Friend got busted growing, how much jail time?

  • Thread starter bighoss42
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Power OG

Power OG

Really that's awesome congrats on that. Yeah I'm really hoping they will let us pay the ridiculous amount of money they want for alternative sentencing otherwise I need to get the show on the road. I have new found responsibilities to take care of really soon here. I need all the prayer I can get. I'm so not into the story well when you were born I was in jail. Not good for the baby book.
dam amber that sucks! we praying for both of you! you will get thru this have faith.




To sum up the good posts made from this thread:

Don't steal power, that is a #1 cardinal rule in my book. Just pay the massive power bill, don't attract any attention to yourself, and the power company will be more than happy to take your money. That is, after all, what they do as a business.

Tell your friend not to drop a ton of money on a lawyer - yet. Go with the public defender long enough to get the discovery and see what all the charges are, and what he's really up against. See what the PD has to say, and at that point he may or may not want to drop the big bucks on an ace canna lawyer, depending on circumstances and strength of their case. If it's anything like my county, they may throw a plea bargain his way very early in the process to try and avoid plugging up the courts... This first plea bargain is often a shitty fucking deal, especially if they feel their case is strong...

First offense, in CA, he's got a shot at staying out of prison. But the concerning things are the plant numbers, and theft of services. Another concerning factor; the trimmers. I hope they are a solid bunch, but, I have to assume (due to the fallibility of our fellow man) that at least some of them are not. A worst case scenario - If the judge and DA are feeling like making your friend out to be an example, they may pressure the trimmers into writing a statement against your friend, portraying him as some sort of criminal mastermind, to reduce or dismiss their charges in exchange for royally fucking your friend.

He's at least going to go down a road of huge financial burden - pretty much no matter how this pans out. I hope the best for your friend, and this should be a reminder to everyone to please be careful, and smart about what you do. I care immensely about every peaceful grower on the planet, and hate to see anybody get locked in a cage.

Just don't steal any friggin power.


Wow amber that is ridiculous, theyve been pulling similiar stunts everywhere because theyre strapped for cash, sounds like butte county to me. Just finding any lie to justify a search warrant, which even if it doesnt yield an arrest, good luck getting reimbursed for the damage they cause to your house, mind, and soul. Id extend the court hearing as long as possible A. because if you are on bail and wait long enough and dont get in any trouble or hear a peep out of you their more likely to give you no jail time. B. Who knows laws might change and get your case dropped completely, although sorry I wouldnt hold your breathe for that one.
bho is a risky business, I sold all my dab gear and just buy from friends I donate trim to, figure its cheaper than the system after my buddy went thru the same thing, still is going thru it sadly.
The best advice I can give you is if you do get sentenced to a year, youll do 3 months for good time, but dont let the sentence begin now in your mind, pls for your sake enjoy everyday of free life until your in that shithole, dont let them win. You can take my body but not my mind, jah mon!


Yes, that's what I ment by rigged. This happened in Los Angeles County, roughly 300 mature plants and the same amount vegging. I'm upset for him, but he knew this could have happened, is this something that could get I'm more than 5 years?
Bro!! WOW!! First let me say I truly do feel for your friend...But, like one person mentioned,NOWHERE looks very kindly at the stealing power..And like another person mentioned (I dont know a lot about growing laws (yet)..but with THOSE plant numbers I also feel that it's going to next to IMPOSSIBLE to get ANY sympathy.. I think the ONLY thing that MIGHT save him is if he doesn't have ANY record at all.. Even then, you need a Very good attorney and LOTS of $$$$$$$.....I really wish your friend the best....
mr roboto

mr roboto

Hope he gets what he deserves for stealing power, which makes it harder for the rest of the legal growers. Greedy bastard


I really don't understand how anyone could have an operation that big and NOT have a med card. They are so easy to get in SoCal, even without any medical records proving you need one. Just go to Venice Beach and someone will give you one. It's not like they cost hundreds of $ either.


As someone who has been down the prison road for many years PLEASE if your in a med state get a card!

Friends and acquaintances will sell out their mothers if the pressure is applied enough.

As someone already said continuance,continuance,continuance drag everything out and hope the laws change in the next couple years. Out of custody hearing dates are always easy to drag out.

Fingers crossed for you and your guy amber & for the op of the thread I hope your friend comes out of this alright, but let's be honest stealing power & no med card in a med state is insane to begin with...If you were going that big I just do not understand the logic. Setup alone had to run thousands if not ten+ so why the need to be janky with the electric??


Well-Known Farmer
No med card? Not to late to obtain one. Still might have effect on the court case. I`ve heard of state courts honoring recommendations months elapsed. The Idea is a person could still be sick and in need of medication without having a current recommendation. Just try to get the recommendation for element's or symptoms that were from before the legal problems and the grow involved.


Buddy got popped 8 months ago 14 lights 150 plants with a "99" plant limit and stealing power da laughed at the limit he said ca has no limit the county has certain plant limits set in stone but he said 99 plants for personal use not buying it besides you were 60 plants over your bogus limit. He got 1 year for cultivating but the power ordeal he recieved another 13 months and a $25,000 fine he got time served and offered awl for the cultivating with 2/3 time served but te electrical theft he had to serve full time tell ur buddy good luck man it's hard to fight cases like this because a judge sees it as ca is very open to cannabis and u can't stay in the guidelines. No card either


No card, over 100 and stealing power? Sounds like your buddy's misfortune might be a lucky break for you. It was probably only a matter of time before his stupid wore off on you or landed you in prison. Hopefully you learn how to pick better friends.


No card, over 100 and stealing power? Sounds like your buddy's misfortune might be a lucky break for you. It was probably only a matter of time before his stupid wore off on you or landed you in prison. Hopefully you learn how to pick better friends.
That's harsh, bro, but SPOT ON.


Fuck. Delay your court proceedings. PD!!!!! Don't pony the dough unless you got to. However with all the money he saved not paying power I'd hope to FUCK he has money. If you don't go at LEAST a couple thousand bucks (should have close to 50 stashed!!!!)


jail time is not the same as home time . most people black everything out and only remember the 1st and last days . court time is worse then jail time most of the time cause its like chess and jail is more like checkers with a few chess games on the side.
jimmy the hat

jimmy the hat

As a graduate of California's penal system I would estimate w/ a public defender and if he is white(trust me this matters) prob 2years on a plea deal. Half of which would be spent inside. The more money you spend the better deal you get.....this is almost always the's a terribly screwed up system... cultivation carries a min 16months max 36......the power would be grand theft/larceny which I believe carries up to county year and lots of fines.


Trichome Engineer
This whole thread is educational. But a big downer. Amber perhaps they will be lenant because of the baby. I hope so. Stealing Power they always get caught. DUH. Thoughts and prayers with U all. M


What state are you in?
In 1995 I got 6 years but they doubled it for having a strike for a violent crime.
I got 12 years and only did 7 years of the 12. I also had a prior for selling meth to the DOJ's BNE. I only had 29 flowering plants and I lived in Sacramento then.
Hopefully your in a kind state.
Don't get me wrong prison is not nice anywhere. But I never shed a tear and it didn't change my ways. I will smoke grow herd until the day I die. Tell him to
Do his little 4 to 6 years most likely and come home. I had fun there. After 4 years I went to a fire camp and fished , swim everyday , 200 satellite channels,
Pool table, weed, drugs everywhere and
at night your woman can meet you out in the forest and bring stuff and give you a little. It was a summer camp for cons.
The fire fighting sucked ass! Hiking and cutting fire lines for $1.00 a hour is crazy! Just roll with it. Stop stealing power! Easiest way to get you busted.
I don't know any long lasting power thieves here in SoCal. Every buddy that tried it got caught. We can make plenty of cash without stealing $700 in power every month.

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