Wanted Deficiency? Fungus? Help plz!

  • Thread starter beansandgreens
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So, Can anyone help me pinpoint why many of my plants turn light green after a while?
Im thinking the brown is something else also. disease? IDK

I get that there can be alot of overlapping symtoms caused by issues but if anyone can somewhat provide me insight it would help me so much. Ive only grown 3 times and the last two times ( including theses 3 plants) have sorta resulted in what you see.

I ruled out light burn. Tempurature & humidity in the room (ever since Ive stopped using my HPS, lol) have been around 19 to 24 degrees Celcius so no heat issues.

Would the light geen color indicate nitrogen deffiviency? & the brown ?

thank you for looking at this post if you have!


The Cannabis Karen (I'm a Bytch)
So, Can anyone help me pinpoint why many of my plants turn light green after a while?
Im thinking the brown is something else also. disease? IDK

I get that there can be alot of overlapping symtoms caused by issues but if anyone can somewhat provide me insight it would help me so much. Ive only grown 3 times and the last two times ( including theses 3 plants) have sorta resulted in what you see.

I ruled out light burn. Tempurature & humidity in the room (ever since Ive stopped using my HPS, lol) have been around 19 to 24 degrees Celcius so no heat issues.

Would the light geen color indicate nitrogen deffiviency? & the brown ?

thank you for looking at this post if you have!
I'll try to help, are you in soil? And are you bottle feeding or using dry amendments for organic?


The Cannabis Karen (I'm a Bytch)
Do you have any means to test you soils pH? Anything we add will not work if your soils pH is off.


This is the light I’m using at the moment however I do have a 600w HPS and a 600w MH. They are not being used atm because I have had times where the room was just to damn warm and that did affect the girls.

So with that said I know it’s not heat that’s causing it.

I’ve also had grows where they’ve gotten light burn also so I’m pretty sure it’s not that either.

As for soil, I start the transplanted clones in Growing Green Kryptonite then the final transplant I put them in a super soil mixture I made following a tutorial online.

I will try testing the ph with the kit I have but I’m assuming a digital ph meter would be better for accuracy.
IMG 4907
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xX Kid Twist Xx

xX Kid Twist Xx

Premium Member
don't know the strains you are growing but the big one is nitrogen deficient as well as calcium. you can get a cal mag combo and i would use some britanicare prue blend grow or something similar. the smaller ones look like they have enough from the soil but are being over watered. any time you transplant trying go to a little bigger size 1st when they are small like that. if you jump right into a large pot the roots are not enough to soak up all the water. once you feed the larger plants pay attention to the new growth as the older growth is to damaged to repair itself. the new shoots will be nice and lime green. once you get soem new green growth you should be able to chop the tops of the plants off till you only have green lower growth.

dont top it till a few days after you feed it, dont want to much shock going on.


I’ll have to look into it.

A guy made me beleive I should buy this shit yet I dont even grow hydroponically.

Think the dual fuel would benefit my issue?

It’s getting depressing not knowing what to do atm tbh.

I just got a ph meter and it reads 7.0/7.2


Many people say 6-7 is ok for soil but i personally believe that the closer to 6 you can get the better. you can test ur soil ph a couple different ways. the most common would be to measure the ph of the run off water that will give you a pretty decent idea on what the soil ph is so you can adjust what ur putting in. second would be to take some of the media put it in a cup with some ro water shake/stir it let it settle and measure that. or use a direct soil prope. assuming your ph is correct i would look into feeding her she looks like she wants food.


The Cannabis Karen (I'm a Bytch)
I’ll have to look into it.

A guy made me beleive I should buy this shit yet I dont even grow hydroponically.

Think the dual fuel would benefit my issue?

It’s getting depressing not knowing what to do atm tbh.

View attachment 2084817I just got a ph meter and it reads 7.0/7.2
Bottle feeding defeats the purpose of organic feeding. In organic we are feeding the soil. The soil then feeds the plant, giving it what it needs when it needs it. The root system of the plant talks to the soil. It's a little complex how this happens involving bacteria, fungi, and other organisms in the soil. A totally different thought process from bottle feeding. You'd have to do a lot of reading and studying to really grasp this. A healthy soil system will take care of your plant for you. Some say that a true biological healthy soil system can only be obtained from larger pots. 15 and up.

Now with bottles ..you are feeding the plant directly.

In a bottled feeding regimen the waters pH is important.

In a soil feeding regimen the soils pH is important

Both have different recommendations of healthy pH levels...

Trying to do both styles of growing will really jack you and your plant... Pick one style, don't do both.
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