Growing exclusively under HPS lights?

  • Thread starter Sim Karter
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Sim Karter

Sim Karter


reading from different sources is very confusing, is there anybody knowledgeable enough to tell me definitively that it's possible?

If so, I'd expect the plants would stretch a lot more than usual however will it have a big affect on the yield?


You will see some stretch but, nothing (as long as you keep your lights close/without burning them) that will be to major. Strain and style will also affect this. IMO HPS is the best option if you have to still with only one type.


Using the hps in veg is better than florescent cfl or t5s'. cause it will make your girls grow faster and stronger...which in tails... stronger bigger buds
I grew with two 150 watt HPS's from starts in veg and flower, I did get some stretch in veg, but I super crop and tie down. so in a way it helped.
So with those two lights from four plants I got nine ounces. I didn't use co2, i just had central air to keep things cool. I used basic nutes that you get at the local store.
home depot,lowes,nursery. If you got all the environmental s dialed in (temp,water,fresh air etc) and using good nutrients. plus good genetics, you should get results to make your head happy.
So if that's all you have to work with... deff go for it. some will argue that to use metal halide for veg and even for flower... use what you got 'till your able to upgrade.
Having good genetics to begin with helps in end results fo sure.

good luck...:)
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