Drug testing

  • Thread starter slimjoint
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Ive got a great career oppurtunity and the only requirment i was asked was to get in was be clean because they do a hair test, Im looking at a 6 figure annual income so i dont want to pass it up, Im a heavy smoker haveent really took a break in i dont even know. So what can i do to clean up besides the obvious stopping. Im also a medical patient im not exactly sure if thatll exempt me. i can not risk getting tested positive because the person who's appointing this job is family and i cant embaress them.


bro if somebody told me all i had to do was pass a drug test and ill be making 6 figures id stop that moment go buy those detox pills i believe they take like 2 weeks hopefully u have that long


bro if somebody told me all i had to do was pass a drug test and ill be making 6 figures id stop that moment go buy those detox pills i believe they take like 2 weeks hopefully u have that long
i pretty much got this month, i just read mixed reviews on hair folicle tests. anyone know what i can do, they will take hairs from elsewhere on m body if i shave my head.
sky high

sky high


as you can see on the chart in the link above, it all depends how/what they test for as far as "THC".....

dunno your situation/how tight you are with your family member who is recommending you....if they know you smoke/or not.....etc....

History has shown me that >honesty< is usually the best policy. IF you are tight with this relative and you can speak with them/alert them/be honest with them...I would start there....tell them you have STOPPED and this means everything to you....and out of RESPECT for THEM you felt you needed to man up and save them from any "surprise" should you fail this test. After I spilled the beans... I would listen to what they have to say....and take >whatever< comes. It could be wickedly weird and border on disaster... but if you take the test and FAIL and they have no clue about any of it...they WILL be embarrassed and long-term trust could suffer.

From there...maybe they can pave the way for you (?). IF this is a job that has a high level of integrity/honesty/transparency associated with it I think being honest....while still a huge risk...might actually be in your favor rather than trying to pull the wooll over someone's eyes...which rarely works with folks who are >successful< and who deal with a lot of human behavior/personnel issues in a workplace setting.

good luck however you decide to proceed......

s h


MMJ will not exempt you from the THC test. Some states have gone to court on this, and as it stands, its your choise and the company can kick you to the curb.

You need to cut your hair short, and get the shampoos to remove the THC. Check around. I would also go on a blood cleanse, and if you have not already stopped, stop now. And no going out with a huge toke party, thats not going to help. Also exercise alot, get sweating. The thc molucule has a life of just over 3 weeks when stored in fat from what I have read.

For that kind of money, you gotta quit now, and not look back untill things are going smoothly at work.

And seriously, put the bong down now :)

Good luck with the job!! thats huge!


Well-Known Farmer
I have no clue what you should do other than stop smoking right away.Never had a drug test of any kind even though I had a Top Secret clearence when I was 16.My parents made me so I could visit a family member who was a top notch employee in the Goverment.They already understude I smoked pot, I think they were more afraid I could be blackmailed or kidnapped by the Rusky`s at the time? I`m not sure they even had drug tests that long ago. Good luck to you!


My uncle knows i smoke even knows i grow. a position has opened up at his work and ive met the manager several times, know the line of work, and i have told him i will quit and i havent smoked since i was offered the job.
The company tests everyone regardless because you are working with expensive products that cant be risked.


Well-Known Farmer
No more likely they test because they get a tax break to do so because of the war on drugs Goverment we have.Sucks although I don`t work anymore, my kids do!
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