Plants can not store foods like ppl can, If it is not too excessive the plants tries to adapt to the high fertilized medium it is in ,,
healthy plants can uptake and expel certain amounts threw the leaves , this excess can be sweated (an act of ATP) out of the leaves, and onto other leaves , you ever move a leave and see a wet spot on another leaf it was laying on? This is what im talking about ,the plant sweating ,, In this sweat the ph is balanced ,because it came from the plant ,, and it has to have a balanced ph ,, also in this sweat is nutrients the plants did not use or could not use ,, or the by product of what it did use. This is the start of were PM can and will grow it has the things it needs to grow ,, being a balanced ph medium to grow on ,, and the medium ( being the leaf )
has now a food source ,, ( came from the ATP reacting the sweat contains nutrients ) to use and flourish .
Maybe this will help.
Posted by Sunsimulator on another thread.