im using lightmix too mine is just from Plagron i prefer it over
I have used almost every
biobizz bottled nutrient and i was not very impressed but it works and it good for beginners
Its hard to give too much
As long as your plant is in vegetative stage just stick to using Biogrow or fishmix
depends on which one you got
start by adding 0,5ml per liter of water
and dont give her more unless you notice any deficiencies on its way
You can sligtly up the nutes every week or second week to 1-1,5-2 but as said earlier not my cup of tea
I myself measure my synthetic nutrients with a EC meter to know exactly how much im giving her
And know exactly what the nutrient concentration is inside my pot by measuring the runoff
biobizz is organic so if you try to measure the EC it will tell you something different 10 times ina row
When growing organic youre feeding the soil and the microbes in it more than your feeding the plant
Microbes break down certain things in your soil and makes it availible plant food
Hope i helped
dm me if you need something