First Time Growing

  • Thread starter Stan Halen
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Stan Halen

Am I doing everything right?
Ok so I have 6 clones (in week 3) going in little make shift 4 by 4 tent wrapped with plastic (within the next few days its going to be changed with mylar and be legit) 1000 watt MH 20", off the plants. I have had the clones for almost a week, friday will mark the first week, and I am just checking to see if I am doing everything right.
In 3 gallon pots, using Fox Farm Ocean Forest and all Fox Farm Nutes. I fed them for the first time 2 days ago, and I am followingish this (using half of what it says):
Sprouting and week 1--BigBloom 2TBS
week 2-- 2tsp Grow Big + 2TBS Big Bloom
Week 3--3tsp Grow Big + 2TBS Big Bloom
Week 4--JUST 3 tspGrow Big + 1/4 tsp Open Sesame
Week 5 same as week 4 unless going 12/12--
Week 5- OR--day 1 of 12/12-- 2 tsp Tiger Bloom +1TBS Big Bloom + 1/2 tsp Open Sesame
Week 6--same as above
Week 7-- 2 Tsp Grow Big + 2 tsp Tiger Bloom +1TBS Big Bloom + 1/4 tsp Beastie Bloom
Week 8-- 2Tsp Grow Big + 2 tsp Tiger Bloom +1TBS Big Bloom + 1/2 tsp Beastie Bloom
Week 9-- 2 tsp Tiger Bloom +1TBS Big Bloom + 1/4 tsp Cha Ching
week 10-- Same as above
Week 11--2 tsp Tiger Bloom +1TBS Big Bloom + 1/2 tsp Cha Ching
At beginning of week 11--Check Trichomes-- Flush if ready.. otherwise, continue as with week 11 every week until you flush!

Dunno if I found it on this site or another grow site. But I Did half of week 3.

Using tepid water that has been in room temp and open for at least 24 hours with a ph 6.9

the plants have a ph of 6.3 WW1, 6.6WW2, 6.3SD1, 6.4SD2, 6.3WW3, 6.4SD3

And the plants are 3 white widow and 3 sour diesel that were purchased from a medical dispensary, in grow cubes.

Am I doing everything right?
I have a fan bringing fresh air on sometimes.
I am concerned about all of them really, as you can see in the pics, should I be worried?
Let me know
Sour diesel1jpg
Sour diesel2jpg
Sour diesel3jpg
White widow1jpg
White widow2jpg
White widow3jpg
First time growing 7

Stan Halen

I dunno,
The only things I am missing is proper light reflection, a spray bottle, and temp and humidity meter. I have not worried about the temp because the ballast and light are enough. But the humidity has kinda been on my mind. I will get one today and report back.

Stan Halen

Ok so I got one and its 83 temp and 34 humidity.

I think that is ok right?

the meter is chillin on top of the frame leaning against the wall.


for veg i keep it around 50 to 55, and flower around 40 to 45..Your room temp should be 68 to 78.


I see a couple of issues that you can easily correct.

The leaves are yellowing on the tops of some of the plants, I think they're suffering heat stress. I think a 1000w only 20" away when they are this young is too much for them. I'd raise the light about 4-8"

It's good to see a new grower who doesn't over water, so many do. But, these look a bit dry. I think the close light and high temps are drying your buckets a bit too fast. pura is correct about the ranges of rh and temp.

I'm also seeing purple stems on some of the plants which can indicate a phosphorous deficiency. Have they shown any new growth since you've got them? You may have root stunting due to this deficiency. It could be they were cut that way. If they were taken from older, more stick-like branches of the mother then they may be purple because she had the deficiency. When you can, always get cuts that are new, green, and fleshy, less stick-like.

Edited to add that in the future I would transplant them into solo cups and let them get a good root base before you put them in the large buckets. It's hard to control the wet/dry cycle when they're this small in such large buckets. I'm not in a mmj state, can you see root when you buy the clones from the dispensary, or just the cubes?

I wish you good luck. Your first grow is a fun learning experience full of bumps in the road. Just keep on truckin' along, be patient (that's the hardest thing), and enjoy it. You're only a virgin once!


Easy fixes!

Ok bro, cut the nutes asap, you're feeding your infants steroids. The fox farm ocean forest is super hot and has enough nutes to hold over your clones for up to 4 weeks. I usually start clones in ocean forest mixed with light warrior but you will be fine. Cut the nutes and feed them just straight ph'ed water for at least 2 weeks. Are you using ro'ed water or tap? If your using ro remember to add back in some cal mag after the first 2 weeks and every watering there after at 3.0 mls per gal. Slowly work up the nute strength. Even the lowest recommendations are too high for the first feeding. I start new strains at .5 mls of grow nutes per gallon and bump it up in .5 ml increments each feeding there after. Your plants might look burned in a few days after they take in all of the nutes you just fed them. They will be ok. Just give them water to balance it out. Only water them once they need it. Make them work for the water. You don't need to soak a clone. Feed it small amounts and work up the root mass. If you drench a 3 gal pot that clone is going to be super wet for up to a week. This can bring root issues and powdery mildew issues. Read the leaves, they will tell you if they need water or have to much. Too droopy and dry soil, they need water. Watered a day ago and they are droopy, too much water. I water after the first inch of soil is dry like dust, under the dust there will be slightly moist soil. This is when I water or feed. You don't need to water a moist plant, it will get over watered at this stage. Im going to look at your pics and see what I missed.

Good luck bro, you should do just fine with a little patience and some hard work. Its worth the pay off!


Melvan is right. The light also looks to be burning them, until you can get the temps down below 80 raise that light. That is a shit load of light and heat for clone babies. A constant fan will help. Point it at the light and blow the heat up away from the plants. An exhaust fan would work wonders too. Its a weed bro, not too hard to grow if you give it the essentials. You should be just fine with a few small corrections. Don't be tempted to over feed them. You will be pissed if you fry plants that were great and alot of beginers think more nutes equals bigger buds. Give them time and let them tell you what they need. Also, if you have 20 bucks try to grab some liquid karma from botanicare, it great stuff and fool proof. Helps get the plants back on the right track.


Stan Halen

Ok so I read on another site that the plants should not go over 86 so I raised it up a bunch its at 2 a half feet now and the temp of the plants has dropped (it was over a hundred even not in direct light)
I got humidity going well in the right range now.
I had them in smaller planters then I changed them out (lack of patients) But I am just gunna chill out on it.
And when I picked them they were just cubes and no roots sticken out.
I will not feed nutes at all for like another 2 weeks then.

Bonerface: I really don't know all the chemicals exactly by the book, I know what the numbers mean and everything. I just have all the fox farm nutes and I am gunna get some liquid karma tomorrow.

Hopefully in then next few days it gets better.


How'd they look when you took them home bro? If they are looking better than when you found them I would feel good, if not then could be a little transplant shock and like Melvan said that 1000W is way too intense to put on them right away...more than likely they were growing under fluorescents at the dispensary. No nutes right now man!!!! Let them get adjusted to the soil (FFOF is a pretty heavy mix and not so good for clones or seedlings initially)...looks to me like the one in your 3rd pic is done. Lay off the nutes though man, and when you do start them you can forget about the little menu you put together for them....every single one of you plants is going to respond differently and you'll just have to pay attention to them. For being your first time I would just stick mostly with the soil you have and maybe a bloom nute to try out, learn the ropes first and it will be easier to identify what is going wrong that way. Take your time and enjoy it bro.


If all you could see is the grow cube and no roots, there a strong possibility they didn't even have root when you bought them, they were just cuttings. I take all my own cuttings, but I would never even consider putting them into soil until I saw roots growing out the cube (I use Rapid Rooters, sure it's close to the same thing)

All the advice to stop feeding is correct. Wait a couple of weeks, give them only water as others have suggested, keep those temps down, and you'll start seeing recovery.

After this you won't have to worry about crappy cuttings from the dispensary, you'll be able to take your own cuttings from your own healthy plants.

Good luck.

Stan Halen

Yeah got the temps down, trying to figure out the proper hood height to temperature ratio, get some liquid karma today and feed it just balanced tepid water.
The plant area is 76 with a humidity of 60 trying to keep that up is difficult, gunna need a humidifier. I measured the lumons and its only around 1500 and if i lower the hood any more the temp will go up, am I good where I am at?


In flower you need 5000 lumens of light per square foot and 50 watts. I'm not sure how you "measured" lumens, but 1500 would be less than a lamp in your bedroom. I'm sure that's just a typing error.

60 rh is perfect, you're lucky to be having that without a humidifier. I have natural gas heat, and it's winter here, so I fight to keep as high as 30 rh if I'm lucky.

A 1000w hps should be minimum of 24 inches away from the top the plant when they're healthy, I would put your light at least 30 inches away as yours are struggling.

Keep on getting things adjusted, it'll take a while, but you'll find that sweet spot.

Stan Halen

I have this meter that detects lumens, ph and moistness, so the lumen reader only goes up to 2000, i will just not pay attention to that then.
got some liquid karma in it, watered it first time in 3 days, hopefully next time they will be better.


Nice, the liquid karma should work wonders dude. You can feed them the exact label recommendations after they have roots, for now cut the cutting/clone recommendation in half. I think it says 10mls per gallon for cuttings so I would throw 5mls at them for now. You can use the LK every watering without adverse affects. I feed my plants wait till dry and then flush them. You can try feed feed flush if your nutes aren't too salty but mine are so I stick with feed flush feed flush. On flush days I don't use liquid karma but you can if you want. Im just cheap hahaha. Are you taking temp readings at your canopy? Throw the temp unit on top of the soil and see exactly what temps your plants are feeling. The temp directly around the plant is what you want to read. I throw mine on the top of the soil. After the canopy grows upwards my temp meter moves up with it. Might want to mist them with roed water for a little humidity/moisture. If there are no roots the plant wont be able to intake water. ( this is a good thing since you added so much nutes) You can get roed water from the water machines outside of grocery stores. Go fill a 5 gal bucket and store at room temp. Those machines spit out 5-10 ppm water. Its almost 100 percent pure. If you do this go grab some cal mag from botanicare. Your plants will do much better with the ro water and its only $1.75 for 5 gals worth. Cal mag 3.0 mls per gallon every feeding and flush. Again the ffof will have enough cal mag for up to 3 weeks or so, so if you go the ro route remember to add cal mag back into the water after 3 weeks. Let me know if you have any questions. They should bounce back in no time! And no I don't work for botanicare, its just good shit and im a happy customer lol im sure any cal mag would work just as well tho.


I have this meter that detects lumens, ph and moistness, so the lumen reader only goes up to 2000, i will just not pay attention to that then.
got some liquid karma in it, watered it first time in 3 days, hopefully next time they will be better.

How much water are you giving them? Don't soak the whole 3 gals. Just give about a quart or a half quart directly under the plant and sprinkle the rest. If you soak the whole 3 gals your roots will grow straight down to get to the still moist soil and you wont build a big root ball. This is why most growers start in small containers and then work their way up. Make the roots work for extra space. You want to give them more room once they use up what they already have. Just a note for the future :)

Stan Halen

Yeah I am not putting that much water in at all.

I should be fine they are looking better today.

Ugh, i don't want to get more gallons of heavy liquids. I just have my bike.

I should be fine with this tepid tap water, ph looks normal on it.

Stan Halen

Hell ya bro, its gonna get hot. You will need 2,6 inch can fans to do it right. Or one powerful 8 inch. I grow in a tent as well. It takes alot of work to light proof them. They are not ready to go out of the box

What do you mean, it takes work to light proof them like what?
Taping stuff down?
I have a "vortex power fan" 5.5in and 7.5in fan, I might be good, I hope.

How do I start giving it nutes? should I follow the FF feeding schedule?
Or what? read the leaves?


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