Don't Wear Sunscreen? You Might Wanna Re Consider.. Watch This.

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75% of sunscreens are toxic

More than 2 million Americans are diagnosed with skin cancer every year. And even though more and more people are using sunscreen each year, the incidence of skin cancer continues to climb world wide.

It’s that time of year where we all start enjoying the weather outside, but did you know that 4 different studies conducted in the 1990’s indicated a higher risk of malignant melanoma among individuals who used the most sunscreen!

Several years ago when I started revealing the dangers of sunscreen many people were surprised. But over the past 5 years more research is starting to come out about the dangers of sunscreen.

Now I’m not telling you never to wear sunscreen!
Sometimes, you should wear sunscreen (more on that later). But first, I want to share with you the benefits of not wearing sunscreen for a portion of the day and also let you know what brands are toxic-free and safe for you and your family, and where you can get them.

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) just published their 2014 guide to safe sunscreens. They reviewed over 2000 sunscreens and over 257 brands. They found more than 75% of the sunscreens contained toxic chemicals that can increase your risk of cancer and other health issues.

The Dangers of Conventional Sunscreens
According to research from the EWG: Our review…shows that some sunscreen ingredients absorb into the blood, and some have toxic effects. Some release skin-damaging free radicals in sunlight, some act like estrogen and disrupt hormones, and several can cause allergic reactions and skin irritation. The FDA has not established rigorous safety standards for sunscreen ingredients. Sunscreens haven’t been regulated since 1978 in the USA, and the SPF factor only tells you how effective a sunscreen is against UVB rays which cause sunburn.

So in review, some ingredients may

  • Absorb into the blood
  • Release free radicals in sunlight
  • Act like estrogen
  • Disrupt hormones
  • Cause allergic reactions
  • Cause skin irritation
  • Have no rigorous safety standards
A recent study published in Environmental Science Technology has also shown the common sunscreen ingredients oxybenzone, methoxycinnamate, and PABA are estrogenic chemicals linked to cancer. That’s right, I read the labels on not only my food products, but on anything I’m putting on or near my body, and you should too. If your sunscreen contains any of these chemicals I’d throw it away right now!

List of Unsafe, Toxic Chemicals in Sunscreen

  • Para amino benzoic acid
  • Octyl salicyclate
  • Oxybenzone
  • Cinoxate
  • Dioxybenzone
  • Phenylbenzimidazole
  • Homosalate
  • Menthyl anthranilate
  • Octocrylene
  • Methoxycinnamate
  • Parabens
Stay away from these chemicals and use the natural sunscreens I recommend at the end of the article.

The Sun Doesn’t Cause Cancer
In truth, the sun is essential for your health. Think about it. Without the sun, most plants couldn’t grow and we would perish from a lack of Vitamin D3.

Of course, you can have too much of a good thing. I don’t recommend letting your skin burn, and this is a common point people miss. Getting a moderate amount of sunshine daily can actually help decrease your risk of certain types of cancers.

The Sun is your best source of Vitamin D3.
When you get approximately 20 minutes of direct sunlight, your body naturally generates enough Vitamin D3 (Calciferol), and you body also knows the right amount to generate without overdose.

Vitamin D3 has been one of the most researched nutrients over the past 5 years and it has been shown to naturally help boost the immune system, help fight cancer and improve mood.

There are two types of sunscreens: non-mineral and mineral. And some that combine both.

Non-mineral sunscreens penetrate the skin, are potentially disruptive to hormones, are allergenic, and like I mentioned earlier, can release free radicals when they break down. Oxybenzone is the most common ingredient found in sunscreens. Scientists recommend not using sunscreens containing oxybenzone on children because of this hormone disruption.

Mineral sunscreens are ones containing zinc, or titanium. These do not breakdown in sunlight, are not usually absorbed ( so do not disrupt the body’s hormones), are not allergenic and are more effective at blocking UVA rays than non-minerals. These sunscreens are a good choice for children and according to EWG have the best safety profiles of the choices in the United States.

What I Use

Kiss My Face SPF 30

What Natural Sunscreens to Buy

The best sunscreen is a hat and a shirt. No chemicals for the skin to absorb, no questions about whether the product works and no bogus claims like “sunblock.” (No conventional product blocks out all rays. Which is why the FDA is trying to ban the term.)

When buying sunscreen I’d first check the EWG database. Here are my top 3 recommended brands of the top natural sunscreens:
1. Kiss My Face SPF 30

2. 100% Pure Hydration Organic Pomegranate

3. Aubrey Organics SPF 30 Children’s Unscented Sensitive Skin

These healthier sunscreens contain Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide as a more natural form of sunblock. However even these ingredients aren’t flawless as you’ll see in the EWG ratings system.

Foods and Supplements that Protect Your Skin
According to the American Cancer Society, oxidative damage can increase your cancer risk, so I recommend eating a diet high in certain foods which can potentially decrease your risk.

List of the best foods and supplements to protect your skin

  • Resveratrol (red wine, blueberries and red grapes)
  • Omega-3 fatty acids (salmon and fish oil)
  • Astaxanthin (salmon and fish oil)
  • Catechins (green and white tea)
  • Vitamin E (pumpkin seeds, almonds, and asparagus)
  • Beta-carotene (carrots and red bell peppers)
For a more extensive list, check out my article on fighting skin cancer with food.

Actions Steps
1. Get 20+ minutes of sunshine daily
2. Cover up with light clothing before you get burnt
3. Wear natural sunscreen if you’re going to stay out for a long period of time
4. Eat a diet high in anti-oxidants to protect your skin
5. If you get burnt, use a mixture of aloe, coconut oil and vitamin E on your skin

So what are your thoughts on Sunscreen and the Sun? I’d love to hear them in the comments below.

Kunisue T, Chen Z, Buck Louis GM, Sundaram R, Hediger ML, Sun L, Kannan K. Urinary Concentrations of Benzophenone-type UV Filters in U.S. Women and Their Association with Endometriosis. Environ Sci Tech 2012 Apr 17;46(8):4624-32. Epub 2012 Mar 29.
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Quite the reply :D

Well The video i posted never made any claims that the sun causes Cancer so skipping over that one..

The video is trying to highlight long term exposer and the damage it does to the skin without protection.

No ones debating the sun has beneficial properties..The point is Long Term exposer without protection will lead to aged looking skin.. Sun spots ect...

My personal thoughts.. just thought it was interesting.. As far as sun screen and the sun bleh i don't get out the house much im white as a ghost.. If im gonna be out on the water or something i'll lather up otherwise i don't worry about it.

And just looking into who EWG is, is interesting enuff. Small portion off wiki.. I like to hear both sides of the argument :D

In its fourth annual "Sunscreen Guide", issued in May 2010, Environmental Working Group gives generally low marks to currently available sunscreen products. EWG researchers recommend only 39 out of 500 sunscreens available at the time.

Industry representatives call these claims "highly inaccurate." Personal Care Products Council (PCPC) general counsel Farah Ahmed stated "It is very clear to me that they have a very low level of understanding of the way sunscreens work and the way they are regulated by the FDA and tested by the industry." He expressed further concern saying "I would hate to think that there are parents out there not using sunscreen on their kids because of a report like this that is not based on real science." Representatives from Schering-Plough (Coppertone), Johnson & Johnson (Neutrogena), and Sun Pharmaceuticals Corp. (Banana Boat) also reiterated their products' safety and efficacy.


Also looking @ there staff... Theres not a SINGLE doctor employed by that GROUP.... Also they have a sister company that just happens to be a lobbying group...

It seems one has a PHD in some enviormental shit.. and a B.S in communication.. Tho im not seeing real scientists here...

Both sides clearly have interests ... Up to the consumer to make the best choice. :D


Living dead girl

So do we throw out all the other reasons for the increase in skin cancer incidence, like peoples' personal habits, or the thinning ozone layer?

I will go with the science, and I haven't found that there's a huge sunscreen lobby behind efforts to sell more sunscreen.

I saw that video, btw. I can't get my blonde-haired blue eyed husband to use it or even a hat, and he's already had questionable moles removed.

I don't think I'm at much risk for skin cancer, and in fact only a little exposure turns me very dark (to the point that I've been mistaken for black), but I still wear a hat and use sunscreen. :o


A Worthy quote from @Seamaiden 's Website

Current evidence points to the need to protect skin against the sun’s rays, regardless of skin type and ethnicity, and most dermatologists recommend using sunscreens that protect against both ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays, in addition to following other protective measures to lower the risk of cancerous and precancerous lesions.

The truth is that the body can produce only a certain amount of vitamin D from UVR; after reaching that limit, additional UV exposure actually results in the breakdown of the vitamin! UV exposure does not represent the only — or the best — source of Vitamin D. Dietary sources such as fatty fish (salmon), cod liver oil, and fortified milk and orange juice provide substantial amounts of the vitamin, as do supplements, which are available at relatively low cost. Current evidence strongly suggests that the detrimental effects of exposure to UVR outweigh the benefits, especially since vitamin D can be obtained without risking your health.


Living dead girl
We do still need some sun. I have to dig around but I just read about a 20yr Swedish study that showed that avoiding sun as we used to (think: Victorian days) is just as bad for our health.

Did you know that it is theorized that white skin evolved because dark skinned women are unable to metabolize sufficient Vit. D in northern latitudes? The fetus will not develop properly. It is also theorized, IIRC, that white skin didn't evolve until approximate the last.. I wanna say 20,000yrs or so, but that seems an awfully short period of time. I do believe that the gene to digest lactose (milk) evolved in the last 7,000-10,000 years.... so maybe 20,000 for white skin is about right.

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