Flowering stage starting, should I flush?

  • Thread starter VBSwift
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EC is the electrical conductivity otherwise known as the nutrient strength your feeding the plant? How are you measuring what nutrients ur feeding? Do you use PPM? If so what numbers? And what scale? 500 or 700?
That has been an instrument that I have been considering but haven’t committed to it. But this conversation just confirms it. So I don’t have that number. It’s 20ml of fox farms buds and bloom (2-8-4) per 4L of H2O. As for PPM, not sure
Pushrod Monkey

Pushrod Monkey

What a load of rubbish 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️.. you saying not to flush the nutrients out and not to PH?? Hahahhahha. And iam the one that’s supposed to be inexperienced!! 😂😂 ur a funny guy. 👏🏽👏🏼
Experienced growers are laughing at your abject ignorance.
Pushrod Monkey

Pushrod Monkey

Flushing in peat is stupid. Trying to flush dirt is a fool’s errand and at least one guy here appears imminently qualified for the task.


That has been an instrument that I have been considering but haven’t committed to it. But this conversation just confirms it. So I don’t have that number. It’s 20ml of fox farms buds and bloom (2-8-4) per 4L of H2O. As for PPM, not sure
Are you asking about the Fox Farm flush product or doing a freshwater flush .
And just for giggles , what is your soil ?


agree never flush.. i’m in soilless and never flush or have run off, no clue of ph,ppm,ec.. etc, no clue what’s in my tap water..
my plants…
32065611 EC2A 4CF8 8E51 6B18B312E1DB
E70538C6 5E6C 4B33 B723 8F2ECA430ACA


Are you asking about the Fox Farm flush product or doing a freshwater flush .
And just for giggles , what is your soil ?
It’s a mixture of a mushroom/dirt blend with pearl lite. Babe some Phangum moss because of how alkaline the soil is. Sits at about 8.5-9. Moss helps with lowering naturally.


Congratulations on your grow of this fine classic OG Kush. I wish I had that heavy hitter indica in my collection right now. I've gone so far as to not only use a commercial flush, but also to really flush them in the bathtub until considerable water runs out out the bottom. But this was only done near the end of the flowering period. I was trying to get a cleaner taste to my herb. The only flush I do now is more of a procedure than a flush. The procedure is the regulation of nutrients. I use the Fox Farm trio and I'll hit them hard early with Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom early in the flowering process. And then stop Tiger Bloom for the last 3 1/2 weeks and increase the amount of Big Bloom. Which is nothing but worm casings and bat guano. Plants will use up the salty nutrients themselves. Regulate carefully what and how much you feed. Then flushing is not much of a concern. I have great taste and I lost nothing to potency by scaling back on chemical fertilizer. Am I sacrificing some weight? Probably.


Congratulations on your grow of this fine classic OG Kush. I wish I had that heavy hitter indica in my collection right now. I've gone so far as to not only use a commercial flush, but also to really flush them in the bathtub until considerable water runs out out the bottom. But this was only done near the end of the flowering period. I was trying to get a cleaner taste to my herb. The only flush I do now is more of a procedure than a flush. The procedure is the regulation of nutrients. I use the Fox Farm trio and I'll hit them hard early with Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom early in the flowering process. And then stop Tiger Bloom for the last 3 1/2 weeks and increase the amount of Big Bloom. Which is nothing but worm casings and bat guano. Plants will use up the salty nutrients themselves. Regulate carefully what and how much you feed. Then flushing is not much of a concern. I have great taste and I lost nothing to potency by scaling back on chemical fertilizer. Am I sacrificing some weight? Probably.
flushing does nothing except affect the plant negatively..


I just wet my plants...
flushing does nothing except affect the plant negatively..
"But you forgot that it cleanses the soil of all excess nutrients thus making a far superior and smoother smoke once the buds have dried and cured properly..."

I never flush my soil grows either but the aforementioned is what I hear most from folks who do. I find that the drying and curing impacts the smoke more than anything.


Anyone thats says they dont flush because its in dirt / its organic etc etc is just crazy and lacks experience. They must like smoking left over nutrients. I have done many tests with the truncheon with some people claiming you dont need to flush and made them see chemicals pop up in that PPM run off test at the end of flowering FACTS!!! (They were amazed obviously 🙈)

flush your product guys and dont be lazy!!! AND totally ignore anyone that tells you not too 👍🏽.. If you still think you dont need to, then at the end, test ur runoff with ur truncheon and see that EC runoff nutrient leftover yourself ...


I just wet my plants...
Anyone thats says they dont flush because its in dirt / its organic etc etc is just crazy and lacks experience. They must like smoking left over nutrients. I have done many tests with the truncheon with some people claiming you dont need to flush and made them see chemicals pop up in that PPM run off test at the end of flowering FACTS!!! (They were amazed obviously 🙈)

flush your product guys and dont be lazy!!! AND totally ignore anyone that tells you not too 👍🏽.. If you still think you dont need to, then at the end, test ur runoff with ur truncheon and see that EC runoff nutrient leftover yourself ...
Do tell where these "left over nutrients" are aside from the soil? I don't know one person who smokes the soil, roots or run off water from their grows so I'm curious.


Anyone thats says they dont flush because its in dirt / its organic etc etc is just crazy and lacks experience. They must like smoking left over nutrients. I have done many tests with the truncheon with some people claiming you dont need to flush and made them see chemicals pop up in that PPM run off test at the end of flowering FACTS!!! (They were amazed obviously 🙈)

flush your product guys and dont be lazy!!! AND totally ignore anyone that tells you not too 👍🏽.. If you still think you dont need to, then at the end, test ur runoff with ur truncheon and see that EC runoff nutrient leftover yourself ...
not entirely sure you understand what flushing does either. You can't strip elements from a plant -- especially immobile nutrients. flushing just encourages the plant to use whatever reserves are left over in the leaves and stems. There have been several studies done indicating that flushing is an absolute crapshoot, and overall the results are entirely subjective to the grower.

the average consumer isn't going to tell the difference between flushed vs unflushed product and the only real differentiator will be if the grower used PGRs, but that's a whole other topic in of itself.


Do tell where these "left over nutrients" are aside from the soil? I don't know one person who smokes the soil, roots or run off water from their grows so I'm curious.im
Do tell where these "left over nutrients" are aside from the soil? I don't know one person who smokes the soil, roots or run off water from their grows so I'm curious.
Not sure what your talking about dude 😂🤷🏽‍♂️.

have you read my above reply correctly? Lol


Anyone thats says they dont flush because its in dirt / its organic etc etc is just crazy and lacks experience. They must like smoking left over nutrients. I have done many tests with the truncheon with some people claiming you dont need to flush and made them see chemicals pop up in that PPM run off test at the end of flowering FACTS!!! (They were amazed obviously 🙈)

flush your product guys and dont be lazy!!! AND totally ignore anyone that tells you not too 👍🏽.. If you still think you dont need to, then at the end, test ur runoff with ur truncheon and see that EC runoff nutrient leftover yourself ...


I just wet my plants...
Not sure what your talking about dude 😂🤷🏽‍♂️.

have you read my above reply correctly? Lol
Yes I did. Basically is what I was saying is testing the run off means nothing aside from there being nutrients in the soil/water. There are nutrients in the roots too and all within every square inch of the plant once in the roots.

Dumping a bunch of water on the soil does nothing for a plant that has already taken up nutrients except remove those excess nutrients so that it can't take up more.

This doesn't matter though as the plant will sacrifice it's self to pull nutrients from other parts of the plant and will only take up as much nutrients as it needs. If you really want to test something I would say juice the stems of your fresh harvest and see what those are sitting at after being flushed. Compare those numbers to a plant that hadn't been flushed.

This is more logical to me.


Yes I did. Basically is what I was saying is testing the run off means nothing aside from there being nutrients in the soil/water. There are nutrients in the roots too and all within every square inch of the plant once in the roots.

Dumping a bunch of water on the soil does nothing for a plant that has already taken up nutrients except remove those excess nutrients so that it can't take up more.

This doesn't matter though as the plant will sacrifice it's self to pull nutrients from other parts of the plant and will only take up as much nutrients as it needs. If you really want to test something I would say juice the stems of your fresh harvest and see what those are sitting at after being flushed. Compare those numbers to a plant that hadn't been flushed.

This is more logical to me.
a complete waste of time for something that means nothing..

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