Guerrilla Grow

  • Thread starter GROWorDIE
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So first of all I want to introduce myself I'm a new member to the site but not to growing most of my previous grows have been indoors this season I want/need to do a guerilla grow.. I have grow outdoors just not in the woods can anyone tell me some dos and don'ts's before I get started and also I good yielding strain that doesn't need to much maintenance...


I like soup
So first of all I want to introduce myself I'm a new member to the site but not to growing most of my previous grows have been indoors this season I want/need to do a guerilla grow.. I have grow outdoors just not in the woods can anyone tell me some dos and don'ts's before I get started and also I good yielding strain that doesn't need to much maintenance...
Dont tell anyone
Dont let people follow you
amend you dirt with extra P/K

best wishes this year
One drop

One drop

Bush Doctor
Dont tell anyone
Dont let people follow you
amend you dirt with extra P/K

best wishes this year
Yep I agree if you need to amend the soil use natural organic methods and leave no rubbish behind I grow in 3 bush crops that I have had secured for a good few years 2 I've used for 7 years and one I've used for 5 years now I'm lucky my crops are only accessible by boat so I leave no trail is what I'm saying .... And then your going to need to protect your crop from critters that love to eat it ... Again say nothing to anyone at all .


find a spot between a stream or flood area & grow just outside this area. once roots set, water will not be a problem.

the early light is what your looking for so you can grow up against trees shrubs if they see light at the crack of dawn until 3:30 or so.

go into area that others visit w/ walking trails. near water / streams so you can carry a fishing pole. walk toward srea with water then ditch it once you can't be seen. but stop short and fish a few times so during the season dude with fishing gear is the norm. never walk the same way twice even if five acres of tall grass kills your quads'.... cross a creek, keep the spot 1/2 mile away from trail or your fishing hangout.

get a insect net from basspro that flops over your hat / face then pull up hoodie wear long sleeves pants. wear something over face , sun glasses at all times near spot. always wear gloves.


get a military shovel.

get some chicken wire ( one inch ), pick up black fiber cloth from garden section at home depot its breathable in a roll.

till up soil in a 5 x 5 area.

wrap the chicken wire with cloth. this will act as an air pot place it over tilled area. take little wooden stakes and pound them into ground then use wire ties for rebar / concrete. twist up everything including cloth. after you fill this up ( w native soil ) it will handle heavy rains or if flood zone creeps up for a few days. the plants perform better in this set up. no weeds, they get root oxygen ....

all this fits into a backpack.
Sun Valley

Sun Valley

Also check the plants around the site . Check that there are not deceased plants in the vicinity.. Black spot etc can destroy you pretty quick. Good luck out there


I carried plants into area in bucket with towel over it, fishing gear. ( 3 times ) When you trip or fall ( it will happen ) pack it up with paper so plants do not get killed. I put mine in soil when 5 inches tall from seed. Passed 5 or so people walking dogs, not a clue ....

Visit them later and kill males. The plants perform better from seed outdoors, cuttings do not get as big.


these are up against trees ect along the west. so they stopped getting direct sun around 2 p.m. or so.
midwest 42º latitude / season ends mid Oct.

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account for floods that will occur this yr along rivers. Canal's will remain stable, watch the ditch rider to see his patterns. Make your own head gates (pipe & valve).
Want lots of bud, what zone you in bro? Profit or quality. then you'll know what strain will be the rite one.
growing sweet weak buds and the bugs will eat you alive in the wrong areas or yu'll be debugging all summer.
Colo can have elevations 4000 - 14000 ft and wet to dry climates. I have 12 different cultivars for 12 different colo environment alone.

A good gorilla grower will have far greater skills than a Master Indoor Grower. Master the outdoors and your seed bank and skills will surpass 99% of all growers. Growing indoor is easy, its for Jr HS kids who like to fight cops.

Dont tell anyone!

never make a trail. Put grn thread across your entries to garden above waist high and use game cams with no finger prints. Keep shoes at site in water proof container, no finger prints. Pets/dogs are good and bad. Deep wilderness or in town along remote bike paths, stop, sit and become one with nature, sit for long periods and observe. Take high points and binoc's and scout the area often. IF you run into anyone or wildlife see's you before you see them you could easily get busted, victim in waiting (R U a hunter or hunted). If someone is very aggressive they prob have plants or land owner.

North banks, North hillsides, with southern exposure and once you find a good spot work the soil each yr. Sun angles will change HUGE from spring to fall.

Shallow river and canal. This is hard to explain by typing but easy to draw. Where sharp bends occur in the river you will almost always find a grove of indigenous trees growing. Cut/dig a trench from one bank to the other bank at the bend to form an small island. along bike paths, canal ditch rider roads, river paths, with the proper trench no one will know the island is there. ppl walking along the river wont notice if done correctly. Remember river island almost always flood and lake island are hard to get to w/o being seen.

decide in your heart, if you run into another crop, are you going to take it, take cuts , leave it alone- they will take you plants- Ive seen treaties fail twice.

Gorilla Connoisseur growing method, not for production
Elevated cattail platforms, 1 gallon small pot, 2 oz producers, on a 3x3 or 4' x 4' board will level out, use stakes to stabilize, floats work also. hyroponic Felt wick towels for clean water and if you got stagnant nasty water I supply excellent wick towel prepared with anti-micros , but you can make em with felt, drops of dish soap, bleach and anti-micro drops if you want to get fancy. This grow method is more effective than you'd think in the rite areas. Doesnt work at your city park, lol.

strain - strain - strain - strain - strain - strain - strain - strain - strain - strain - strain - strain -


other Gorilla methods in your face and stealth

Steath, in not to much of a crowd I can grow bud if look for a spot where no one will go. I say if someone drops a $100 bill where they will Not go get it.... This method worked 100%. Russian Olive, @ 20 - 30' some strains have dangerous 1" needle point thorns . leather welding helmet clear lense, welding jacket, crotch rocket leather padder pants chainsaw and cut in half. The top of the spike tree will fall on carefully prepared garden that has irrigation set up. leaves will fall keeping the ground moist and allowing sun just rite for germ. Harvest with leathers.

In your face, see a hole in gutter, maybe one is bent . You'll see the weeds are tall under this defective gutter drain. Plant some seeds, works almost everytime. Done it behind bars. rite in the city alleys. it works!

this worked for me even as an adult.
Treehouse, parents rarely go up there. Plywood, line with plastic, rubber, grow in small bucket, Cover the top with plastic. If you master it you can make a terrarium with very little maintenance. Your parents will prob bust you if you go to the treehouse to often. only when there at work. I remember even if the neighbor is cool like me, he going to tell your parents about your treehouse if he see up there . build with wood screws.


i used the word gorilla in my thread and it cursed my grow in the sticks and i got tons of rot'... @Dunge warned me but i mocked him ...



get a military shovel.

get some chicken wire ( one inch ), pick up black fiber cloth from garden section at home depot its breathable in a roll.

till up soil in a 5 x 5 area.

wrap the chicken wire with cloth. this will act as an air pot place it over tilled area. take little wooden stakes and pound them into ground then use wire ties for rebar / concrete. twist up everything including cloth. after you fill this up ( w native soil ) it will handle heavy rains or if flood zone creeps up for a few days. the plants perform better in this set up. no weeds, they get root oxygen ....

all this fits into a backpack.
Thanks spiderk alot of good info.. I have a spot im looking at right now its close to a creek and a flood zone just have to find a good place for the patch...thanks again
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