First time growing could use (lots of) advice

  • Thread starter Jedsdead
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OK peeps it’s getting close to germination time (end of this month) and the fear for this first timer is real.
I’ve accumulated a list of stuff so here’s what I have have so far.
Seeds (very important)
Fabric pots X 3
Bio mix light X 3
Fans X 3

Plants are going into a polytunnel so natural light is what’s being provided.
When do I need to begin feeding seedlings? And with what?
I presume I will grow them up in small pots of the same soil they will be going into in the big pots.
Now just letting you know I’m a big gardener, outdoors, I’m hugely in growing native trees so I’m not a complete beginner but I never had the opportunity to grow my own weed inside until now (and outdoors in this country not really an option)
I have to say this forum has so much info that it can swamp you so, if I may, can you keep it simple stupid please for my sake.
Looking forward to all the gems 💎 of knowledge from you guys and many thanks in advance for your help it is very much appreciated.


Use paper towel method for busting your beans. Cut a slit in rock cube Plant seed 1/4 down "on it's side" tail going sideways not down in the rock cube. The tail will grow down and turn the seed the right way around to remove the shell as it breaks ground. Don't drop the seed tail down in a hole. This is very important.

I find that the best medium for indoors is 1 measure peat Moss 1 Measure Vermiculite. 50/50.
This makes a very light and fluffy medium and my plants love it. Vermiculite also contains silica for the plant.

Plant the cube in as large a pot as you can as soon as you note roots visible. Just cover the cube.

Every Gallon of medium mix in 1 tablespoon powdered Gypsum. This is Calcium and Magnesium. Top dress the same amounts when you flip.
2 tablespoons Dolomite lime. This is Iron and a few other good things your plant requires.
Do not use R.O water use rain or city water.

All you need is a PH pen so you can keep your solution 6.5 + or - 2 points. Very important!
PH down with PH down PH up buy adding water.

You don't need to use pot fertilizer from the head shop. If your some place your not legal. Your just buying house plant food.
I use Miracle Grow 12-4-8 with great success.
How to calculate your fertilizer. Start around 250 ppm Nitrogen.

I flower with Schultz 2-7-7, 5ml gallon and Gro-Tec Monster Bloom 1 gram per gallon.
But Miracle Grow 4-12-4 also flowers very well at 5ml pr gallon N 53ppm P 158ppm and K 53 ppm pr gallon

This is high fertigation watering. A type of Hydroponics.
This type of watering flushes old solution out of your pot and re waters the plant each time you feed.
Always use solution never just water. If you notice browning tips increase top watering so you flush the medium better.

Set the pot in a bowl and fill the pot and bowl with solution. Let it stand 2 min. Let the pot soak up all it can hold.
Fill a little watering can with solution. Remove pot and let it drain 2 min. Then top water heavily until at least 25% of the pots volume in solution has run out the bottom. Let it drain well and stick back under light. Let the pot dry out. Not quite enough to wilt the plant before watering again.
Water as described above for the entire grow. As the plant gets larger you will not its colour lightening or lower leaves yellowing.
Increase your Nitrogen buy 100 points. So go from 250ppm to 350 ppm and the plant will green up again.


This should get you started.
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If you're growing photoperiods, start in smaller containers and transplant into bigger containers. If you're growing Autoflowers, start them in your final pot size.

I germinate with a 14-16 hour soak and then use the paper towel method.

After I have a tap root, I plant into solo cups. I use only a spray bottle filled with bottled spring water to water the plants, this helps prevent overwatering. I use no supplement nutrients during this time.

Once I have a few nodes and a root system, I transplant into my final 3 gallon pot. Some people use bigger pots and will transplant more then once. I usually don't start adding supplement nutrients until they have established in their final pot.

I use 100% Fox Farm Happy Frog soil until I transplant and then I use 50% Fox Farm Happy Frog and 50% Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil.

There's so many different soils, nutrients, ammendment, etc. You're going research and get tons of different information from different sources and members, just try to find the best information you can for your style of growing and make adjustments to your personal situation as you go.

You definitely came to the right place, there's some great people here that you will learn a ton from!

Good luck!!!


When do I need to begin feeding seedlings? And with what?
Watch for the cotyledons to start turning yellow. The plant initially uses nutrients from those leaves. So, when they become depleted, the plant gets its nutrients from its roots.

A general-purpose fertilizer should be adequate. It depends on the growing medium you're using.

I presume I will grow them up in small pots of the same soil they will be going into in the big pots.
Many do that. I like to use a starter soil that promotes root growth.

Now just letting you know I’m a big gardener, outdoors, I’m hugely in growing native trees so I’m not a complete beginner but I never had the opportunity to grow my own weed inside until now (and outdoors in this country not really an option)
I have to say this forum has so much info that it can swamp you so, if I may, can you keep it simple stupid please for my sake.
There's a lot to learn. That much is certain. I like gardening, too, but I found that much of what I knew before I started growing weed under lights didn't transfer well. It seems there are always new things to learn about growing this plant.


Many thanks my friends your help and camaraderie is greatly appreciated I look forward to the adventure and hopefully the rewards at the end too.
Go raibh míle maíth agat.


Ok guys and gals the latest update is…
Broke 3 seeds and not trying to reinvent the wheel here but just an FYI, I used the wet paper towel method but left them in an egg incubator that I had in my shed and it worked a treat, warm, humid and I covered it with some black plastic for darkness. Anyway as I said not trying to make an easy job hard but if someone was germinating large numbers I think it would be a good job.

So broken seeds are in small pots 50/50 vermiculite and compost and my question is, do they need direct light at this point? I have a tissue on top giving diffuse light as they haven’t even straightened up yet.

And what kind of temperature are we talking? I have them in the house and it’s warm.

Exciting times, looking forward to your replies.


Ok guys and gals the latest update is…
Broke 3 seeds and not trying to reinvent the wheel here but just an FYI, I used the wet paper towel method but left them in an egg incubator that I had in my shed and it worked a treat, warm, humid and I covered it with some black plastic for darkness. Anyway as I said not trying to make an easy job hard but if someone was germinating large numbers I think it would be a good job.

So broken seeds are in small pots 50/50 vermiculite and compost and my question is, do they need direct light at this point? I have a tissue on top giving diffuse light as they haven’t even straightened up yet.

And what kind of temperature are we talking? I have them in the house and it’s warm.

Exciting times, looking forward to your replies.
Just place a tissue on top for some soft light to help them along


So broken seeds are in small pots 50/50 vermiculite and compost and my question is, do they need direct light at this point? I have a tissue on top giving diffuse light as they haven’t even straightened up yet.
If they're in soil, they need light. I start mine with the light set to its lowest setting and gradually increase the light as the plant matures.

And what kind of temperature are we talking? I have them in the house and it’s warm.
A VPD between 0.8 and 1.0 is best. An example is 65% RH at 77º F, which would be a VPD of 0.92.


If they're in soil, they need light. I start mine with the light set to its lowest setting and gradually increase the light as the plant matures.

A VPD between 0.8 and 1.0 is best. An example is 65% RH at 77º F, which would be a VPD of 0.92.


My seedlings are under a sun free window at the moment should I put them into sunlight yet?
5 days old


Put them in a sunny window till about day 13, then slowly introduce them to outside

What strains have you gone with and are you doing autos or photos


I picked autos, “glue gellatto “ I haven’t a clue about them the range is so big and they sent me a single freebie seed of strawberry banana and all I know about that is it’s also an auto.
Not big on research but the pictures looked pretty.
Should I start watering? I soaked the pots thoroughly before putting the broken seeds in and still fairly damp on top
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