Friend got busted growing, how much jail time?

  • Thread starter bighoss42
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Hello, a good friend of mines grow house was raided the other day while they were trimming, thankfully I was not there. I'm worried for him. It was a decent size, about 20 lights and 10 trays, also the electricty was rigged. First offence, what kind of jail time is he looking at?


If "rigged" stands for "acquired without benefit of metering" aka stolen, then grand theft seems a slam dunk for the prosecution.


There's a lot of variables dependant on what state and how many plants and how the DA views the offense. Best of luck to your friend.


Yes, that's what I ment by rigged. This happened in Los Angeles County, roughly 300 mature plants and the same amount vegging. I'm upset for him, but he knew this could have happened, is this something that could get I'm more than 5 years?


I can't say how much time he will get because that will vary greatly from county to county and judge to judge. I do know the fine has a chance to be GIANT! Stealing power is a big deal to the courts and there isn't much you can say to get any sympathy with those plant numbers.
Theoneandonly Z

Theoneandonly Z

hopefully just a slap on the hand. he will get a couple options especially if its his first offense. He is gonna get fucked for stealing power. That and if he wasnt compliant with his plant numbers or wieght, he might get hit hard for that. Worst case, couple months with a felony record. Expect a big fine for the power he stole. If he cannot afford to do so, then he is looking at more time in house and a fuck load of community service, then 2 - 3 years probation. maybe 5 cuz of the power.

Dont tread water if you cant swim. Dont cross the kitchen if you cant handle the heat. Always be accept the consequences of your actions before they are even taken.


Well-Known Farmer
He went about it all wrong. First off never steal ,pay for your way. Always do everything with integrity. There really isn`t a plant count under California law for Legal medical but there are county land use codes that may require anything from a compliance to rules of land use to fines for breaking the land use laws of the county. It worries me because you didn`t state if any Federal charges are pending. I wouldn`t expect any for a legal medical grow up to 4,000 + plants. Co-Op or some group just sharing garden space. I`m assuming it was at lest a medical grow that is under suspect by the State/county ? Or was there even one Dr. recommendation ? I see some possible defiance ,except for the thieft. It`s going to cost regardless , you can take that to the bank!


Well-Known Farmer
Maybe but if he awaits trial in Jail without bail it would most likely be used as time served. The real cost in something like this is not so much your freedom as your money. I wouldn`t expect to walk away from the theft charge without some time. But where it`s going to hurt is clearly in the pocket book!


Thanks for all your replies, I really appreciate it. Unfortunately, he did not have a 215 card. He was bailed out of jail yesterday. So far all I know is he was charged with felony cultivation and said he won't know all the charges until his first court date. The trimming crew was also charged with felony cultivation but I'm sure it will be reduced or dropped. I feel lucky because I was there trimming the day before but had school the day of the raid and was not there. I know my friend didn't do it the way it should have been done but all and all he is a good fuckin dude, I've known him since we were young kids, over 20 years and I'm worried for him


Thanks for all your replies, I really appreciate it. Unfortunately, he did not have a 215 card. He was bailed out of jail yesterday. So far all I know is he was charged with felony cultivation and said he won't know all the charges until his first court date. The trimming crew was also charged with felony cultivation but I'm sure it will be reduced or dropped. I feel lucky because I was there trimming the day before but had school the day of the raid and was not there. I know my friend didn't do it the way it should have been done but all and all he is a good fuckin dude, I've known him since we were young kids, over 20 years and I'm worried for him
Hey bro. I'm sorry for your boy truly. But this kind of thing is what fuels the opposition to legalizing. If the judge and da have soft views on pot he should be ok in the grand scheme of things. However I fear with weed getting so much attention in the recent past and if the judge and da are anti pot he could face being made an example and I'm sure u know how bad that can be. In any case I wish him good luck. Keep us posted.


I pray that they didnt have weapons on the property? big nono here. I thought that the feds take over on anything over 100 that alone is 5 years here where I am at. But its different every where. But sounds like a snitch to me? timing was too right? with them numbers your will always have haters.


First time bust in illinois w/60 plants ( total ), no jail but 26k in court cost / fines / couple hundred hours community service.

They will not like him avoiding taxes, electricity in med state. Slap in face. Other drugs onsite ? even personal not good. all cash onsite gone. Scales ? Guns ? Trimmers could fold like a cheap suit.


Stealing power made a little sense before the med laws in Cali were passed. Big power bills could have gotten you pinched and back then you had to be at least a little bit of an outlaw to take the risk in the first place. But these days it's a big gamble. Just pay your bills and keep your shit on the down low and you will be warm in your bed at night. I wish your buddy luck and I hope it is a lesson learned for him and everyone he knows.
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