garden lime and adjusting ph too fast!!!

  • Thread starter lucanidas
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bollex is the word for it!!!

i think i have adjusted my pH in my soil too fast!, I bought a soil used for growing tomatoes, big mistake the pH of the soil is 5.0 my young plants UK cheese were looking strong and healthy but im growing g13 haze and they look like they have a Magnesium deficiency , yellow green in colour on the edges.

so I came to the conclusion it was a pH problem, I have read that adding lime to the soil will correct this , where I live our garden centres are not great, when I asked for dolomite lime the man looked at me like I had 2 fucking heads, but they did have granulated garden lime.
I waited for the soil to completely dry out and then mixed a small amount into water and watered the plants with this solution, I waited for the soil to completely dry out first, and after checking the run off it read 6.0, 6.1 so that an improvement ....right??

i went in to check them this morning and they were all looking droopy, no change in colour but looking like they were over watered, i dont think it is over watering because the soil is just moist

what do you think i should do?
re pot and change the soil now? or flush like mad? or wait and see if they get over this shock???


Wait and see if they get better. You can always adjust, but over adjustment is an overkill.

If you want giving them a little flush would be all and well, imvho.

Watch what your doing when adjusting the ph. Look for good alternatives that will not mess with your ratios of chemicals. Everything reacts with something else. Find what can raise or lower your ph without locking out nutrients and you good as gold.

You need to know about nutrients and ph first though.



bollex is the word for it!!!

i think i have adjusted my pH in my soil too fast!, I bought a soil used for growing tomatoes, big mistake the pH of the soil is 5.0 my young plants UK cheese were looking strong and healthy but im growing g13 haze and they look like they have a Magnesium deficiency , yellow green in colour on the edges.

so I came to the conclusion it was a pH problem, I have read that adding lime to the soil will correct this , where I live our garden centres are not great, when I asked for dolomite lime the man looked at me like I had 2 fucking heads, but they did have granulated garden lime.
I waited for the soil to completely dry out and then mixed a small amount into water and watered the plants with this solution, I waited for the soil to completely dry out first, and after checking the run off it read 6.0, 6.1 so that an improvement ....right??

i went in to check them this morning and they were all looking droopy, no change in colour but looking like they were over watered, i dont think it is over watering because the soil is just moist

what do you think i should do?
re pot and change the soil now? or flush like mad? or wait and see if they get over this shock???

I don't really see the drooping as a lime issue... more like you dried em out completely and they went into a bit of shock... would be my guess.

I usually get the DL myself, not the chunky GL... but thought them both to be very safe, just one has more mag in it vs the other.

Check out another garden center... 50lb bags of pulverized lime for under 10. Much easier to apply in solution w/o issue.


Thank you for the advice lads!

my situation looked a little worse, not too bad but not as healthy as they looked before, i'm putting it down to bad soil,,,

a small bit of advice for any new growers , make sure you buy a soil from a reputable company that has the pH marked clearly on the back, even if a bag of soil says it can be used for growing tomatoes or whatever the pH will be way off and do not buy on the advice of garden centers staff, they really don't have a clue in 90 % of cases...

i had to transplant, to fix my problem!!

and it worked so far so good they are perking up in only one day, ill explain what i did,

i got a basin of pH corrected water and added 1 tsp of root hormone to 1 gal mixed it in good, then i soaked the root ball in the water for a few mins and gently using the water (I did not remove the soil with my fingers as too not damage the roots, I moved the water constantly on the root ball and the bad soil gently came away)
I removed about 80% - 90% of the bad soil ( i was lucky my roots were all white and healthy) then i just re-potted in perlite and good quality soil pH 6.7, gave a heavy watering with a small amount of super thrive 3 drops per 1 gall. and gave them weak foliar feed of Epsom salts and an all purpose nutrient, mixed very weak!! 1/4 strength

that's it all looking better.....and no real transplanting shock

never cheep out on soil and make sure you know the pH of the soil , not worth the head ache after!!!!!........

peace out!!
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