Gsc Vertical Rdwc 4 Tree Co2 Grow In Sealed 10 X 10 Room

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Hows it going bro!

Its kinda weird being the guy posting the pics, I definitely would't call myself a pro yet be really appreciate the props.

regarding flooding the house, that's a real concern for me too, I live upstairs and have had to many close calls, just two weeks ago I ran a water line from my RO tap in the kitchen into my control bucket for top off, but then it had been a half hour or so and I wanted a glass of water, so I disconnected the line, didnt notice it fell on the floor. Went to take a shower, came back and found it reverse siphoned like 10 to 15 gallons onto my kitchen floor... shit shit shit

If you decide to get into the rdwc the flooding issue is generally not that bad but when it pops its head its a crappy scary feeling!

I'm not sure I understand your question.. if you want to do 65 gallons per plant, or 65 gallons for all 6 plants? If it was 65 per plant that sounds like overkill for sure, although its in my long term plan I plan to do my system with 55 gallon barrels (buried outside) and the plants doing rdwc in the sun (thats gonna be fun!!)

If you wanted to do 6 plants on 65 gallons rather than the 4 I'm doing on 60 gallons I think that is totally feasable. More gallons means more nutrient cost, but more stability, but then also more unsureness when the nutrients are getting out out of balance, which leads to premature water changes and dumping the nutes that might have had mileage left.

I think if you end up trying it you will like it a lot, most of the real flooding threats are me.. lol

If you end up in the market for lights, not sure from your post but if I had the cash or was starting over (eventually I'm moving anyway) I would be using CMH 315w fixtures. (only mention in case your researching lighting) If this is a bumber crop I might even take the plunge on these for my sunshine daydream I'm doing next (getting ready to pop those seeds soon!)

That recipe sounds really good and Im a fan of ginger, thanks for sharing Ill have to try it out!

I do have the boulder 315 lec lamp 2016 model for veg and may get more to daisy chain the room up. As well as gavitas for flower my ceilings are vaulted. I meant more so 65 gal per plant. Or 60 what ever the grow stores sell. I have thought about the outdoor for it as well id dig them in the ground (60gal) 6 spots let that sun pay my bills your roots are insane. Daaang hammie. Can you please explain how and why 60-65 gal per plant may be overkill, if i were to veg and flower in the same room, veg for about 6-8 weeks get em big, then switch to flower train em properly i feel like the yield would be in the teens easily for 6 plants in 65gals. Hey fucker come bsck stop running off with my idea lmao i do hope someone tries this and benefits from it. Sheeeet if it works keep that secret to ya self jk.


Since you mentioned the bigger roots / bigger fruits I thought it might help to throw up this picture. This was back when I first learned dwc (wasnt even rdwc) just a 5 gallon igloo bucket that I checked daily, and these roots were just from the 1 to 2 gallons that would fit in the bucket (in my current system each plant is getting almost 3 times as much (gross capacity) and so you can imagine 3x bigger roots.
I guess I dont think that the bigger roots / bigger fruits is linear.
(this was a Mr. Nice Critcal Skunk)
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Is that a top feed with a current flow system or ..... Looks insane gerrfriend. This method id like to learn properly.


Do you feel that this is the best method that you use Yield wise for the GSC strain?
Grow Journal

Grow Journal

I do have the boulder 315 lec lamp 2016 model for veg and may get more to daisy chain the room up. As well as gavitas for flower my ceilings are vaulted. I meant more so 65 gal per plant. Or 60 what ever the grow stores sell. I have thought about the outdoor for it as well id dig them in the ground (60gal) 6 spots let that sun pay my bills your roots are insane. Daaang hammie. Can you please explain how and why 60-65 gal per plant may be overkill, if i were to veg and flower in the same room, veg for about 6-8 weeks get em big, then switch to flower train em properly i feel like the yield would be in the teens easily for 6 plants in 65gals. Hey fucker come bsck stop running off with my idea lmao i do hope someone tries this and benefits from it. Sheeeet if it works keep that secret to ya self jk.

Damn youve got some great gear!! Im looking forward to the day I get to upgrade!

So for the per plant, it was probably my bad I didnt think to ask where you wanted to put them, so naturally I thought of my own system (right now each plant has a 16 gallon bucket) so I pictured each plant with bigger than a 55 gallon drum... ha ha ha... so that's why I was thinking over kill. I couldnt grow the plants big enough in my 10 by 10 to make it worth it...

Thats funny you had the same idea about outside... yea thats exactly what I had in mind... I want a room below ground so I can access the 65 gallon drums :D With proper chilling and hot climate each plant would product 10 lbs I bet. Would be a blast to find out... dont worry I wont tell anyone!!


That last pic with the roots was just a 5 gallon igloo bucket (no top feed) here is a better pic of it... the valve spout was converted to my air inlet hole with a check valve...

I was running LED back then.

This was it, just the plant sitting in that, then each day I would lift the plant up and fill the bucket back up, top off the nutes and balance ph then lower the plant back down. (it takes about 10 minutes total per plant)

IMG 0122

From a yield perspective, (I cant speak directly about GSC as this is my first run of GSC) but over all (I haven't run all the methods so this isn't first hand) but supposedly DWC is the highest yielding method of growing, period... all other things being equal. (plant for plant)

If you decided to give it a go I really like the insulated igloo style buckets, 20-30 bucks vs 5 bucks for a lowes bucket but worth it... food grade plastic, and the insulation helps a lot since its a s9lo without a chiller... (just in case you try it... .. .... do it!!..) lol

by the way I dont think I mentioned this once in the grow so far and its super important, I always think of it as a given so didnt think to mention it...

Root temps are really a make or break thing in DWC
personally I would never allow a temp in the 70s, (they say up to 73 is do-able) 68 is my highest recommendation and I am running the current grow at 63
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Grow Journal

Here is a root pic I took today of the current grow.... I took this today working on the water change, didnt finish the change (it wasnt as diluted as I wanted and I didnt have enough water so Im finishing the water change tomorrow)

But I did get the 10k 600w installed and got a bunch of pictures.


On the down side I learned a scary lesson today, when I drained the water some of the roots decided to try and escape, then when I closed the ball valve the escapees got chopped... shooooot!!! I really didn't expect a tail to grow right by the exit... lesson learned... Im gonna take a pic but on either plant 2 or 3 I chopped a nice 18" chunk of roots off.. on the plus side of the down side they are sure healthy looking in their dead state :p Ill post a pic up at some point of the root tail I chopped.... Im really not sure if it will effect the plant much though... the other plant only got a few inch piece cut off. The other two I protected.
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I took a quick stem pic while I was trying to get that root shot...

This is of the biggest plant (now standing 7' tall and that's a 10" net pot)

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Grow Journal

Here is a pic of the 10k light installed today.. its angling down so it doesn't hit the ceiling fan and I have it offset more over the smaller plants for better coverage of the bigger plants.


After this grow I will probably redo the 10k setup, and give it a permanant wall mount but this is out of the way and was pretty easy.

For those new to indoor growing, be very careful with T5ho, 7200k and 10k and the likes, if you are young you won't notice the beating it puts on your eyes, wear eye safety even if it doesn't bother you to have the eye safety off... for real.

here is what works great for me (its so comfortable I don't need to take it off and then don't forget to put it back on) (just ducting tape and snowboard goggles (smith optics 100%uv)
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Grow Journal

Grow Journal

Im gonna finish this weeks update tomorrow but here is a cola pic of plant 1 quick.

This was taken on day 21 of flower.
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Grow Journal

Its getting exciting! Today starts week 4!

I just finished the water change.

I still didnt have enough, when I first built the system on my initial fill I measured the depth of the water ever time I added 10L, (when no pumps were running) as a result I was able today to measure my water depth... 8"... look at my graph... =160L =42ish gallons, so I thought about doing my nutes on this and letting it finish filling naturally but i like to go fast so I ran down to the store and grabbed 10 gallons of distilled. Knowing I had 42 gallons I felt this would get me pretty close, turns out it was almost perfect.

I still wasn't thrilled with my ppms, after all this I was still at 60 so I went ahead and added the nutrients.

This week the girls got:
Aqua Flores A - 750ml
Aqua Flores B - 750ml
Rhizotonic - 100ml
Boost - 500ml
Cannazyme - 500ml
PK 13/14 - 50ml
Cal Mag - 50ml
Orca Mycorrhizae - 25ml
PH Down - 5ml

This finished the water at 855ppm at 5.8ph and 1.6 ec

Got my two new meters in there too :)


Nice trees!

I don't see any cages or supports, other than gravity what's holding them up?
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Grow Journal

Here is plant 3 on day 21
Plant 3 day21

and here is plant 4 on day 21

Plant 4 day21

I think I have a couple more from yesterday.
Grow Journal

Grow Journal

Nice trees!

I don't see any cages or supports, other than gravity what's holding them up?

Thanks smoked!
Nothing but gravity here, because the lighting is hitting it from all sides they haven't been leaning at all, and each branch is feeling sturdy, might not need much in the way of cola support either.. (this is my first time growing this style)
ken dog

ken dog

Looking good... Interested in a larf report after harvest.

Nice job on your first time for the style.:)


you obviously have never met my good friend pat murphy who has made famous, "murphys law".

I hope you don't have a cat.
Grow Journal

Grow Journal

Looking good... Interested in a larf report after harvest.

Nice job on your first time for the style.:)

Thanks Ken, it hasn't been to hard so I cant take to much credit... lol so far Ive got like 1.5 hours since beginning of June on defoliating and no time on training... (this was one of the main reasons I dug around and decided to try this method .... reduction of labor without giving up yield, and hopefully increasing yield)

I'm definitely interested in the larf report as well, hoping its not to bad!, (really to early to tell or even guess right now but I will keep that in my mind after harvest and post up details)

Thanks for checking in!!
Grow Journal

Grow Journal

you obviously have never met my good friend pat murphy who has made famous, "murphys law".

I hope you don't have a cat.

Ha ha, I made friends with Mr Murphy a little while back and decided if he was special enough to get a law all to himself then I should too.....and it goes something like this.... If something can work out it usually does. (its called Josh's Law, hey I'm an

I do have a cat but I will beat his ass if he even looks at my girls... :p


a pessimist says it can't get any worse than this.

an optimist says "o' yes it can"

watch that cat. lol

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