Florida Senate Approves “Charlotte’s Web” Medical Marijuana Bill

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Medical marijuana

TALLAHASSEE (CBSMiami) – Gov. Rick Scott is expected to sign a bill that would legalize the use of low-THC marijuana to treat epilepsy and cancer patients.

The Florida Senate passed the bill Friday after the House overwhelmingly passed it Thursday.

“I’m a parent and a grandparent. I want to make sure my children, my grandchildren, have the access to the health care they want,” said Gov. Scott.

The bill puts some restrictions on the use of the marijuana strain known as Charlotte’s Web. It can have no more than 0.8 percent THC, the chemical that makes users feel high. On average, marijuana has about 15 percent THC, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The strain has normal levels of cannabidiol, or CBD, which is used to treat seizures.

Also, people would not be able to just walk into a doctor’s office and get a prescription. Only doctors have who have been providing ongoing treatment of a patient can prescribe it, and only as a last resort if other treatments aren’t effective.

The state would also maintain a registry of eligible patients. The marijuana can’t be smoked and would be converted into an oil. Only four dispensaries would be allowed in the state and they would be highly regulated.

Patients could be charged with misdemeanors for faking a disease and doctors could be charged with misdemeanors for ordering the drug for patients who don’t fit the criteria.

Seth Hyman of Weston was delighted to learn of the success of the Charlotte’s Web measure. His eight year-old daughter, Rebecca, suffers a genetic disorder that causes her to have almost constant, potentially life-threatening seizures.

“We’re very excited,” Hyman told CBS4 News on Friday. “We’re looking forward to our daughter receiving the medicine she needs to hopefully control or even eliminate her seizures.”

Support for the bill, sponsored by Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz, was questionable when it was first filed, but became overwhelming after parents of children suffering from seizures pleaded for help during committee hearings.

Still, a handful of House members raised concerns, including a lack of U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for the drug’s use and the possibility that the bill will open the door for wider spread use of marijuana.

While Gov. Scott does support Charlotte’s Web, he intends to vote against a proposed constitutional amendment on the ballot in November that would allow patients to obtain full-fledged medical marijuana.

United for Care, the committee sponsoring the medical marijuana initiative, praised Scott for backing the Charlotte’s Web bill, but also said in a press release Thursday, “Although this is a significant step forward for our cause, the only complete and permanent solution for all those Floridians who need cannabis to relieve their symptoms from a wide range of debilitating conditions will be the approval of Amendment 2 by voters in November.”

Amendment 2 would legalize the cultivation, purchase, possession and use of marijuana to treat medical conditions when recommended by a licensed physician. The measure would also order the Florida Department of Health to register and regulate producers and distributors of medical marijuana and to issue identification cards to patients and caregivers utilizing marijuana.

Hyman said he supports passage of Amendment 2, legalizing stronger marijuana for medical purposes. His concern is the low-dose Charlotte’s Web might not be strong enough to help his daughter.

The campaign manager for Amendment 2, Ben Pollara, said on Miami Beach Friday that the Charlotte’s Web measure buoys the efforts chances.

“It’s a great thing. It’s a message from Tallahassee that marijuana is medicine,” Pollara said. “It gives us huge momentum going into November to have the voters of Florida say “yes” on Amendment 2.”

Democratic governor candidates Charlie Crist and Nan Rich support the amendment, as does Libertarian candidate Adrian Wyllie.

If the amendment passes — for which it needs 60 percent of the vote — Florida would become the 21st state plus the District of Columbia to decriminalize marijuana for medical use. Marijuana remains illegal at the federal level.

The amendment names nine specific medical conditions: cancer, glaucoma, human immunodeficiency virus infection (HIV), acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), hepatitis C, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Crohn’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis. But physicians could recommend marijuana for other ailments if, after conducting an examination, they determine cannabis would help patients more than it would hurt them.

To opponents, that last clause allowing for medical marijuana in unspecified cases is a major loophole that could allow the “unfettered” prescribing of the drug.

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Fuckin stanley brothers going interstate now?I guess they get an A in marketing,I cant beleive its limited to just that one strain.
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
So they basically passed a hemp bill....Charlettes webb comes in way higher than .08% thc...man these other states piling on the to the Stanley craze are really looking and sound absolutely stupid these days...especially since there are far better cbd rich strains available already...and are they knowingly going to let people interstate traffic the strain from Colorado to other states? what a bunch is silly government shit


Tex I'm with you. This is unbelievable. The interstate traffic is boggled my mind. And of course cannabis is still a schedule one substance..with NO medicinal value.

And yeah, a HEMP bill.

Ridiculous, though sorta better than nothing


So they basically passed a hemp bill....Charlettes webb comes in way higher than .08% thc...man these other states piling on the to the Stanley craze are really looking and sound absolutely stupid these days...especially since there are far better cbd rich strains available already...and are they knowingly going to let people interstate traffic the strain from Colorado to other states? what a bunch is silly government shit
Was wondering the same thing TK,in order for CW to get to florida they would have to transport it across state lines which breaks fed and colorado law?I guess its silly to think folks wont cross state lines with weed or seed,look how many vendors at the cannabis cup are from out of state?that stuff doesnt just magically appear in colorado or florida or any other state for that matter.


Sounds like a "don't ask; don't tell" policy is becoming the norm, in all the states flirting with legalized hemp/cannabis. I'm sure our state legislators are fully aware that these seeds and strains aren't just found in the woods, swamps, and hills.

Can I quote Sky High? "WOT A MESS!"


and only current fl ag business' in operation for 30yrs is eligible to apply to become a licensed producer of Low THC Cannabis.

....and on a related note my entire line up of plants suddenly became 'Low THC' overnight. until I can get them properly tested I have to assume they qualify as Low THC Cannabis b/c they stop my spasticity and provide relief and since the state goons say 'Low THC' Cannabis is the only medicinal compound of the plant Im lead to believe my garden is compliant with the law. compliant other than me growing it w/o a license.
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Prime C

Prime C

Defender of Dank
Hmmmm...deleted my post. Its on topic YO! This bill sux vote YES on Amendment 2 in November!
Dat Dank

Dat Dank

"The bill puts some restrictions on the use of the marijuana strain known as Charlotte’s Web. It can have no more than 0.8 percent THC, the chemical that makes users feel high. On average, marijuana has about 15 percent THC, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The strain has normal levels of cannabidiol, or CBD, which is used to treat seizures."

This seems rather ridiculous. It seems as though the government want to attack THC now instead of cancer. Don't mean to sound over reactive, as I am all for the legalizing of MJ. I just fear that the more the government gets involved the more asanine the policies will become. Charlotte's Webb is one in a thousand strains that can be useful to cancer patients. Choosing one over the other based on THC percentages and not the ACTUAL benefit of the plant seems over-reaching to me. Just a thought....


I saw some 82% CBD oil recently..now thats a CBD blast!!! not from Charlotte's Web flowers either..
Damn id like to try that just to see what its does,I prefer my CBDs mixed with alot of THC generally though,lol.


There is no evidence that THC doesn't also add to the curative effect with regard to CBD treatment. To my knowledge there has never been a medical grade CBD extract produced and tested (though there certainly will be soon). This reeks of government stupidity.

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Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
I think HempMedsPx is considered research or scientific grade


It's 18% purity at the highest, that ain't medical.

To do proper medical testing you give a patient ONE compound, not a crude cocktail of compounds. It may be low THC but it's not pure CBD, not sufficient for medical testing by any stretch of the imagination.

I need to get in business with someone who's doing this shit and develop a process for purifying. Any takers? I'm cheap, lol.


Is it just me?? I'm starting to hate the Stanley brothers and their " strain". To think that they think they are helping is absurd. The fact that the idiots in Talkahassee FL would limit a bill by strain just irks the shit outta me. I'm all for helping patients , especially kids. But damn this issue pisses me off. Just another example of special interests forming policy.

Having said that. I feel better now.


I frustrates me too ssteely but there is a lot of ammo for us to use against those ignorant ass hats in Tallahassee and as i was watching them in session debating the 'Low THC' bill all republicans in favor all made similar statements that if they were the parent of C. Figgi that they would do whatever they could to provide relief for their child......even breaking state / federal laws by giving kids Cannabis.

the lawmakers that made those statements also need to be asked if its also acceptable for an adult to break state / federal laws when seeking relief from a debilitating medical condition for themselves opposed to their child when the relief is also a Cannabis plant but one that has a level of THC too high to be considered a 'Legal Medicinal Cannabis' plant.

why have a change of heart and then say it was done out of compassion when its not compassionate to deny patients safe access to cannabis.


GOOD i say!!

its the first step in getting Mj in at all....
Then when it is excepted,info will flow making
those asshats in talla hassle become educated!!!

After that first step in,its ALL OVER FOR THEM.
They will never be able to stop it from commin!
Prime C

Prime C

Defender of Dank
Florida Attorney General candidate slams Florida legislature on medical cannabis.

Today, May 7, 2014, Libertarian Party of Florida (LPF) Attorney General candidate Bill Wohlsifer sent out a statement highly critical of Florida lawmakers in their veiled attempt at compassion for Florida patients and the use of medical cannabis. Last week, just before close of session, Lawmakers passed CS/CS/SB 1030, also known as “Charlotte’s Web” and the “Compassionate Medical Cannabis Act 2014”. Wohlsifer has been releasing a number of statements publicly and on his campaign blog pointing out that this Act is a disappointment and disguise for crony capitalism in the name of children.

“Shame on those in the House who introduced and supported this 11th hour amendment. A new industry that could create prosperity for so many Floridian entrepreneurs is being funneled to a select few.” ~ Wohlsifer

Pointing out the hypocrisy of arguing against “vertical integration” when dealing with craft brewers, and demanding it with the medical marijuana industry, Wohlsifer slammed the lawmakers for limiting the market based on the influence of a very few.

“Not only must a single entity be the sole grower, processor, manufacturer and distributor of the Charlotte’s Web strain of cannabis from the time it is planted in the soil until placed under the patient’s tongue as an oil, but in order to qualify as a dispensing organization the business must have been "a registered nursery” in this state for at least 30 continuous years. I suggest that this anti-competitive platform was accomplished purposefully to position a few crony capitalists to be handed the lion’s share of Florida’s marijuana business that will plant itself in our state following the passage of Amendment 2 to the Florida Constitution in November 2014.” ~Wohlsifer

As the author of the Cathy Jordan Medical Cannabis Act, Wohlsifer went on to remind us that several bills were available to the legislature to provide medical relief for all of Florida’s citizens. He further stated the markets that will be created should be open and provide economic opportunities to all of Florida’s citizens, not just a select few cronies.

The entire statement can be found at:
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