin, gang, have a great day!

i was trying to catch up... it's not just ur stuffs, I'm absent in. ummm... i don't go back n read my stuff. 90%... i don't remember... well, i know i wrote... during whatever period... just not everything i said and I'm being... ummm... shyt... conservative, in that statement. not to mention, what i have inklings of... i don't want to know more. so... while i don't want to miss ummm.... your stories and comments u took the trouble to make.... remember- 1. this isn't for ME . 2. makin a living at writing... i dunno whether any of u noticed: i don't have the courage, or focus... i don't do well with compliments, or criticism/counts as bad news, unless... i mean... hmm... depends on your translation of criticism... how bout that? criticism, is not puppet strings... 3. where else can u leave a meaningful, anecdote n know- four peeps r gonna c this... that u maybe wanted to share, unload, or have others, learn from... and all u have- to express, is a few words, or more pages, but not enough, to fill a book? pffft... thcfarmer, coincidentally and incidentally. nm... I'm sooo far off the mark, from where i started. i can c where this is going.
no triage, today... please excuse me. got too much stuffs, for the other 2, to chain me, to my cell.

tub, goosfraba... errands... good lord- those flips... wtf - how does my garden grow. christ... I'm out. he's comin... hyde, i suspect.


There other wheel designs as well if that one doesn’t work or there isn’t room. Good luck I’m sure it will be easier than ya think 🤔
only if u wanna see me break it.
whatever he does... i thought the decks would take a week... the ramp... another week. if i knew more, n his back held out... there's really nothing he couldn't finish, in 8hrs. seeing him runnin steeple chase, at lowes... i wasn't kidding- y'all are an entirely diff breed.
i used to "run"... was young enough, i didn't hurt myself... then, again...
and as i got older, the union mantra, i thought, was a running, inside joke, when i arrived on the scene... was about safety n not just, short term. i knew alot o kids, who eventually, injured themselves, long term, or no longer breathe, who "RAN"... past tense. it wasn't about lazy... and they knew i was a... FAST/willing, worker. it's funny, how the colors, movie reference of the bulls on the hill... applies to more than just- THAT.
shoot, mosh... I'm tryin to respond n keep it short n sweet... if ur busy enough to b pickin up a torch... that's what i need my response to b: short.


u know i appreciate ur time n experience

i gotta do my chill thing...

u diy guys- anyone makin a ... "bigger" decarb? takes me days to decarb, in the fargin, nova... u want marketing- those peeps and their facts n figs... sigh... i shouldn't have to buy by the case.

make a big decarboxylator... I'll make ya famous;D

the buchner... ohhh.

k I'm out
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