Day 15 Of Flowering And Now This Starts To Happen? Please Help.

  • Thread starter Sadgrower
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I grow Critical Mass in rockwool slabs-flood and drain system. (i do it manually twice a day)

I use Ph perfect nutes 3 part series. I was actually running a drain to waste system to try and ensure no problems this time and guess what they happened anyway. the ec was always 1.6-1.8 in veg trickling up..I then continued the same feed until day 10 when clear pistils start to show. At which time i switched to maxi bloom but maintained the same EC. Im on day 15 now ans still at 1.9.

Temps are ideal throughout 75 with light on 68 with them off.

Ph is always 5.8-6.2. Below are the pics.

The small plants are on day 1 of flowering -nice and green and pretty much no problem. (Light green may be attributed to the first 12 hours of dark yesterday). The pics were taken seconds apart from each other.

The bigger plants that have the damage that started on day 12 of flowering are on day 15 of flowering. On day 10 as usual i switched to maxi bloom-Basically 1 teaspoon per gallon which leaves my ec at 1.8- 1.9.

My tap water has 0.14 of whatever already in it- I use a milwaukee EC pen that has never failed me. I also use a good ph pen. I am in Rio de Janeiro and dont have all the access to all the shit from back home. This ISNT my first rodeo either in fact im sad to say i have many years in the business but am now losing control of everything right around the 2nd week of flower. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP. IM THE SADDEST GROWER ON THE PLANET RIGHT NOW.

As a measure i began to add Cali magic only yesterday but I am unsure if thats the fix or not so im jumping the gun and asking for help. I have many more racks vegging they all look great the problem occurs in the 2nd week of flowering. THANKS IN ADVANCE FOR ANYONES HELP
Sounds like when you switch to maxi- bloom your problems appear shortly after? Looks kinda like a potassium issue


Never ran wool but I think guys who do typically feed lower ec and lower ph than you are. Good luck bro, I know your pain


Thanks for the reply dude and thanks for actually reading the post . Over 45 people weighed in and the consensus is "General overfeeding". during the switch...the ec probably rised to around 2.0 to 2.3 which believe it or not is ok with this strain in flower when the plants are big but these arent so they couldnt take it. Too much of one nute locked out the other. The interveinal chlorosis also suggests magnesium. Oh well Its fixed already...Ill post the pics up soon and exactly what I did so people know whats up ...But one easy rule of thumb with rockwool (and i forgot this) its been a while since i did a run so i just forgot, but its to run a simple flush every seventh day with straight water then back to the same feed the next day......Kinda washing the medium out. If done correctly you should just see lush green the whole way through and never have even a small discoloration on the leaves! On day 10 I was impatient and just switched to Maxi bloom and It doubled up the formula in the slabs and had everyone od'ing on me ...but its cool ...will post soon the pics of dazzling recovery soon and thanks a bunch for the reply homie!!

Smoke up


Cal mag has fallen out of solution.
Too hot of solution and poor starting water quality.


Ok, Um hydro tech dude...The cal mag is brand new and my temps are 70f or below in the room and the res. Even colder at nighttimes. So um yeah anyhow.

Poor starting water is agreeble 0.14 is some damn good clean water to drink but needs the cal mag during flower or youll run into shit. Amazing im in a 3rd world country that has cleaner drinking water than most places in the USA, but its a little too clean.

Thanks for your time homie
Smoke up.
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