Did i dry it to much???

  • Thread starter WildCajun
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Last Sunday i harvested the girls sat down and manicured 8 27" plants and hung the buds in the flower room with no light the RH is normal 60% outside RH is 75% so put 2 fans on circulating air in the room not directly on the buds just good air flow checked RH after 2 days 60% and on Wed.went in the room RHwas 32% felt the buds and felt real dry even crumbled in my fingers , when i bent the stem it kind od popped but did not break ,so i jarred all the buds thinking some how they dried out to quick ,after putting buds in Jars i also put RH gauges in the jar ,after 1 day being sealed the rh is up to 70% hoping to get some what higher so i can perform the right cure process ,the question is do you think i will gain RH as they sit sealed for a few days then start to burp them THanks
Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

Stop looking for more humidity, you don't want moldy buds. If your stems don't snap they are not ready for jarring. While the very outside of your huds are crumbly I bet the middle of the buds are still pretty moist. Make sure you are letting those jars breath or you will loose it all. Too dry bud is better than no (or moldy) buds.


slooooooow cure....brings out the flavor. Cure too fast and no flavor.

I try and set my drying room up so that they hang dry for about a week. Then I put them in a paper sack loosely closed and open them up 2 times per day and move them around (gently). After about a week in the bag (depending) they go into mason jars and are burped once a day and inspected closely. Once fully dry I let them cure in the jars another 3-4 weeks. This is very similar to DJ Shorts drying reccomendations.


After 2 days of the jars closed the RH has gone up to 80% Thank god ,now i will start the normalcurring process closed for 12 hours burp for an hour the skunk is great right now cant wait till it cures all the way


Pull them out of the jars and put them in brown paper bags with the top folded over and fill them half way up no more. Keep them in there for another day or so

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