Fucking rippers!!!

  • Thread starter sensisaint
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so i woke this morning to a horrible sight my outdoor auto ladies were ripped over night aswell as two ex cheese in veg still,brazin bastards came over fence last night made a huge mess and fucked off with my meds as im a caregiver and patient im now out of meds for the patients and myself for 5 more weeks now,so as we all know karmas a bitch and when you steal from the sick and compassionate i hope it hits the rippers ten fold,this is a disgrace of humanity when i a piece of shit steals someones medicine or anything for that matter. to all the farmers who have been ripped before my hearts out you all and to those that havnt had the ill luxury i hope that it stays that way forever for you all its not a pleasent feeling i must say. so to you farmers be safe,keep your heads up. take care and peace:sign0065:


Sorry to hear that u got rip.Thats fux up,I hate theft in any form.People work hard for thier stuff and some lil punk comes around and fuxs it all up. I had to move most of my ladies away for awhile because of thieves.Chase two kids off the other week,didnt wait for them too comeback.Putting new sercurity measures in now, locks,doors,sealing up all windows, and finally getting two big dogs, probally two pits.


I'm sorry man, been there before and that shit really sucks! Hope everything gets better, and you are right karma can be a bitch


Sorry to hear it man.. Karma is a bitch and I hear she bites... hard.

Do you have a security precautions? Im assuming it was an outdoor our greenhouse?

Big Dog and a big gun-- get you both.
As said as it is to say this, " theres ppl out there that would kill for a plant" sad but true.

Envy is one of the ugliest traits of mankind. Watch those CLOSEST to you.

Hope you and your fellow patients bounce back strong.



Really sorry this happened to you...This is the worst.

This is what I tell all my outdoor grower friends....
Set up Fishing line with Bells, wood sticks, alarms, even a sirens or whatever you can rig up and then pitch a tent up in the backyard next to the grow.

Whether your in the tent or not it looks like someone might be and usually the guy in the tent has a SHOTGUN.

Then sit in your house with your Shotgun and Bullhorn and if you see someone come into your web then start making some noise turn on the siren blast the gauge and start screaming like the madman you are! That should do the trick

Good luck next season. maybe you can get some plants outside for some late season love this year?

Really sorry this has happened to you and your patients. Sad Sad event people stealing from good people especially good people that have ailments.



thanks for the kind words everyone, and i iwsh i could start again but way to far up north, anyways thanks again everyone much appreciated,this just affirms my fears of my meds being outside. take care and peace


dogs and or a sign that says enter at own risk trespassers will be raped and killed err sumthn


thanks for the kind words everyone, and i iwsh i could start again but way to far up north, anyways thanks again everyone much appreciated,this just affirms my fears of my meds being outside. take care and peace

Just for the hell of it, I popped a few beans last week. I have a room with an East and South window. I'll veg em' for 2 months keeping them awake with a simple floor lamp, then I'll flower until Christmas. If you have the indoor space, there's a lot you can do barring being in Alaska etc. Sorry to hear about this, most of us have had plants stolen at one point or another. If someone rips a vegging plant out of the ground(as opposed to digging up 4/transplant), then you know it's amateur hour.

Love the tent idea, dogs are the best but then obviously are an added expense for 10-15 years. I'm always sorry to hear about this happening, hope the next grow brings a double harvest.


Premium Member
I Use Trip Alarms

Its a piece of string (fishing line) tie it off, the other end ties to a little metal catch sticking into a devise that holds a 12 guage shotgun shell. When the string is hit it pulls the catch out and the shell is fired. My shells have a cracker in them that is shot out 20-30 feet in the air and goes off letting everyone know whats going on. They are very effective, I've used several
Sorry for your loss, weed wasn't even ready



damn mal didn't know u were a macgyver smoker. does sound like good idea. i keep dobes so they are my alarm and i am the judge n jury.


Living dead girl
We used a motorcycle horn and it worked GREAT.

Now we have everything well fenced off and use surveillance, but I'm feelin' a little froggy. I took all my boys and put them well within easy reach. Any IDIOT who's ripping plants right now is smoking green leaves, so I say let them smoke balls (after I've got me somma dat pollen, we makin' babies), and enjoy.


damn mal didn't know u were a macgyver smoker. does sound like good idea. i keep dobes so they are my alarm and i am the judge n jury.

lol, Yea I've been ripped a couple times before, get you a rottie or a pitbull. I'm watching the shit out of my outdoor babies this year my big colby passed in the spring and his pup is just about ready after she out of heat, ......Hell a ankle biter make enuff noise to alert you someone fucking around.
And watch your neighbors, one of mine snatched several branches off my plants a few years ago, should of just took the whole thing, I almost killed that mf he's lucky I go back with his family over 30 yrs. I hate a fukinn theif, dislike ain't strong enough a word. :mad0233:
deep buddy

deep buddy

Its a piece of string (fishing line) tie it off, the other end ties to a little metal catch sticking into a devise that holds a 12 guage shotgun shell. When the string is hit it pulls the catch out and the shell is fired. My shells have a cracker in them that is shot out 20-30 feet in the air and goes off letting everyone know whats going on. They are very effective, I've used several
Sorry for your loss, weed wasn't even ready


i suggest a slightly different approach. i usually do the line but attatched to a bell or driveway alarm. save your bullets for the rippers. i like to catch them not scare them. and if its just a deer or the wind you dont have shotgun shells going off giving up your location. just mho


That fucking sucks man. But u hit the nail right on the head with KARMA... what goes around comes around..... best wishes 2 ya bro :mad0233:


Driveway alarms surrounding the grow site is a good way to catch people before they are even in your garden.
Some can warn you if someone is 500 feet away. Most are around 300 feet. That and motion activated cameras.
My favorite cheapest security device is a baby monitor. You will be suprised on what you can hear on those.
Another thing you can do is get a motion detector light. Plug one of those screw in things where you can plug something into it. Run a extension cord inside your house to a stereo that is set on full blast. When someone trips that light the stereo will blast letting you know what is up.


I hate thieves that steal other's plants right out of their garden..that really sucks! What an invasion of privacy and security, with that said..you really do need to beef up your security. Chances are..they know where your grow is and can be back for more. If they know, other thieves may know. This is a horrible situation and I hope these MFs get their asses beat. Rippers are so damn hateful..ugh!

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