Greetings all

  • Thread starter Johnny.Footwrinkle
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Hey everyone, hows it going?

Just saying hi, been smoking weed for about 30 years now. I don't grown my own so currently am at the mercy of dealers and commercial growers, which is why I have joined this and other forums, mainly because I have an issue with the weed you guys are flooding our streets with.

I like indica strains but it's proving impossible to find a decent pure indica/kush. Everything is hybrids nowadays and I personally cannot stand the hit from sativa, plus all these hybrids are sh*t, they really are. they win awards and I'm left wondering what they win for, they are all so diluted these days that I barely feel anything from them, and no it's not tolerance. For example, i scored some mac 1 yesterday, it's a hybrid and it is absolutely awful, really really cerebal and has that horrible head feeling that every other strain has, it seriously does not feel any different to any other hybrid, plus when you research what strains went into making mac 1, you find out it's history has over 20 different strains mixed into it, that's not a hybrid, it's just a mess. Please can you guys stop doing this, stop mixing all the strains, and give us back our indica weed, like it should be. It feels like all these growers actually don't have a clue what they are doing, there's no difference bewteen the strains anymore, it's like inbreeding with your 2nd cousin all you get is a retarded offspring, your weeds are exactly the same.

There's a mental health crisis because sativas are too cerebal and they are energising everyones minds. It feels like a deliberate ploy to remove the stoned feeling and all the entheogenic qualites of weed leaving a really generic hit that does literally nothing except itrritate me and waste my money.

PLEASE, stop growing the hybrids and sativas, they are genuinely awful, stop flooding our streets with such crap, you want our money, give us what we want, we demand indicas not hybrids, not sativas, we want pure 100 percent indicas please!!

I didn't come on here to just bitch about weed but seriously guys, sort it out for the love of god!


The problem is what you said in the first few sentences. Commercial growers and dispensaries. Their weed is tainted and not pure. It is mass grown and plant inhibitors are very common in the commercial space.

-no smell when ground
-no flavor profile
-lack of smell
-extreme density

That is just some of the key factors in identifying weed grown with growth inhibitors. Illegal, yes, but that doesn’t stop people from doing it when $millions are on the line.

Home growers tend to their plants in a much more controlled manner than commercial and extremely large operations. Quick harvest is ideal for these guys as an Indica can give a couple more harvests a year. Sativa takes longer to harvest typically.

Indica has the ability to produce CBN and CBD. CBN is what gives you the body tingles and narcotic effect of the weed. It takes a grower pushing an Indica beyond the harvest window, along with the strains ability to produce CBN (some do not others have a lot of this capability). Therefore the high I think you are referring to is that most commercial grow operations are NOT pushing plants beyond harvest window as it cuts into profitability. Notice that the indicas sold at dispensary that has a high CBN is more expensive than the rest. Due to this factor of Indicas needing to grow beyond their harvest window to produce it. In turn, THC nosedives in the pursuit to produce high CBN. THC is what gets you high, CBD and CBN gives the narcotic effects.

Also, high intake of CBD causes relaxation, in small doses causes anxiety. The opposite is true for CBN. This is why people using CBD hate it, because they all are low doses and therefore induces anxiety. No product of CBD on the market has the potency or concentration needed to properly do what CBD is supposed to do. So everyone using CBD from the store is inducing themselves with anxiety if taken in small doses.

You sir are looking for the creme de la creme of the narcotics of weed, which is the CBN. Pure Indica. Thats admirable.

Now, you can find pure seeds but you will pay a 6month supply of dispensary weed to Attempt to grow the one $500 seed. It’s the gentleman of the past that tinkered with these plants, past generations that twisted this all up. Because humans push limits and experiment, it was bound to happen as they noticed that the cannabis grown of hybrids could handle a wide range of environments. Which led them to more easily, successful and continual production. So it’s not us, it is the older generations that took the pures and modified their genetics to have an easier time growing successfully.

I paid $15 for the most expensive dank single pre roll the dispensary offered at the time. I smoked the whole thing. Smelt good before burn. Smooth but tasteless. I take one toke on my home grown and immediately get blasted.

Dispensary weed is trash that looks good. I concur with you on that front.


🐼 🚀 living soil
Hey everyone, hows it going?

Just saying hi, been smoking weed for about 30 years now. I don't grown my own so currently am at the mercy of dealers and commercial growers, which is why I have joined this and other forums, mainly because I have an issue with the weed you guys are flooding our streets with.

I like indica strains but it's proving impossible to find a decent pure indica/kush. Everything is hybrids nowadays and I personally cannot stand the hit from sativa, plus all these hybrids are sh*t, they really are. they win awards and I'm left wondering what they win for, they are all so diluted these days that I barely feel anything from them, and no it's not tolerance. For example, i scored some mac 1 yesterday, it's a hybrid and it is absolutely awful, really really cerebal and has that horrible head feeling that every other strain has, it seriously does not feel any different to any other hybrid, plus when you research what strains went into making mac 1, you find out it's history has over 20 different strains mixed into it, that's not a hybrid, it's just a mess. Please can you guys stop doing this, stop mixing all the strains, and give us back our indica weed, like it should be. It feels like all these growers actually don't have a clue what they are doing, there's no difference bewteen the strains anymore, it's like inbreeding with your 2nd cousin all you get is a retarded offspring, your weeds are exactly the same.

There's a mental health crisis because sativas are too cerebal and they are energising everyones minds. It feels like a deliberate ploy to remove the stoned feeling and all the entheogenic qualites of weed leaving a really generic hit that does literally nothing except itrritate me and waste my money.

PLEASE, stop growing the hybrids and sativas, they are genuinely awful, stop flooding our streets with such crap, you want our money, give us what we want, we demand indicas not hybrids, not sativas, we want pure 100 percent indicas please!!

I didn't come on here to just bitch about weed but seriously guys, sort it out for the love of god!
Because grow ops are run by commercial morons from other industries and its so hard to make money growing now they focus on margins only. Homegrown is night and day, the crap at the dispo in NYS has to be put under lamps to kill microbes so they are all dry and harsh AF. They also use all sorts of crap you wouldn't in a home grow like pesticides and whatnot. The list of chemicals allowed in medical weed is staggering. In short do not trust the dispos and the government isn't coming to save things either because I have yet to discover something they did that they didn't completely fuck up yet. However in the end lobbyists ruin the cannabis industry at its roots in legislation , the most IMO by far.
Fuck the government, Fuck big business 👍


The problem is what you said in the first few sentences. Commercial growers and dispensaries. Their weed is tainted and not pure. It is mass grown and plant inhibitors are very common in the commercial space.

-no smell when ground
-no flavor profile
-lack of smell
-extreme density

That is just some of the key factors in identifying weed grown with growth inhibitors. Illegal, yes, but that doesn’t stop people from doing it when $millions are on the line.

Home growers tend to their plants in a much more controlled manner than commercial and extremely large operations. Quick harvest is ideal for these guys as an Indica can give a couple more harvests a year. Sativa takes longer to harvest typically.

Indica has the ability to produce CBN and CBD. CBN is what gives you the body tingles and narcotic effect of the weed. It takes a grower pushing an Indica beyond the harvest window, along with the strains ability to produce CBN (some do not others have a lot of this capability). Therefore the high I think you are referring to is that most commercial grow operations are NOT pushing plants beyond harvest window as it cuts into profitability. Notice that the indicas sold at dispensary that has a high CBN is more expensive than the rest. Due to this factor of Indicas needing to grow beyond their harvest window to produce it. In turn, THC nosedives in the pursuit to produce high CBN. THC is what gets you high, CBD and CBN gives the narcotic effects.

Also, high intake of CBD causes relaxation, in small doses causes anxiety. The opposite is true for CBN. This is why people using CBD hate it, because they all are low doses and therefore induces anxiety. No product of CBD on the market has the potency or concentration needed to properly do what CBD is supposed to do. So everyone using CBD from the store is inducing themselves with anxiety if taken in small doses.

You sir are looking for the creme de la creme of the narcotics of weed, which is the CBN. Pure Indica. Thats admirable.

Now, you can find pure seeds but you will pay a 6month supply of dispensary weed to Attempt to grow the one $500 seed. It’s the gentleman of the past that tinkered with these plants, past generations that twisted this all up. Because humans push limits and experiment, it was bound to happen as they noticed that the cannabis grown of hybrids could handle a wide range of environments. Which led them to more easily, successful and continual production. So it’s not us, it is the older generations that took the pures and modified their genetics to have an easier time growing successfully.

I paid $15 for the most expensive dank single pre roll the dispensary offered at the time. I smoked the whole thing. Smelt good before burn. Smooth but tasteless. I take one toke on my home grown and immediately get blasted.

Dispensary weed is trash that looks good. I concur with you on that front.
Thank you for the reply.

I did not realise that indicas had to be grown past their 'window' to get that mongy body stoned, I always assumed it was just part of the indica hit as they all used to seem like that, but that's the part I miss most with the weed I get, they're all too cerebal and just don't relax me enough in the body. I find it really hard to meditate on sativa as well.

Is this the reasoning behind 'cali packs' being so expensive, I was going to start a thread and ask why you guys charge so much for some weeds. I can get stuff like cookie dog which is indica for £50 a quarter (it doesn't hit me quite hard enough but it's good enough to keep me coming back for more) but then these dealers will buy silly little bags and say that the weed in them is 'cali' when it isn't and their dealer is charging them £300 an oz. Now I'm fully aware that they buy these bags just so they can lie and charge more money but genuine cali is expensive so is it for the reason you mention above? The longer grow period means more overheads? Or is it just people being greedy? In my mind, I always assumed that if you took 2 different strains and put them in an identical grow set up and everything was 100% the same, it wouldn't cost a single penny extra to produce either of them. Plus the fact I've bought indica in the past at the same price as everything else led me to believe there was no difference in the cost of production.

500 for one seed, I bet that would be a kick ass smoke!

I'm in the UK so we don't even have dispensaries, I'm having to buy it illegally which is just as crap.


Because grow ops are run by commercial morons from other industries and its so hard to make money growing now they focus on margins only. Homegrown is night and day, the crap at the dispo in NYS has to be put under lamps to kill microbes so they are all dry and harsh AF.
I hadn't even considered that legislation would require things like killing off of microbes, but I guess it's to be expected.

They also use all sorts of crap you wouldn't in a home grow like pesticides and whatnot. The list of chemicals allowed in medical weed is staggering. In short do not trust the dispos and the government isn't coming to save things either because I have yet to discover something they did that they didn't completely fuck up yet. However in the end lobbyists ruin the cannabis industry at its roots in legislation , the most IMO by far.
Show me something the lobbyists haven't ruined. I always assumed a lot of the weed would come from private growers looking to upscale their grows, people who gave a shit about the quailty of their product but yeah I guess legislation is going to mean jumping through hoops before you can sell your product legally, and as usual it's going to be the end user who suffers the most.

Fuck the government, Fuck big business 👍
Amen to that! :)


some information above here is absolute non sense,..
some is correct,..
but anyhoo i agree on and im close to 60 yrs old that weed has basically sucked since late 80’s,..
support landrace farmers!,..


Because grow ops are run by commercial morons from other industries and its so hard to make money growing now they focus on margins only. Homegrown is night and day, the crap at the dispo in NYS has to be put under lamps to kill microbes so they are all dry and harsh AF. They also use all sorts of crap you wouldn't in a home grow like pesticides and whatnot. The list of chemicals allowed in medical weed is staggering. In short do not trust the dispos and the government isn't coming to save things either because I have yet to discover something they did that they didn't completely fuck up yet. However in the end lobbyists ruin the cannabis industry at its roots in legislation , the most IMO by far.
Fuck the government, Fuck big business 👍
I'm from NY. I had a buddy pick me up an 1/8th from the dispensary. You are right. It was dry,tasteless either no smell. Wtf was I thinking 🤔.
My buddy has been growing the dank for 20 years in NY. He applied for a class 3 license. It's not looking good. Way to low in the Q.


some information above here is absolute non sense,..
some is correct,..
but anyhoo i agree on and im close to 60 yrs old that weed has basically sucked since late 80’s,..
support landrace farmers!,..
Could you expand on which parts are nonsense? Otherwise I'm left confused and not knowing who is sharing good info and who isn't, thanks.


some information above here is absolute non sense,..
some is correct,..
but anyhoo i agree on and im close to 60 yrs old that weed has basically sucked since late 80’s,..
support landrace farmers!,..
I see you've posted plenty since I replied to your comment.

Could you expand on what is nonsesne and what isn't please? You can't go around telling people that stuff isn't right but not then tell them why it isn't right. You're a member of staff here, you should know better than to shitstir, how do you think this makes your forum look? People come on here and see the staff are mugging people around?

Are you suggesting my original post is nonsense or that the replies are? And if someone has given me the wrong information and you know full well it is incorrect, why are not offering the actual correct information?

I genuinely would like to know, thanks.


Hey everyone, hows it going?

Just saying hi, been smoking weed for about 30 years now. I don't grown my own so currently am at the mercy of dealers and commercial growers, which is why I have joined this and other forums, mainly because I have an issue with the weed you guys are flooding our streets with.

I like indica strains but it's proving impossible to find a decent pure indica/kush. Everything is hybrids nowadays and I personally cannot stand the hit from sativa, plus all these hybrids are sh*t, they really are. they win awards and I'm left wondering what they win for, they are all so diluted these days that I barely feel anything from them, and no it's not tolerance. For example, i scored some mac 1 yesterday, it's a hybrid and it is absolutely awful, really really cerebal and has that horrible head feeling that every other strain has, it seriously does not feel any different to any other hybrid, plus when you research what strains went into making mac 1, you find out it's history has over 20 different strains mixed into it, that's not a hybrid, it's just a mess. Please can you guys stop doing this, stop mixing all the strains, and give us back our indica weed, like it should be. It feels like all these growers actually don't have a clue what they are doing, there's no difference bewteen the strains anymore, it's like inbreeding with your 2nd cousin all you get is a retarded offspring, your weeds are exactly the same.

There's a mental health crisis because sativas are too cerebal and they are energising everyones minds. It feels like a deliberate ploy to remove the stoned feeling and all the entheogenic qualites of weed leaving a really generic hit that does literally nothing except itrritate me and waste my money.

PLEASE, stop growing the hybrids and sativas, they are genuinely awful, stop flooding our streets with such crap, you want our money, give us what we want, we demand indicas not hybrids, not sativas, we want pure 100 percent indicas please!!

I didn't come on here to just bitch about weed but seriously guys, sort it out for the love of god!
Great observations! I concur.


I see you've posted plenty since I replied to your comment.

Could you expand on what is nonsesne and what isn't please? You can't go around telling people that stuff isn't right but not then tell them why it isn't right. You're a member of staff here, you should know better than to shitstir, how do you think this makes your forum look? People come on here and see the staff are mugging people around?

Are you suggesting my original post is nonsense or that the replies are? And if someone has given me the wrong information and you know full well it is incorrect, why are not offering the actual correct information?

I genuinely would like to know, thanks.
sativa is definitely not shit weed but i’ll say and just assuming this but i’m pretty sure most growing sativas are not feeding correctly during flower and not flowering long enough,.
i just grew afghanica 100% indica and it paralyzes me,..
also think about dispensary weed growers, bet ya beyond how it’s grown and cared for, i’m sure it’s all machine trimmed to look pretty but to also collect trimmings for whatever extraction they want etc, trying to get the most out of it while maintaining business and profit,. sure most started out with good intentions but most just can’t handle it,.. they are just gonna get that weed into the harvest window than down it comes with probably more in mature trichomes compared to mature trichomes hence no buzz or short stone, no taste really etc,.
lots can grow great looking weed but not lots can grow good looking weed that’ll put you on your ass like in the eighties,. that buzz back than was what getting high was all about,. looked like small airey fluffy buds but sometimes the high was almost like acid,. or laughing for hours,. anyhoo,.


some information above here is absolute non sense,..
some is correct,..
but anyhoo i agree on and im close to 60 yrs old that weed has basically sucked since late 80’s,..
support landrace farmers!,..

Once I get into heavily growing I plan on buying as many landrace seeds as possible (Indica and Sativa 100%) and growing them. I actually find it more enjoyable growing what our ancestors used to grow instead of the stuff now. I feel more like im keeping the history of the plant alive.


Once I get into heavily growing I plan on buying as many landrace seeds as possible (Indica and Sativa 100%) and growing them. I actually find it more enjoyable growing what our ancestors used to grow instead of the stuff now. I feel more like im keeping the history of the plant alive.
Excellent! The world needs more. I Miss My old world Columbian, with that earthy sweet smell.
Good Times!
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