Banner in the ground is getting big no signs of re-veg yet but I think it’s coming
The Clone off the other Banner rooted
Okie x Cmen clone
2 of 4 PBB x Cmen clones
BluTerp week 11 very dense buds I tested a popcorn bud and Holy Hell
@Choppr best blueberry flavor ever!
Couldn’t help myself I sent 2 clones of it first time sending clones to a buddy in PA they arrived alive and healthy thank you again. Clones take root super fast for this also.
Another BluTerp clone. The monster crop clone took root waiting for new growth
I neglected the Sugarcane but 1 had pistil so I took 2 clones and gonna try to revive the plant 3rd cut in cup is an Okie clone I’ll separate them after they root like last time. I definitely have to start afew more Sugarcane!
The Mutant BlackSugar I have never seen pre-flower growth like this it has extra leaf’s in it but only on the 1 main stalk. I think you’re right
@Oldchucky about the Fasciation so that’s pretty dope!
Black sugar clone from the bigger normal plant.
Banizzle more topping an training probably take a clone soon
Fruity Pebbles clone there’s another one in there somewhere to
Theres more clones and other strains in there didn’t wanna pull everything out the other big plants are still doing good