Electric bill up!!

  • Thread starter Zonkerly
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Dang, they said a small increase, my bill went up a nice chunk, 60.00 bucks!! And I used less then last month,been getting warming in the days here,so no heater on all day.Plus there is another increase that will kick in a few months,going cost a lot more cash to grow indoors this year...got to charge more...thats sux's!!


Doubt you used less electricity unless the kws per hour went up. That $60 increase was for what 6000 watts or so? You got a decent sized operation going then. Correct? I am going to be pissed as hell if my electric bill comes back and its more than last month. I am flowering now so i couldnt see that being. Last month i was vegging. Well see. So that $60 was on top of what kinda bill? Just doesnt make sense unless your pumping out the watts


Dang, they said a small increase, my bill went up a nice chunk, 60.00 bucks!! And I used less then last month,been getting warming in the days here,so no heater on all day.Plus there is another increase that will kick in a few months,going cost a lot more cash to grow indoors this year...got to charge more...thats sux's!!

same here dog.


Elec in spain is crazy expensive....and its gone up 16% in the past 9months


$60......... and your complaining. That's chicken feed. Obama will double the cost of electricity if he gets re-elected!
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

Your electric bill could have gone up even if you used less. here is what happened around my state and is probably around you too. My electric cost is crazy cheap from what I hear others say around the net. We were paying 8.3 cents a kw/hr.

A couple years ago they raised it just a tiny bit to like 8.9 and they did that for 2 years and placed that extra bit they collected in escrow. They did this to help prepare people for the rate hike that was coming. The hike happened this past year. When they did part of the hike. Then they took the extra money that people paid over 2 years and applied it to their electric bill to offset the rate hike. They did this so people were not slammed and unprepared for the rate increases.

Now the escrow money is gone so this past month we got bills for the actual amount. We still only pay 11.75 cents a kw/hr. That is why you could have used more kw/hr at 8.3 but are paying more now with less usage because you are paying 11.75 and you don't have the applied money from the escrow.

There is going to be another increase coming too. A 1000w at 11.75 cents a kw/hr is $1.41 per day or $41 an hour. Still pretty cheap in my book. I used to pay $29 a month to run a 1000w.


Your electric bill could have gone up even if you used less. here is what happened around my state and is probably around you too. My electric cost is crazy cheap from what I hear others say around the net. We were paying 8.3 cents a kw/hr.

A couple years ago they raised it just a tiny bit to like 8.9 and they did that for 2 years and placed that extra bit they collected in escrow. They did this to help prepare people for the rate hike that was coming. The hike happened this past year. When they did part of the hike. Then they took the extra money that people paid over 2 years and applied it to their electric bill to offset the rate hike. They did this so people were not slammed and unprepared for the rate increases.

Now the escrow money is gone so this past month we got bills for the actual amount. We still only pay 11.75 cents a kw/hr. That is why you could have used more kw/hr at 8.3 but are paying more now with less usage because you are paying 11.75 and you don't have the applied money from the escrow.

There is going to be another increase coming too. A 1000w at 11.75 cents a kw/hr is $1.41 per day or $41 an hour. Still pretty cheap in my book. I used to pay $29 a month to run a 1000w.

Think you meant "$41 a month" dude....:sun


likes to smell trees.
hahahah $41 an hour and we would all have our medicine outside, or not have it all .


Nice racket they got there, huh? Not much you can do but to be as efficient as possible with your usage. I remember when CA gov Grey Davis raised the rates "temporarrily" when CA had the big energy "shortage". Rates doubled, and never went down. Can we say monopoly? What can you do? I say I'm gonna go squeeze one out instead of worrying about it. Later, maybe think solar upgrade if you own the place.



Fucking monopoly bro they need some competition
My bill includes these charges:
6.87 transmission charge
59.43 distribution charges
0.08 nuclear decommissioning charge
20.74 conservation incentive
12.75 public purpose programs
1.93 new system generation charge
8.18 competittion transition charge
1.59 franchise fee
total 111.57
fucking fees are more than the actual power used!


Living dead girl
PG&E raised rates an average of 15% per annum. They are projected to continue, and that's a compound calculation there, too. These are publicly traded utilities, i.e. they have stock/shareholders.

I see fishwhistle has read a bill breakdown, and yes, that's how it works. You/we (the ratepaying customer) pays for the infrastructure monthly. Yet, we have no rights to the infrastructure. It might actually be a good idea to invest in companies like PG&E, because they're in bed with the CPUC. If folks knew how the California Public Utilities Commission actually operates, they'd be up in arms. Or maybe it's just that we, collectively, don't care. United States of Apathy and all.

In *any* event, this is why I pushed so hard to get our home on solar when the offer came down the pipe last year. Thanks to federal stimulus funds, these electrons are being created and delivered to you via solar power. We pay down the (0% APR) loan over 15 years, and we own the solar array and generator outright. Increase the value of our home while making ourselves almost completely energy independent will ultimately prove far more valuable. Not that installing a 12KW solar array increased our home's value all that much, but ya gotta do whatcha gotta do, ya know?

Btw, we used to see power bills from PG&E in the $500-$800 range, BEFORE I ever grew a single plant inside.


Yeah talk about monopoly, I'm reading an article right now on Bloomberg news about how electricity rates have decreased by 50% the last year due to the shale natural gas boom, I guess that doesn't get passed down to us consumers.


PG&E raised rates an average of 15% per annum. They are projected to continue, and that's a compound calculation there, too. These are publicly traded utilities, i.e. they have stock/shareholders.

I see fishwhistle has read a bill breakdown, and yes, that's how it works. You/we (the ratepaying customer) pays for the infrastructure monthly. Yet, we have no rights to the infrastructure. It might actually be a good idea to invest in companies like PG&E, because they're in bed with the CPUC. If folks knew how the California Public Utilities Commission actually operates, they'd be up in arms. Or maybe it's just that we, collectively, don't care. United States of Apathy and all.

In *any* event, this is why I pushed so hard to get our home on solar when the offer came down the pipe last year. Thanks to federal stimulus funds, these electrons are being created and delivered to you via solar power. We pay down the (0% APR) loan over 15 years, and we own the solar array and generator outright. Increase the value of our home while making ourselves almost completely energy independent will ultimately prove far more valuable. Not that installing a 12KW solar array increased our home's value all that much, but ya gotta do whatcha gotta do, ya know?

Btw, we used to see power bills from PG&E in the $500-$800 range, BEFORE I ever grew a single plant inside.

just happened across this on another THC thread. Where do these guys dream this shit up?

If you don't mind my asking do you sell power back to the utility with your setup and I was wondering how many years before the solar panels need to be replaced?



i heard its supposed to jump 45% in the next 5 years in my hood. it kills me too cause they got all these utility maintenance fees that they nickle n dime ya with but motherfukers are always making solid profits. meanwhile the government just sits back n don't say shit cause they get a higher cut off the taxes. 10% on 100 or 10% on 150, thas why they aint sayin shiiiiit.

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