Dabber Moving To Uk Soon, Needs Guidance

  • Thread starter DannyBlue
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So I'll get this out of the way now: I'm not looking for a connection, or a friend of yours... unless we're talking glass blowing, then I'll reconsider that statement. But seriously, not looking for help buying shit. Get that out of your head.

At a couple of my previous employers, I was a daily dabber. I preferred dabbing for the obvious reasons while working, and it turned into a preferred method overall. I mean, once you're set, it's always cheaper. Soon, I'll be moving to the UK for work, and what I'd like to know is if edibles and dabbing are as much of a thing in the UK as it can be for me right at home. I haven't the slightest clue, and my one friend in the East Anglia area isn't aware of much more than flower. I sent him a picture of my oil rig, and he hasn't seen any like it in person. He also hasn't tried too hard to get concentrates, but I wouldn't expect them to be common when there aren't similar laws. Are edibles even much of a thing? I'm coming from the Phoenix, AZ area... so I am coming from a city with plenty of options and availability.

I don't know what to expect after my move. Are concentrates or edibles something I will likely run into? Basically, is it common at all? Looking back at my personal smoking experience, it isn't strange for me to pick up a gram of concentrate and dab before leaving, and I'll even bring a pen to dab more on the drive wherever. And I don't even have to leave the country to lose this experience... so it makes me start wondering about the smoking culture in my next home. I know my move will be a big change over all, but is it realistic that I'll be able to continue daily dabbing after I get settled in? Will I be doomed to home brews? Or is a trip to Amsterdam going to be mandatory to make up for my willingness to leave an MMJ state due to work?

Also, if what my friend said about oil rigs is typical (not having seen one), is there some reason for it? Import or sale laws? I don't mind bringing mine over... but if it isn't super common, or something I would benefit from using, might as well sell mine and get a regular bong after the move, right? I'd rather blend in than be that weed addicted yankee that just moved in. I'm already weird at home, I don't need to stick out more than a normal expat.

Don't really know what else to say, or what else to ask... but for the tl;dr crowd:
- are edibles and dabbing remotely as much of a thing in the UK as it is for me at home (Phoenix, AZ, USA)
- are they something I will likely run into in general? and the BIG question: will it be cost effective like it is for me now? for example, if a gram of shatter isn't insanely priced, is there a common source that I should expect quality from (like some Bret Maverick kinda dude), or would I be buying shatter that some chav blew with his friends, and they didn't bother to purging is more of an afterthought? Absolutely clueless on the market there
- if it ain't worth it, maybe stick with cannabutter and diy rosin? I know I won't be the first to bake space cakes, or to combine a t-shirt press and nugs, in the UK lol
- any reason oil/dab rigs wouldn't be popular there? if not, probably leave mine at home/sell it to a friend?
- basically, what's considered normal weed culture in the UK? and probably more relevant to me, will anything be as cost efficient? I'm sure shatter won't be close in price, but it shouldn't be and arm and a dick for some clean shatter..... right?

Not trying to bend or break rules, either. Just good to know what to expect.
Stoney M

Stoney M

Regulations still suck in the uk for germinating seeds (what they don't know won't hurt them). A lot of people are starting to make oil over here recently but seem to be using propane gas canisters and a good few explosions killing people. Not something I'm into personally as I just concentrate on the bud over here.
Most of the strains here being used are super lemon and various cheese strains from Barneys blue to greenhouse uk cheese and exodus cheese if you're lucky enough. Those seem to be the staple diet of the U.K. Grower. Cheese has been mine for the last 5-6 grows throughout the years.
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Surprisingly good stuff on the wiki.

According to the Home Office, "It remains illegal for UK residents to possess cannabis in any form".[31] Giving evidence to 1997–98 parliamentary select committee hearings, the British Medical Association (BMA) said that users of cannabis for medical purposes should be aware of the risks, should enroll for clinical trials, and should talk to their doctors about new alternative treatments; but the BMA did not advise them to stop.[35]

Cannabis is illegal to possess, grow, distribute or sell in the UK without the appropriate licences.[36] It is a Class B drug, with penalties for unlicensed dealing, unlicensed production and unlicensed trafficking of up to 14 years in prison, an unlimited fine, or both.[36] The maximum penalty is five years in prison.[36] A "Cannabis warning" can be issued for small amounts of cannabis (generally less than 1 ounce of herbal cannabis, or a slightly higher quantity of hashish) if it is found to be for personal use. This entails the police keeping a record, albeit one which carries no fine and does not show up on standard DBS Check. From 2004 to 2009 it was a Class C drug.[37]

In the survey-year ending March 2014, possession of cannabis offences accounted for 67% of all police recorded drug offences in the UK.[38]

In 2015, County Durham police announced that they will no longer be targeting people who grow cannabis for personal consumption unless they are being "blatant". Derbyshire, Dorset and Surrey police announced that they will also be implementing similar schemes. The move is in response to significant budget cuts, which means police forces are having to prioritise more pressing areas.[39]
Stoney M

Stoney M

Surprisingly good stuff on the wiki.

According to the Home Office, "It remains illegal for UK residents to possess cannabis in any form".[31] Giving evidence to 1997–98 parliamentary select committee hearings, the British Medical Association (BMA) said that users of cannabis for medical purposes should be aware of the risks, should enroll for clinical trials, and should talk to their doctors about new alternative treatments; but the BMA did not advise them to stop.[35]

Cannabis is illegal to possess, grow, distribute or sell in the UK without the appropriate licences.[36] It is a Class B drug, with penalties for unlicensed dealing, unlicensed production and unlicensed trafficking of up to 14 years in prison, an unlimited fine, or both.[36] The maximum penalty is five years in prison.[36] A "Cannabis warning" can be issued for small amounts of cannabis (generally less than 1 ounce of herbal cannabis, or a slightly higher quantity of hashish) if it is found to be for personal use. This entails the police keeping a record, albeit one which carries no fine and does not show up on standard DBS Check. From 2004 to 2009 it was a Class C drug.[37]

In the survey-year ending March 2014, possession of cannabis offences accounted for 67% of all police recorded drug offences in the UK.[38]

In 2015, County Durham police announced that they will no longer be targeting people who grow cannabis for personal consumption unless they are being "blatant". Derbyshire, Dorset and Surrey police announced that they will also be implementing similar schemes. The move is in response to significant budget cuts, which means police forces are having to prioritise more pressing areas.[39]

Yes it's starting to relax but nothing like the laws in the U.S unfortunately yet. Time will tell.


Yes it's starting to relax but nothing like the laws in the U.S unfortunately yet. Time will tell.
They aren't that relaxed. Concentrates in some non-med states are treated the same as cocaine and heroine. [citation needed]


I take it that's about all anyone can say on the forums, then lol. Well shit, sounds like I have a serious decision to make.

I like what the wiki states, but it doesn't help me figure out the answers to my questions. Thanks, though.
Stoney M

Stoney M

I'd say PM me if poss regarding what goes on here. Tbh the uk take the piss with weights and pricing over here. Not sure how it's worked out in other parts but I'm sure we're the most exp from £ to weight ratio. Defo worth it if you like the £ side of things. If you're looking just to create a personal stash just keep your head down regarding anything to do with this subject.
Stoney M

Stoney M

I'd say PM me if poss regarding what goes on here. Tbh the uk take the piss with weights and pricing over here. Not sure how it's worked out in other parts but I'm sure we're the most exp from £ to weight ratio. Defo worth it if you like the £ side of things. If you're looking just to create a personal stash just keep your head down regarding anything to do with this subject.
Too many that wouldn't think twice about taking someone's crop. ( it's not like you can do anything about it unless you take the situation into your own hands). Just be extra carefull bud.


Very much appreciated. Not looking to make a high profile, just trying to gauge what my future holds. May not be ideal, but I'll find a way to make it work. Worst case, I'll probably make regular trips to Amsterdam hahaha. Really just looking for a personal stash, or at least an easy way to medicate in higher doses. If it means going on a vacation to get my head in the clouds, so be it. I won't make a huge fuss.
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