Hammerhead/MOAB. Am I Hitting It Too Hard ?

  • Thread starter Reefer Franklin
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Reefer Franklin

id hit that


You think I should push it even more ? Greenthumbdanny seems to go for the leaf burn indication of when to stop. These gals are looking very good for 43 days with probably 20 left and there's some real weight to the buds. Nice icing too. I'm thinking the yellow is because they are choking a little on the PK and may need more Nitrogen. Any thoughts ?

The Reef


ive seen this subtraction thing on a couple differnt posts now
totally retarded
i wouldnt need to use ro if i could just "subtract" all the chlorine and calcium out
you dont subtrat the 400 ppm, its still there regardless of your math
ppms are 2000 without a doubt

Reefer Franklin

Thank God,

GTD actually suggests that you go for a 1/8" tip burn, then back off. I have to say that not all of the plants have yellow leaves - probably only 8 out of 48. the rest have medium to very dark leaves. I will watch them closely though.

You like the KB/Overdrive combo.

The Reef
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Premium Member
What do you think Danny. Are these The White ? If not do you have any idea what strain this is ?

The Reef

Reef that is with out a doubt not the White>>
You have a very interesting situation going on in there bro:)<<I wouldn't have cut out my base nutes so early. No use adding it now, just ride it out and begin your flush week 8-10
>>why did you cut out your nutes so early?<<


Reefer Franklin

ive seen this subtraction thing on a couple differnt posts now
totally retarded
i wouldnt need to use ro if i could just "subtract" all the chlorine and calcium out
you dont subtrat the 400 ppm, its still there regardless of your math
ppms are 2000 without a doubt

It's there, but unless you have the water tested you don't know what it is. If you don't know what it is you can't incorporate it into your measurements. So I call it an unknown. As Motherlode says it's probably small amounts of magnesium, iron and calcium. So I add less of these. But in the end I ignore (or subtract) the 400 starting PPM's. If I was at 2000 PPM of pure nutes these plants would probably have been toast weeks ago. They are not. They are doing very well. I have to conclude that whatever is in the 400 PPM of the well water is not relevant to the plants' growth or demise.

The Reef

Reefer Franklin

Reef that is with out a doubt not the White>>
You have a very interesting situation going on in there bro:)<<I wouldn't have cut out my base nutes so early. No use adding it now, just ride it out and begin your flush week 8-10
>>why did you cut out your nutes so early?<<


Hi Danny,

I just cut the base nutes on Friday of last week. Is it too late to add more CES Bloom ?

You're running the MOAB/Hammerhead with other nutes ? I didn't know that. Perhaps I should have asked. What combo should I be running at 6 weeks ?


The Reef


Premium Member
Hi Danny,

I just cut the base nutes on Friday of last week. Is it too late to add more CES Bloom ?

You're running the MOAB/Hammerhead with other nutes ? I didn't know that. Perhaps I should have asked. What combo should I be running at 6 weeks ?


The Reef

If it was since friday? fuck it>>dump that reservoir and start fresh:) Add the CES. Im not sure what CES feeding regimen is like but i would do half the strength with the hammerhead/MOAB combo. Should be gravy baby:passingjoint:



I do not agree with subtracting the 400 ppm from your total ppm. If it reads 2000ppm then thats what it is and Im sure its not a bunch of non plant food in there. How do your roots look?

Reefer Franklin

I do not agree with subtracting the 400 ppm from your total ppm. If it reads 2000ppm then thats what it is and Im sure its not a bunch of non plant food in there. How do your roots look?

Roots look great, as do the buds (see pics). Some of the leaves turned bright yellow when I overdosed them with the MOAB/Hammerhead. But the newer leaves are looking greener. I added more nitrogen and used a very dilute mixture of the CES Micro and Bloom.

Anyone care to guess how far these are from finishing ? We are at day


The Reef
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I would cut out the MOAB and just go with Hammerhead. High P has been shown unnecessary, maybe half at most of K.


Reefer Franklin

I think I have discovered that you are right. I am glad that I stopped when I did. Buds look amazing and are hardening nicely. In fact for the next run I am doing away with Hammerhead and using a mono potassium phosphate and nitrogen mix. Should be a great mix.

The Reef


I would cut out the MOAB and just go with Hammerhead. High P has been shown unnecessary, maybe half at most of K.

I think you took that info a little out of context, I don't know of any study or postulate that has shown High P as being "unnecessary". What they are discovering is that what indoor growers used to believe as far as phosphorus ratios in bloom as being the single most important nute to pump up is not exactly correct. They are finding that potassium is more important than previously thought for the early stages of flower. But phosphorus is very, very necessary my friend, especially towards the end of your grow. It was originally thought to be the most important for bloom because of outdoor gardening where the nutrient is easily washed out of the soil and must be replaced constantly, but with indoor that is not the case. 1:2 PK ratio early, 2:1 PK ratio later.


I'm lost on this one. You are running a 1-52-34 nutrient (MOAB) and THEN adding more PK? Hammerhead??? Why??

Also...I think you cut your Nitrogen "way" too early. It will certainly affect yield, but I suppose it's too late to worry about that now.

Reefer Franklin

I was following Grenthumbdanny's lead which is a combo of MOAB/Hammerhead.

The last time I gave them Nitrogen was 5 days ago. I'm guessing there's enough remaining in the reservoir to keep them going to the end. Cut is next Tuesday or even before.

The Reef


your plants look good. imo they're too yellow for being 3 weeks out. first off you need RO water. my tap water is 250 ppm and i can see the impact. try adjusting the white balance on your camera - are they really that yellow? can you tell us how you feed/water them?

Reefer Franklin

Yup they really are that yellow. But then some plants didn't yellow at all. Very strange. I'm now just three days away from harvest. The buds are very dense and overall look great. I will certainly back off with the MOAB/Hammerhead combo with the next crop though. They definitely were on the edge of burning.

During bloom they got the CES holy trinity of Micro, Grow, Bloom plus that jolt of MOAB/Hammerhead. I flushed a few days ago with Clearex.

The Reef


It's there, but unless you have the water tested you don't know what it is. If you don't know what it is you can't incorporate it into your measurements. So I call it an unknown. As Motherlode says it's probably small amounts of magnesium, iron and calcium. So I add less of these. But in the end I ignore (or subtract) the 400 starting PPM's. If I was at 2000 PPM of pure nutes these plants would probably have been toast weeks ago. They are not. They are doing very well. I have to conclude that whatever is in the 400 PPM of the well water is not relevant to the plants' growth or demise.

The Reef

first let me say im not trying to bash, just trying to help
your stuff looks totally killer
what ever your strain is, its rocking out at 2000 ppm not 1600
what if that 400ppm is left over from 300 years of cow piss, id have to believe theres some bad effects going on weither you know it or not
the magnesium iron and calcuim can be re-added in forms that can be much more easliy absored by your plants
im just guna ignore these mites and they are going to go away

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