current season

  • Thread starter SPARECHANGE
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now, I'm not sayin I'm not excited to see the banks sweat the end of the month.... i mean, they do have a responsibility as a bank, FDICks, or not... but they have a responsibility to their customers. when we invest, we take risks, typically associated with age, far as just how risky. if the market crashes, or the investment fails, do we get our money back?
when we put our cake in a bank... that's
where the money comes from, for loans and we are extremely well, under compensated, for the allowance of their usury (lending at interest and thank you, merchant of venice for the education).
there are ways to diversify. there are ways to insure your bets, as well.
just playing with 25k and the ability to leverage... i made a lil over a mil in a week, teaching my kid, essentially, how to gamble... but just using the natural swings of solid companies, apple being a prime example and how to insure his bets... in a mock up, Google finance, or Scottrade, Ameritrade, yahoo, finance, or whatever template had the ability... and tbh, i don't recall whether it had a place for us to accont for brokerage fees (deductible and swinging in and out, they can add up. i think they probably got wise n nixed those, eventually; they lend out, as well... hence, margin buying and there's nothing more heart warming, than a margin call so u really do need your own skin n the game... means you purchased on credit, your shit tanked... and you need to cover... ONE WAY, OR OTHER. that's when the diving team competition, gets heavy and no doubt, the lil red man, when he finally did adress it... fell right around his biggest trick, to date: 1 month...).
what happens when china calls in its markers?
where was this 2 trillion, sitting?
some guy's wallet, under a tree?
sometimes, gravity needs to do its thing...
or we do damage.
anyone remember what it was like, post "recession"... was it fun, for you?
now, i know what I've done and why i did it and am fine with the idea of roommates, renting the joint out, or doing whatever i need to, for balance and a new beginning.
this is a man, with a history of getting in, over his little red head and walking without significant consequence, with a fuck it, fuck you, screw everyone else, attitude.
seen the boss, or whatever his show was?
see a recurring theme of shit don't stink, my way, or rte 66?
compulsive shopping is a real thing, as is compulsive gambling and both are easily accomplished, when
one's money
and ond did not have to sweat for it.

2 billion, 10 billion, 999,999,999,999 sounds impressive, unprecidented... doesn't it? $2,000,000,000,000. looks big, doesn't it?
how man readers have ever held $1000?
3000? $5000? $10,000? $25.000?
and not had to reinvest it? into another car?
$100.000? $2.000.000? we're departing the realm of common homes... heald it? counted it? not had to reinvest it?
$20.000.000? still homes, as we see, in this realm... now we're talkin less, greater than, or equal to entire businesses... so let's stop there... but it sounds significant, objectively.
now, for whatever reason, i remembered being 13tril, in the hole, to China, alone. and don't think china and japan and Korea, don't appreciate movies, like big trouble in little china (like i told my xxx wife, it's all in the reflexes), or shows like the man in the high tower... but we owe alot of money, by any standard and we didn't... trump didn't... have to bledd and sweat from it... and this is exactly what happens when money is too cheap (see hard money lending and the loan sharking, the current circumstances, encourage... eh, joey, i want to see him try to make it... kinda shit... yes, the diceman.).
like most things ive seen since... ford?... well, we had iran contra, bush sr... i was on drugs, but air America and Nicaragua, will do. i wouldn't trust a man who headed the cia, as far as i could throw em... i respect the process, because i love my james bond anything, but these people are married to lying and where does one draw the line from swimming with sharks, to holding ones breath, to drowning below the surface of integrity, or running for public office?
bush jr... obviously, the green zone and anyone who was alive for 9/11, news say... 95 born, or earlier... do we feel we know everything? transparency? don't be fucking naive.
obama? hurtin me, to this day. did he do anything, which made your life better, besides saying we had our first black president? be honest. might feel differently if the coverages he impacted, hurt your loved ones.
and now, this little red man... things going well?
how many terms... how many years... until one is responsible?
i don't have any answers. I'm not smart enough. there are people whom are.
things going well for you?
is there a measurement, somewhere when a person might say
I'm sorry... a couple mighta got by... i made a mistake. it's over my head... somebody, just buzzed my tower, etc... and realize, now what... i fucked this up.
i know... because i break everything i touch. there are many jobs Larry the roofer does, that are well beyond the world of, "no... don't touch... put it back... and RUN!".
in the beginning, i had to disclose that yes... I'll break it... or... i don't know how.../ I'm not qualified.... i haven't been checked out on that yet, etc... doods... i dunno that a roofing hammer is not for all things requiring, attention. i mean it'll pretty much fix, break, or kill most problems a white boy from the city, in wanting physical rehab and enjoying hangin with a buddy, all day, only to unwind, with some mild debauchery... I'm overqualified/certified/licensed/i mean i have been fucking checked out on that piece of machinery.
and Larry the roofer, watcher of people... easily caught on that i didn't know shit... but found ways to prove i would work hard and might actually b a worthy investment for any line of work.
i could shine up n hang with motorcycle ridin millionaires in town. it doesn't make me barny... i don't fucking care and the individual I'm thinking of, if probably lookin for the lowest priced, notel, over 5 stories, with an unimpeded view of the sidewalk and Lucille ball and john Wayne, were here.
and Larry the roofer saw i could hang with homeless people and not get all barnied out because they so impress me. it is the hardest job i ever had to find ways to remain high and still end up sleeping under a roof, getting ass and a shower and let me tell you, i didn't mind going hungry, last night.
homeless people are strong, just as being, or behaving like a raging alcoholic, takes strength. those folks... I'd rather swallow lead, before rising from those occupations and those people... one does not have to scrape out of john Wayne's, boot print.

no clue where i was going with that. so lost... none at all and i will not read it, to figure it out.
i remember money n administration n "responsibility"...
ummm... maybe that we owe alot and when one does better to charge it up and open a new commitment, at say 20%, intriguing cause it was a b.s. offer, too high and is exactly what that man GAVE AWAY. u think i want to borrow at 20%? our government just committed us, to that rate... call me a liar... says the businesses won't b on the hook, if they just give it away without Noblesse oblige and let me just point out, what mosh has done... I'm not sure he disclosed his motives and it's nobody's business, but i respect him even more, for it and even still... he may eventually have to... but i admire you so much for what you are doing, mr mosh.
know what 20% interest will cost his people... and him... no fucking creamer... no fucking coffee... inflation. man it is a viscous hamster attack... it is a viscous cycle.
i had a dream, last night... a couple related to the stress du jour and another was me gettin popped and man... it wasn't a nightmare... when they finally got the jury together.... rich man, poor man... Mexican... white, Asian... black... one way, or another... 6 degrees of separation... i had stopped my ghetto sled, and helped a stranger, i didn't catch a name of... who directly affected their lives... and didn't take a penny... and i walked right out the front door because while i fuck everything up... my motives... my heart... i believe, is good, subjectively.
yes, i will post glossary cause we potheads are too fuckin lazy to enrich our vocab.
and if one feels borrowing upon borrowing is a good thing... i dare you to try it. security, is subjective... until the wool and rug, are removed and the rabbit disappears.
not even the top of the pyramid with its all seing eye, benefits, when the rug is removed, in an untimely manner; margin call... EVERYONE loses... regardless of which direction the ponies ran... the race is ended and it's time to pay the piper.
i didn't buy my creamer... i need to be comfortable, doing without, just like EVERYONE else.
i like the scarf that lady was wearing... sorry, shall... we poor dunno what tapestries even are, anymore... I'm sure she was invested... these are folks with RETIREMENT plans... it'll cover her splash, beautifully, when she makes her red swan impression. cost of doing business.

and im lost


how much is enough? what would be enough? let's see... fuel price is his call... he n his buddies can flood, or reserve, at any time. ever heard of opec, russia, Argentina, etc .. so can others. does it matter? your memories of better days, have been triggered. it's an illusion...
does it matter? we're being pulled over for leaving our homes. we're being quarantined for leaving our states...
let me say that, again... OUR STATES... which had greater emphasis? the fact that i said it twice, or that i omitted: OUR EARTH, OUR COUNTRIES, OUR CONTINENTS... man... we think globally, with our pockets, only... we are being quarantined, for returning home... for visitng... why.... we're all human... i can see Mexico... why can't they walk, here... my dirt any different? they prolly made... nm... flipflops n docs... i already know....
man... it's selfish. if one can breathe... one should be able to keep walking. would a terrorist blow shit up, if they felt it's their own home, their own Vatican? Timothy McVeigh was white. ted kozinski, was a white American.... odds are, one of the two was baptized...
man if it's all our holy land and all one our home country....
i think we'd treat it better because it would cost us to feel- she's someone like me's mother and how could i... how could we.
why can't we see passed what is good for star trek four, or the good of the one, should be an objective response... the lights go out for one, the lights go out for our entire universe. man, is that fuckin simple and 6 people should all be in agreement...

how much would it take and how much...

human nature

I've had it

nothing is ever enough

if i felt i could say with integrity

i don't know who you are

i would bang you, pack my shit and go.

i would. unless ur a dood.




i hold no grudge

i have needs

if she'd asked to take a ride downtown, last night... in a heartbeat. in a heartbeat.
think i didn't put a quarter in the machine? think this bed wasn't a rockin... that, my friends, is called secks as a weapon. can't stand it n no i won't hold a grudge. she'd have let me. that's not the point... i never miss my goal, of 3 a day... not since off opioids n even still, tried to qualify and man... if ur sig other, or ur gand wants some... give it up. or you're likely to lose em to someone who will, or the first one accepting negotiables... you love em? do anything for em? give it up... put their junk, where ur mouth is and for gods' sake, put your fucking back into it like you actually love gettin ur groove on with the one u allegedly love and yes, my company accommodates sick days... let her cup the boys, simply kiss her, correct... and ladies, if your man needs a lollipop, shove it in, with a twist. make sure he knows to breathe deep.
fellas... they just want you to stroke their hair and listen to em... make the time.
unfortunately, she's not pleased, with the upstairs, neighbors, whom r strangers to her... i know she's not classically educated. i know books n more than ghost adventures, ain't her thing.
i knew i was askin for a lollipop, on a sick day, when i said, feast your eyes n turn pages...
we will see. the earth keeps spinning and if we stand still... so do we... so do we... life happens. stay, go... life keeps happening. lawless has a good quote, right before the guy tastes metal... and then iron...

lost... lost...

may go rockhounding with the gals, after all... i listened... no doubt she'll say something profound in a bit... she won't mean that, either. in simplest of terms... humans have a difficult time, recognizing instinct vs logic vs human nature... she doesn't make a cent... doesn't bring money to the table. i am security... security in her hands... to her, her aunt is security in the bush...
i could use a vacation, anyway and my heroes... it's not a matter of would, wouldn't... it's a non issue. g will suspect, like any woman, but she needs a lil space to say some shit... she means... but her instincts won't let her act on. u can rely, on human nature... she'll be here when i return, whether i leave enough for her to travel, or not and not because she's ill. obviously, I'll have to rehide my opis... human nature...

and it's not that i don't care... people r people... whether it g, or the one at 8a.m., the next morning- people say n do things to b hurtful... we do... may as well b one you love, regardless of scars...

be careful what you wish for... deeper holes, don't always have water in em and not EVERYONE can swim... we gonna have to cover the bodies in those holes... may want to work together and make a strateger a friend.



i speak jive

1. i don't know who you are
hug me-
no... need a smoke n beer... if i were myself, I'd b listening n huggin.

imma go for a couple days, if the mood swings

2. why
hug me. stay. listen.

i think you need some time

3. you need to go to the store before you leave

means please don't further detach from that hug

y'all have to imagine what it must be like to suddenly live with sparechange, thing one and thing two

she might need to invest in a book

and i will remind her and spare/risk the time and space for her to explore the final frontier and actually comprehend what all things she has had my rumpus in.

and as i love her... SHE IS FREE. and can breathe and listen to the quail and watch the sparrows and finches, while i breathe and learn because i have an insatiable appetite for wisdom and i do i do ido need to goosfraba. my lovely g, likes geodes. she feels an energy of whatever hoogabooga, she believes in, in them. they're pricey. i have always wanted to know how to tell the difference between an old piece of shit and an terrestrial, burp... and i found my first one, with Larry the roofer and gave it, to my lovely g. so while it's self serving, i feel it an investment in my future. and investment, in a person.
some trails, a person must walk alone.

for bleach? they don't have any. I've been shopping, twice in the last week, what else could you possibly, NEED... it ain't something they stock. it resides in me. it resides in g.

we will see

we will see

i enjoy my time with my carni whore and my mocha mamma. as does g. and regardless of which neighbor is behind the wheel, they... accept all of me and i could use a hug from four, myself... thing 1, 2 and the other 2, i can look in the eyes.

that's what's up. for me, there's no choice to b made, but to have g's back

in all things.

cute, sparrow, nestlings. pretty songs to dance to... playing their pianos.

it's springtime, in the desert.
it is 56°F
and i am sparechange


and yes

g just got a huge hug, until that fucking weinerdog, caught me.

it silently says

i love you
it ain't to be hurtful
i shall return and pray that IT makes you happy; fulfilled... but am probably still going; whether, permitting.

nothing was said

nothing needs to be

it says

there is nothing to forgive


am human, too.


in the simplest terms, sorry diesel,

i just made love to my lovely g



i have laughed with you
i have cried with you

inspire us

tell us your human stories

doesn't matter when we arrived

tell us through your eyes

patch Adams is an inspiration

as IS mr Robin Williams.

tell us your oh... sorry... you're home, sick. gesundeit!



are our lives not become one story
surrealism expressed in an abstract manner

a parody
my life has gone to shit
my yard, my roof my neighbors you all are an in my face, novel; a story
but i have never loved, or enjoyed the marrow of my story, more.
i have never loved more deeply. never felt such compassion... never felt so rich... so poor... never hurt my jaw from smiling so much, coughed out as oft, from laughing so hard, or being so stretched pulled, beaten n stressed. never looked so much life and death in the face.
we have BECOME...

science fiction
human natural
foreign (subtitled)
southern (sense, the separation)

a library of tales told from varying perspectives

parallaxily so

all true

i feel it

you feel it

we sense it


nothing more

nothing less

than the graffiti

of our time

and it all leaves its mark

regardless of






we cannot afford to use our eyes

we must sense it

we must feel it


we must feel

on a universal level

for every person

every creature

every being





it's not your move

it is our moves

tell us a story


you made me ink

those of you I've yet to shake snotty elbows with

you inspire we

share with we

you are we


retarding patterns

if we've allowed the gods, dogs and grapes of wealth loose


is a balance
and balances come due

if we allow cocaine to wander without recourse (metaphorically; keep up with us)... and pot is driving 90% of economic growth
and we r driven by fear... pain...
and pot not only cures it...
for those who would b high, clouds transparency... mitigates anxiety; hysteria...
why would we not unleash the beast?
let it, in a healthy manner does what it naturally does, throughout its documented history.

a little sparechange
a little piece of mind
a little common cents

round pegs and round holes

silk roads

and roman highways

and i am a highwayman

i am sparechange

i am us four
plus four more
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