Do I need to change LED Driver??

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I'm using cheap chinese LED (Roleadro 300W) and it was ok for a period time.
When I turn it up, it blinked for about several minutes then it went stable.

But now, it is only blinking like crazy.

So I bought multimeter and check if driver was the problem.

On the LED driver it is written 45- 75v, 650mA.

When I checked with multimeter, It showed me 55 - 74 V and current fluctuating between 0 - 530mA

Is this driver broken?? or is this normal?? or did I measured it wrong?

I measured it like this

Measuring current

   ┌ multi meter ─┐
Driver ┤       ├ led

Measuring voltage

     multi meter
Driver ──────┴─────led

If it is broken, Can I replace it with CC driver with 500mA and voltage range between 55 - 75 V??
Or is it just not worth the risk and buy a new one??

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Yeah I would replace the driver. You can try the smaller one you mentioned but you may have to lessen the load on it or it may not work. No sense not trying if you have it. Probably only about $10 or $15 for a new one
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