Guess Who Is Killing Us Off One By One

  • Thread starter chickenman
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Premium Member
LOL thats kool @chickenman reminds me of when I was a kid Grandma bless her soul would come visit on Sat mornings and her and I would watch wrestling on TV. She loved wrestling and believed everything she saw. We had heated discussions over the validity of what we saw. She would get very upset if anyone tried to tell her it was staged, that was back when we had Haystack Calhoun, Chief J Strongbow and a variety of other colorful characters. thanks for reminding me of Grandma this am :D ........ peace


Premium Member
I think that the cost of research and development of drugs has to be considered as well. The costs to bring a new drug to market are very high. I don't want to debate the merits of how the money is spent, but drug companies take risks with new drugs, and they spend a lot of money. I despise big pharma but I also have to acknowledge that medications save lives. Where would we be if we still had to worry about polio, smallpox, etc. I have a family member with Graves Disease, which affects metabolism and causes havoc to her thyroid, which had to be removed with radiation therapy. Now she has to take synthetic drugs to replace what her body is unable to do. I can't ignore that. The costs of testing drugs that end up being dangerous or not working on humans also affects the cost of meds.

But there's also this:
-Animal experiments failed to predict the kidney toxicity of the general anesthetic methoxyflurane. Many people lost all kidney function.
-Flosint, an arthritis medication, was tested on rats, monkeys and dogs; all tolerated the medication well. In humans, however it caused deaths.
-Zelmid, an antidepressant, was tested on rats and dogs without incident. It caused severe neurological problems in humans.
-Nomifensine, another antidepressant, was linked to kidney and liver failure, anemia, and death in humans. Animal testing had given it a clean, side effect-free bill of health.
-Amrinone, a medication used for heart failure, was tested on numerous animals and was released without trepidation. Humans developed thrombocytopenia, a lack of the type of blood cells that are needed for clotting.

I don't think a chain email that shows the cost of ingredients is a fair or accurate way to compare costs or to show 'markups'. Buying drugs at Costco is the best piece of advice that I see, but I think it's oversimplifying things to only look at the cost of ingredients. There is a hell of a lot more that goes into the costs of drugs other than the cost of their active ingredient.
With that sort of outlook then, After doing a tally of cost of nutes, lighting, electric, labor involved from seed to harvest I should be able to charge 800.0 a zip. Mhhhhhhh after all there is a lot more that goes into growing green meds than the cost of the seed.......


FUCK YOU PIG PHARMA . good post chickenman........

please do tell, why on gods green earth would you think a filthy rich billionaire gives 2 shits about the common man. Surely you jest.

This whole political campaign is a good indicator how broken our whole political process is. Remember what George Carlin said. It's a big club and we are NOT members.

Nothing infuriates me more than hearing someone say there are no real viable candidates and then vote for one schmuck because they dont like the way the other schmuck combs their hair.

Heres a suggestion folks, if you really dont think any of the candidates will work for We the People, then don't vote for any of them..... Simple......... Roll a fatty and hold on to you azz cause with the clowns we got lined up this season we are all in deep shit!!!

So tired of the " Bread n Circus" !!!

Bread and circuses
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about a concept in political satire. For other uses, see Bread and circuses (disambiguation).
"Bread and circuses" (or bread and games; from Latin: panem et circenses) is metonymic for a superficial means of appeasement. In the case of politics, the phrase is used to describe the generation of public approval, not through exemplary or excellent public service or public policy, but through diversion; distraction; or the mere satisfaction of the immediate, shallow requirements of a populace,[1] as an offered "palliative." Its originator, Juvenal, used the phrase to decry the selfishness of common people and their neglect of wider concerns.[2][3][4] The phrase also implies the erosion or ignorance of civic duty amongst the concerns of the commoner.

This phrase originates from Rome in Satire X of the Roman satirical poet Juvenal (circa A.D. 100). In context, the Latinpanem et circenses (bread and circuses) identifies the only remaining cares of a Roman populace which no longer cares for its historical birthright of political involvement. Here Juvenal displays his contempt for the declining heroism of contemporary Romans.[5] Roman politicians passed laws in 140 B.C. to keep the votes of poorer citizens, by introducing a grain dole: giving out cheap food and entertainment, "bread and circuses", became the most effective way to rise to power.
all we have here in wa. is bread and circus. hell , in my state you cant even vote for anything other than dem or rep.
Dude really,,,,,,,,,,, For starters I dont believe in chemtrails. Brujo's Bruja's or fantasy chupacabra's :cool:

Never have, never will, at least until till I see concrete proof which frankly I don't believe will ever come. It isactually easy to debunk most CT's so I am not too much into that whole movement I only believe in half of what I see and nothing of what I hear, until I can verify what I heard......

However, I am a little affronted by your innuendo that I wear a tinfoil hat or am a conspiracy theorist. At least thats the smell I was getting. My views and opinions have been formed over 60 yrs of staying in touch with the world around me. And get this, paying attention. :speechless: My opinion of the term CT's is based on the fact that once you call someone that because there are some real wacko's out there with the tinfoil, calling someone or inferring that puts a question mark over their head and what happens then is even if they had some valid stuff to look at they are overlooked or not listened to. It's a clever form of character assassination.

I will not get going on this as it is clear to me your mind is closed to anything you were taught in your school books or watched on main stream news. :p

i hear ya jumpin ! in wa. i cant even write in my vote. No libertarian votes aloud. lol .
Let freedom ring.
hey Jumpin , check out these planes i took pics of waitning to land the other day , guess the three planes making it were just board and thought " hey 'let's us make an anarchist sign". lol.
IMG 0667
IMG 0669

well 'back to bread and circus. lol. just joking , i dont watch t.v or go to paid for patriotism sport games . lol. And , i dont take big pharma anything !


Premium Member
Who lovs ya Big D. Ya the cactusman does. Thanks for the chuckle bro @diamond2.0 Hope your well man.

Good to see you are still supporting the Palestinians. Keepin it real!!! Ya Big pharma and all their commercials telling us to go see your local LEGAL drug dealers/Dr's and ask for this and that. What a frikkn joke.......
Savage Henry

Savage Henry

Heard a statistic on bill maher the other night that Americans make up 5% of the worlds population but account for 75% of the worlds prescription drug use.

Food for thought.


Heard a statistic on bill maher the other night that Americans make up 5% of the worlds population but account for 75% of the worlds prescription drug use.

Food for thought.

I question the accuracy of anything put out by the fda, ondcp, hhs, nida, etc, including the numbers in this post.

Looking at the sources, I still call bullshit.

Savage Henry, why is it so significant that this country has high prescription drug use? Do you think that this is a problem, why? We have long life expectancy, we keep premature babies alive, and world leaders come here to have the highest rates of success. I don't understand the correlation or how it relates to 'us'. I have anxiety which is treated with medication, and that medication can lead to high blood pressure, so doc says I have to take a blood pressure med as well. He also recommended an anti-depressant, but that can have bad side effects like increased risk of suicidal thoughts, etc. I have issues with taking a drug that affects my brain chemistry, and it might be ignorance or me being stubborn. I do not want to start taking a drug just to treat side effects, nor do I want to take a drug for the rest of my life. Other than medical marijuana. The anxiety med treats physical symptoms, as my situation and the causal factors of my diagnosis can't be changed in any meaningful way. I'll stick with the single medication and herb, which solves the problems the other prescriptions.

I think the cost of prescription drugs is a bigger issue than Americans taking 'a lot' of prescriptions, but I'm not even sure what that article is even trying to say. It's a meaningless statistic to me. I'd rather know why we are taking 75% of the world's drug supply as opposed to knowing a number.

I hope it's clear that I am not trying to start a debate as this is nothing more than interesting conversation to me. At least maher's numbers were accurate to his source (I assume).

Where's that picture of the homeopathic doctor or whatever it was?


Considering large large portions of the world are struggling to eat and have water to drink that will not poison them...well yeah the US has first world problems that we treat by taking tons of pills. Would be curious what the breakdown is among developed countries(but not interested enough to look it up) as using the world population as your data set ignores vastly different sets of circumstances. You aren't obtaining prescription drugs if you are starving and spending most of your waking hours trying to feed your family.

Same as LGG...just throwing stuff out there, not terribly interested in fighting it out/defending points/etc. I just think lying with facts is fascinating.
Savage Henry

Savage Henry

Excellent points by both of you gentlemen. A bit of debate and discussion never hurt anyone, in fact I feel it keeps us sharp.

I had a feeling that posting a quote from a tv show could be problematic. "Lying with facts" is an excellent way to phrase this type of thing. While watching the tv show I referenced above I became a bit frustrated watching people spout "facts" and "studies" while neither side of the debate actually cited anything specific.

On shows like this there should be a scrolling bar on the bottom of the screen with references backing the talking heads talking points.

That said, Back to the specific matter at hand. The following is just the opinion of some text next to a picture of a dog on the Internet, so please take it as such.

Prescription drugs are tools, but a lot of people are being encouraged to use a framing or even a sledge hammer for a job barely necessitating a tack hammer. So naturally there end up being holes in the drywall. Now how many tools are needed to fix those holes?

And why did the guy sell you the oversize hammer in the first place?


I bought it off the guy that had a whole shed of tools he was trying to unload, got a good deal:)

The truth is always somewhere in the middle, I think prescription drugs are an amazing medical tool, but you have a very valid point that they are overused and often used incorrectly when some other treatment option may be better suited. So...I got nothing other than its very easy to take a true fact and present an interpretation of it that may not be totally honest or accurate.


Premium Member
Heard a statistic on bill maher the other night that Americans make up 5% of the worlds population but account for 75% of the worlds prescription drug use.

Food for thought.
Yes indeed.
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