dead spots, yellowing, dry...too late?

  • Thread starter drfarm
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Group of 8 plants are all exhibiting what you see in the foto. Yellowing and leaf drop at the bottom also. The dead looking spots do all the way through and the leaves are often very brittle. They are at about 30 days flower, too far to let it go on. Right now they are recieving 9 ml/gallon florabloom. Water is ph at 6.0. Recently flushed when the run off showed a low 5 ph, but that has been a couple weeks and no improvement. Just today added a teaspoon epsom salt in 2 gallons and 1/4 tspn. of 30% hyd.peroxide. There is one just flipped to flower with them about 10 days ago, which was healthy and green until now and is showing similar signs. Maybe a disease or? I dont know, need help. All my vegging plant share the room with the flowering until about lights out when they are moved to a veg chamber. No obvious problems with anything in veg, only the flowering ones. Really starting to worry me with this Thanks, drfarm

Will get more fotos if it will help, but cant get good macros
Dead spots yellowing drytoo late


30 Days flower, 9 ml bloom. Could be a P deficiency. If you were growing in coco and watering everyday this might be enough but with soil-less mix(looks like what your using) watering less you might need more bloom nutes in the surge of the flowering period which your in. 6.0 ph seems fine, I use 6.2 in soil-less but know people who go 6.0 and 6.4.

Plus the little yellow random spots on the bottom kinda look like the start of a calcium deficiency to me, or it could just be the P def starting up. Try a little more bloom and a little bit of cal-mag. The overall paleing is just natural during the end of flowering 30 days might be a little early but no big deal


Well this is my guess...

Those ladies need some N... Do you cut to only 9mL Bloom per gallon as soon as they hit flower? The Bloom has no N in it whatsoever, so that could be the cause of the yellowing dying leaves from the bottom up... For the first few weeks of flower I stick to the 6mL Micro, 9mL Bloom per gallon, and everything stays nice and healthy... I dont cut out the Micro till the beginning of week 4.


Definitely agree with Concept about the N if your not adding any Micro to your mix. I do 9-6 also but up the bloom around Day 21-28

But that dead necrotic patch looks like a P deficiency to me...


I was using 6/9 micro/bloom until about 1 week ago. Just changed to straight florabloom then. At least no one thinks yet there is disease. That is good. Few better pics and if you still think the same, that is the direction I'm going. For now, next feeding will up the bloom to 12 mil/gal and maybe 6/12 on the younger one in the center with the newer flowers. Thanks for helping everyone
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Yeah Dr go with 12-6. The speckling of little yellow spots turning brown looks like a calcium deficiency which makes sense since you cut out the Micro which has the Calcium in it. The paleing of the leaves is no doubt Nitrogen also due to the fact that you cut out the Micro. I usually keep 6ml Micro till day 42-49 then I start my 3 week flush.


Thanks Spinkus, and Concept. You have no idea how much better this makes me feel. Third round with this plant and the prob has gotten worse each time. I have backed up on the nutes more each time and maybe deficient was the problem all along. Will post again in a week good or bad if anything is changed and what has been done. Thanks so much, drfarm


Glad I could help! You just figured it out in your last post!

"Third round with this plant and the prob has gotten worse each time. I have backed up on the nutes more each time and maybe deficient was the problem all along"


Hey no problem DrFarm...

Just a quick question... Are you growing in Soil or Coco? I can clearly see some dead leaf tips, which could mean that they are being overfed, or perhaps there is a salt buildup in your medium from pH issues... If you are in soil, then 6.0 is really a bit low...however in Coco, I have found that 5.6-5.8 seems to hit the mark for me. Like Spinkus said, there does seem to be a bit of a calcium problem (the spotting, dead edges on the serrations) which definitely will rear its head with pH issues and the lack of Cal or Mg in the Bloom nutes.

Id suggest a bit of Cal/Mag if you have it, as I also see some intervenal chlorosis starting (sign of Mg def)...

Here is what I would do.... First off, give em a good flush... use 2-3 times as much water as the volume of your containers (2 gallon containers, use 4-6 gallons of water)....If you are in Coco, Id flush with plain water pHed to 5.8, in soil around 6.8...

After a good flush, then I would give them your normal feeding...Perhaps 12mL Bloom may be a bit much if you do already have a nutrient lockout....after the flush Id go with the normal feeding 9mL Bloom, along with a dose of Cal/Mag or Micro to get some Ca & Mg back in those babies...

Either way, with problems like this I would certainly give them a good flush before you give them more and more food becuase like I said I can see some tip burns, which could mean you are overferted and the medium is locking out many of the nutrients your ladies need right now.

Good luck, I hope the problems clear up for you.



This is def a K deficiency, compounding Mg/Ca problems. How much Floragro are you using? You'll notice most of the K in GH 3 part, is actually in the gro. All three of these have to be used in conjunction with each other. The levels of each changes depending on where your at in your grow....but if your not using any gro right now with four weeks to go, it's no wonder your K deficient. Right now is when i'd start backing out of the gro and adding KoolBloom, to give them even more K.


Hey thc, no Im not using any gro. I never have, but bloom does have a nice amount. I will get on the GH website, play with the calculator and see if I can raise K without too mch N at this point. and the pot mix is about 50% MG organic,20% perlite, 30% non supplemented rose mix (local nursery mix), all,I try, flushed before use and sun dried to clean up the miracle gro. When fresh it will flush at the low 6 ph.
Not sure flushing today would be good, just watered this morning. In 2 days I can do that and 1) then redo the nutes or 2) give clear water and skip a feed. What might be better with that?

I do have floragro here but no type bloom boosters, Kool Bloom, Monster Bloom etc....

looks like 9 bloom/3gro/3micro will raise both p and k and not N, shorts magnesium so foliar 1 tspn/gal epsom salt each day maybe will help that. Sorry no cal mag either but water here is pretty good C. S'pose could use phosphoric A. instead of vinegar for ph correction too. 35 gallons of that shit here. OK here goes. Thanks all


If i am reading this right drfarm said he has never used ANY gro. It's no wonder his plants are F'd up. He might not need it so much NOW Spinkus, but he sure needed it 4 weeks ago...and that's why there def today. It's so obvious on here, as to who has no F'n clue as to what there talkin about. I still use even a little gro all the way to week 7 of bloom. GH 3 part is really easy to use, just read the bottle, and use all three parts! Good Luck;)


There are alot of people here and elsewhere who do just fine using Micro and bloom everything you need are in these 2 bottles. I admit I use some floragro in veg, but thats it.

Thats right read the bottles. All the nutrients that are in each one are on the back, and there's nothing "magic" in the gro thats in the others.

And in my little experience I haven't seen a potassium def. 4 weeks into flower using GH. Seen calcium, mag., nitrogen, phosphorus. Not potassium

BTW heres 4 bushes 3 phenos of g13xhaze and a Mr. Blueberry, no Gro the whole time in flower, and would you look at that no deficiencys....Day 49 flower


Spinkus, looks real good I have to admit, but just imagine if you would use all three the way GH intended? I can assure you GH scientists know more then me or you when it comes to nutrient formulas. One thing to always remember as well, different plants have different requirements, defs that you'll see in some you'll never see in others. Nutehog, Easy to Grow, beginner strains, will probably handle your formula just fine, your sacrificing your yield nonetheless, but the more finnicky plants that don't like alot of nutes, are really going to suffer using your method. Somewhere around here I have an excel Nutrient formula that I developed and have been using for a few years now. Tried and True! If I can figure out how to post it up anyone here is more then welcome to give it a shot next time around;)


Maybe you can't upload excel files...keeps saying invalid file?


THC I would really like to see the formula you have worked out.
Alright, Im listening, obvious there is problems with what Ive been doing. This is only my 3rd go, sooo....Im listening. First time was fine, 3.6 Zs in a 3 gallon,not great on the strain but OK But then I burned them pretty good and started backing up until this point. So for the moment, taking the advice of all you guys togather and studying the nute calculators.


It seems like there is mag deficient and maybe K as well, just comparing sick plant pics.

So Im listening to Spinkus AND Thc and it's starvation and 3gro/3micro/9bloom with epsom/floralicious foliar may bail this out at the moment. For sure that small amt of Gro cant hurt and seems it will help. Seems that mix will get the PK better too. There are 20 seedlings coming on now and not fed yet, so I am changing and listening to every word you tell me 4 sure. Foliar fed them yesterday( these) the florlicious/epsom 1 tspn each/gal and it certainly has not hurt, early to say if it helped much either. Florlicious was 1/1/1. Thanks everyone, dont give up on me yet. Im lhearing you and not 2nd guessing

Great flower room Spinkus:happy: Careful teach me to much and I'll catch up to you
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