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Sure looks like NL to me gampopa2011. Is this from a cut or a seedbank ?
I believe Nevil said number 2 was pure Kush strain, others had Thai in it so I’d say it had some sativa for sure, #5 was backctossed to the afghani from what I understandThat kind of pickles my head even more. As i thought there were 11 seeds originally. So how would #2 be a pure indica, but not #5 and the rest, or are they all pure indicas? Is there such a thing as a thai indica?
I'm interested most in whether it is infact a pure indica, or does have some sativa in its background. Thanks for the info though, really interesting.
Hi Shamus my name is Chris, I was reading this and it sounds like the cut of Northern Lights I've been trying to locate for quite a few years. None that come from Sensi Seeds, Mr. Nice Seeds or the other breeders/banks have the overwhelming pine needle taste and smell. I would love to get a few seeds or clones from your guy, if you could help me I would greatly appreciate it. I don't expect anything for free and will gladly work out some sort of deal. I am a breeder myself and want to use it as the backbone on which a few of my newer strains will be built. I am going to be starting a company once my inventory is built and will gladly hook you up then too. I've grown tons of NL5x Haze and they aren't even close to the original. Let me know what you think, and thanks for your timemy older relative has had the same cut of NL since the mid/late 80's, it came from Wisconsin via canadian bikers, he didnt have a specific # with it, but hes been growing it ever since, and it sounds like it was the true original NL5 clone
it WAS pine, like a sappy ass pine cone n needles ground up in a coffee bean grinder. frosty as fuck and buds as big as my arms and legs. it was the first plant i grew
ill be getting it back, he was busted, but his sons ik had to give it out, as well as his homie who did indoors kept it around. ill scour the whole fuckin county if i have too.
i have to go over for a cup of coffee at some point here and figure out what exactly he knows about it, cause he sourced it before whoever you guys are saying originally did, neville er whatever. so i feel like if anyones gonna really know at all itd be him.
ps: ive tried freiseland? er however its spelled, which is supposed to be one of the NL's right? well it didnt have shit on my fams cut
I'd love to get my hands on that 1988 Northern Lights you got. If you wanna trad some beans let me know... ThanksI have Mel's 1989 Northern lights #5 (Neville's NL#5 BX8) x NL#5 mother) and Neville's (pre Sensi) 1988 Northern lights 5 x 2. These make up my Starfire project, a project to bring back Real NL genetics.
Does anybody know for sure what the genetics of the original 11 NL seeds are?
Is NL a pure indica, i.e containing no sativa at all?
Is there any real evidence anywhere as to what genetics NL really contains?
On the sensi website it is called a "pure indica", on seedsman website, its called an afghani/skunk/haze, somewhere else it's said it contains thai.
What is the deal with all this? Does anybody really know the genetics of NL? Or are all wrtie ups just guesses, or the opinion of the breeder?
I find it hard to believe anyone can call it "pure" anything when there is so little info.
And who actually has the real cuts? Are they widespread in Holland now? Or are sensi and a few others the only ones with the originals?
Anyone with any info on this subject, please chip in. I'm very interested. I'd like to know what makes up this famous variety, and why the information about it is so diluted.
Peace. Solid.
Breeder syndicate has done several interviews with the original breeder(s) and Greg went over in detail 1,2, and 5 and touched briefly on the others, specifically nl5 was nl1x Hawaiian(which was a columbian), and the higher the # taller the plant and more sativa leaning