Fresh Run. Fresh Room

  • Thread starter tattoojim
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Papa Indica

Papa Indica

Congrats papa..
Been a busy morning, .. went to the hydro shop fer t5 bulbs and thrive alive. Went for ever clear, chilled and rinsed about a gallon a trim. Washed all my half gl jars. Got pipes soaking, about to clean.
On top of my normal rounds I still managed a shower and shave, kinds shave...ftw
Thanks bro.

That and idiots in colorado getting too stoned cause theyve never smoked before and think its cool to eat 5 edibles and do a dab.
Yup, shit like that is exactly why people are getting freaked out about extracts.

That's some frosty looking stuff bro.

I use frydadys, cheap and easy to set temp
I'm quite happy with how the crock pot's working for me for butter. Except of course the last time when it got spilled and I burned the shit out of my legs. lol

Sorry to hear bout that . Sounds like a great guy.
He is a great guy, it's too bad, his daughter, (my cousin's wife), is understandably having a hard time with it. Unfortunately, I guess he's in denial. Personally, I think it would be better in his situation to be accepting and live his last days to the fullest of his ability. He can't even eat anything, whatever he puts in will just go into his one remaining lung. Really shitty.

Congrats man .... I remember me n my wife having probs last year and you mentioning coming up to 26 yrs lol! !
We sorted our probs out and tbh we are both really happy now and I'm looking forward to making it to 27yrs
By the way it's Robbie P ;)
Thanks man. I'm glad you guys got things worked out and I hope you make it there and well beyond bro. Like I was saying earlier, it takes work from both people.

Never got to go look at the boat.....gonna go in the mornin.....
What, did the WiFi have you sittin' downstairs drooling on yourself? lmao
G gnome

G gnome

Thanks bro.

Yup, shit like that is exactly why people are getting freaked out about extracts.

That's some frosty looking stuff bro.

I'm quite happy with how the crock pot's working for me for butter. Except of course the last time when it got spilled and I burned the shit out of my legs. lol

He is a great guy, it's too bad, his daughter, (my cousin's wife), is understandably having a hard time with it. Unfortunately, I guess he's in denial. Personally, I think it would be better in his situation to be accepting and live his last days to the fullest of his ability. He can't even eat anything, whatever he puts in will just go into his one remaining lung. Really shitty.

Thanks man. I'm glad you guys got things worked out and I hope you make it there and well beyond bro. Like I was saying earlier, it takes work from both people.

What, did the WiFi have you sittin' downstairs drooling on yourself? lmao
No the wifi had kickin ass at disc golf again......dude was busy he sed come by tomorrow. ..
G gnome

G gnome

I can't wait to try some WiFi out, it sounds pretty damn good.
Gonna be about a month till i send out any wifi. Takin clones fer my next row in 2wks. Gonna do all wifi.
I got a sour dubb i just transplanted into a clone shipper today for ya..... u shud check out some pix of it man. Its a nice lookin plant
G gnome

G gnome

Here the wifi. Lil ruff bu
t u get the point.....

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