Do you Live in CO, WA, or CA?

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IG @delae_632
Hmmm... so, because I like to stand up for my state, I'm a white supremacist? o_O Puh-leez.

I know plenty about California's Superfund sites, the environmental destruction wreaked by power comapnies, the defense industry- and that environmental cesspool known as Long Beach and the entire LA basin, one of the worst polluted places to live on the face of the earth. Colorado is fuckin' PRISTINE compared to that.

Yes, Colorado IS my home state; and the fact that I'm second generation is actually irrelevant. I choose to live here, and make it my home- and therefore, I will defend it. Especially against those who would spread silly and reprehensible disinformation about it.

The line I used was, "People are welcome here as long as they behave themselves, contribute something useful and clean up after themselves." I stand by it. If you're offended, then maybe it's because you fear you don't measure up to that relatively low standard?

I don't like California, therefore I don't live there. The idea that I'm ignorant about its issues because I don't breathe the smog is laughable.



Just to remind people who think california is a nasty polluted mess. Maybe u should try to not visit the tourist cities like la and sf.

Try visiting the sierras, you know, where yosemite is, and lake tahoe, some of the most beautiful places in the world. Your ignorant to think that california doesnt have some of the most beautiful scenery in the world. And guess what, our mountains have trees. Which makes for lots of fresh mountain air.

All im sayin, is theres a lot more to california then just the big cities and coastal towns. In the mountains is where the real shit happens.


I aint searchin for pussy, Ive got me a nice blond haired blue eyed beauty....shes all rubbers, no worrys...millions.....nah but my new regional marketing coordinator job pays me damn nice...add that too my wifes....6 figure salary and I aint worrying...I'll be finishing up the last pot job Ill ever be part of later this month....then honestly all you silly stoners can have at it. So tired of this shit. Boy I love weed, but fuck I cant stand the life or most the people in it. Its all fun when its just you and your friends trying too one up each other....meeting up smoking oz's of weed till you pass out early in the morning.....shooting the shit, having fun, learning.....its all an adventure at that point.....then it becomes a job.....and shit loses all the luster....At some point ya gotta grow up. Pot aint hard too grow at all. Getting a Plant Bio Tech degree, or becoming a field biologist thats hard....
I love this job and its not getting any older. Wont see me calling in or quitting EVER! Some people cant handle it being on plant schedules and all the sketchy shit associated. It keeps the fire under my ass. Either way a job is a job is a job. I can handle it.


Then what's the issue? At least the market is pricing itself accordingly. Considering there are hundreds of dispensaries in each state I highly doubt you went to even a quarter of them to do a proper analysis. Then again I don't care, that's not what this thread is about.
Lakes, Trees, Farmers Markets, hippy type people as apposed to yo hommie dog fight t'night.
Good school, liberal inclusive community, safe. Independent restaurants instead of riddled with fast food restaurants and walmarts.
I stated the overall product is crap in CO. So people dont spend much on herb from what i gathered. So if you do grow well dont expect to get top dollar legally.


I spent two weeks in Big Bear Lake in Cali a few years ago. Awesome for sure. I tend to like Northern Cal best though.

Do all the woman in Cali talk with the Valley Girl accent or did that fade away? The young gals here in CO seem to still be doing it....and talking in sentences where everything is in question form.


haha yes women do that, I live in the valley so "valley girls" are present. Big Bear is supposed to be real beautiful place. I was just in norcal last week and drove the coast home thru the twisty car commercial roads. Fucking amazing views, was driving along as the sun set.


TTy,I never called you a white supremascist,i merely pointed out that that is the EXACT same type of reasoning/talk they use to justify spewing their HATE which is what you are doing and the way i took your post,its offensive and your painting all californians and the state itself with a VERY broad brush.have a great day,FW
sky high

sky high

There are NO legal sales in the USA, mid...CO...CA..or anywhere else. Don't fool yerself.

And you truly think you "know" Colorado and what kinda pot we have too offer here from going to dispensaries or hanging with the Circus members who arrived with the Big top in 2009 seeking riches after this all became safe and easy to pull off? I guarantee you...just like Cali....the truly good weed here is held close and will never see the light of day in a dispensary or any other aspect of this sorry-ass "industry".

And hey...not bagging on ya....but I can think of a buncha jobs i held where the first year or so was great...just before it went to Hell. 5 months ain't shit. Hardly enough to speak about how yer never quitting/doing anything else. I guarantee from doing this for 20+ years now that change WILL come and if you don't have a back up will all catch up to you and bite you on the ass. But of luck....


Premium Member
There are NO legal sales in the USA, mid...CO...CA..or anywhere else. Don't fool yerself.

And you truly think you "know" Colorado and what kinda pot we have too offer here from going to dispensaries or hanging with the Circus members who arrived with the Big top in 2009 seeking riches after this all became safe and easy to pull off? I guarantee you...just like Cali....the truly good weed here is held close and will never see the light of day in a dispensary or any other aspect of this sorry-ass "industry".

And hey...not bagging on ya....but I can think of a buncha jobs i held where the first year or so was great...just before it went to Hell. 5 months ain't shit. Hardly enough to speak about how yer never quitting/doing anything else. I guarantee from doing this for 20+ years now that change WILL come and if you don't have a back up will all catch up to you and bite you on the ass. But of luck....
tellin it like it is...


So when I go to CA or CO next I will keep my eyes peeled for a lot of short buses since people seem to have gone full blown retard. This thread is seriously like 5 pages of people fighting over who's dicks biggest instead of realistically answering anything.
I'm asking the mods to close this thread.
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