First Grow Questions

  • Thread starter SRH420tokin
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First post about my first grow....i am using the grow caddy holds 9 plants, each within their own plant site...back on 11/18 (it's been 10 days today) i got 9 OG Kush clones from the dispensary and put them into this hydro system. Everything looked good, but i started noticing some browning of the leaves which has now become leaves that curl up and look dead...i had been running light 24/7 using two 90watt LED lights that came with the system, im pretty sure that i fried them with too much light, is there any way to save them? some plants still look good, but im worried that it may be too late, for the past couple of days i've scaled the light down to 20 hrs a day hoping that will help, i have also raised the lights a bit, and stopped using CO2 boost, i also added a bit of Voodoo Juice, hoping that will help the roots take hold...what i have heard is that this is just the roots taking nutes from the leaves and that once the roots fully come in they should be fine...any comments/ideas are are some pics
First grow questions
First grow questions 2
First grow questions 3
First grow questions 4


have you checked ur ppm and ph. start there. Less nutes and a flush of water might help low concentrate


pH has been 6-6.5 and ppm around 210 - 220...what about moving the lights around and changing how long they are on? i went from 24 hrs a day to 20, should i have stayed at 24? should i have left the lights where they were? Total rookie, i'm sure i've made every mistake in the book!


If your still vegging them try getting a floro instead of using an led. If that's not an option just use one led an keep at a distance. Slowly moving the light closer as the plants get used to it. Then when you flower add the other light using the same method. That's what i did when i only had a hps.
Oh, once your clones start coming back raise the ppm's man. 400-600. If the lighting thing doesn't work then you need to give more details on what your feeding them cause there's a bigger problem. Hope this helps.

P.S. BIG POTS GROW BIG PLANTS...:winking0067:


ppm super low...either its a light burn or nute burn. I''ld ditch a light for a bit .. keep it at 20 hrs... and just a fertilizer like sensi a and b. keep it simple... and make sure you got fresh air. when u see some healthy new growth start bumping up your nutes like half dosage.. maybe ph no higher than 6

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