Hello Forum - Almost Sq1 Nube Welcomes Pointers.

  • Thread starter Eastwind
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Hello everyone, first time grower, setting up a 2x2x6 closet space for Northern Lights. As I read and learn
what to get and what not to...I thought I might as well be growing as I am learning. I am starting with
a soil grow...my ph is somewhere between 6.5 & 7.0 ( using a cheep mix tester with a color chart ). Using
a combo of LED & CFL blubs ( till I learn what I should purchase). I have my eye on a UFO 600w full spectrum and the same brands 1000w, but that may be to much. From yesterday morning, when 3 seedling
broke thru the soil line, they are about 1&1/2" high in the propagator. Trying to decide on the best use of available $....a light, a fan, a grow tent....or just line the walls with tin foil? I have ordered DG, bloom, flower & pro-tekt and looking at Fox Farm trio. What does everyone think of a whole grow tent kit? Was going to learn the SCROG method....Was going for shorter, bushie'r plants with the small space I have available. I have to do this UTR. Any suggestions or advice is welcomed ! Cheers.


So far your off to a good start. I feel some tent kits are too expensive I purchased everything separately tent anything work just don't go too cheap for lights I just got into LEDs I really like them they use less power give off less heat. For a intake fan I use a ventech fan and filter combo with a small 8in fan inside tent. Once you get three or four sets of leaves top them or tie them down for low stress training to keep them short and bushy. For pot size I use solo cups to start them then transplant after two weeks into 1 pots then 2 weeks before I switch to 12/12 I put them in 3 gallon smart pots but pot size depends on how long your vegging for I only veg for around 5 weeks if you go longer you will need bigger. The fastest way to learn is experience things first hand. Hope this helps good luck
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So far your off to a good start. I feel some tent kits are too expensive I purchased everything separately tent anything work just don't go too cheap for lights I just got into LEDs I really like them they use less power give off less heat. For a intake fan I use a ventech fan and filter combo with a small 8in fan inside tent. Once you get three or four sets of leaves top them or tie them down for low stress training to keep them short and bushy. For pot size I use solo cups to start them then transplant after two weeks into 1 pots then 2 weeks before I switch to 12/12 I put them in 3 gallon smart pots but pot size depends on how long your vegging for I only veg for around 5 weeks if you go longer you will need bigger. The fastest way to learn is experience things first hand. Hope this helps good luck

I agree, experience is a great teacher. I am lucky to have a decent quantity of seeds, so I germinated 5 to jump right in and get started, expecting that I will learn along the way thru failure. My first three to break the surface seem to grow taller by the day. My CFL is about 5-6" away, but they have about 3" of stem to the first leafs. One of the plants was no able to loose its seed shell...its stuck to the leaf...and growing a white fuzz around it (mold?)....the other two look like the starter leaves are sweating, so I opened some air ways into my propagator ( container with clear plastic over top, and pulled up on one side, for air). My seedling area is 56RH and 73F. Yesterday I got 3 clip on, light reflector housings at the Depot ( going to hold my 100w CFL eco style lights ) I'm going to put a LED adjustable height in the center. I thought I would try a few car windshield sun reflectors to line the walls to get started. They have a crinkled reflector pattern, plus they absorb heat....seems better than tin foil to get me started. Thanks for your suggestions and feedback !


Stems were getting thin and long so I thought I would take a chance and move the first three into the incomplete grow closet and start them on the sm fan blowing the stems and closer (4") to the two CFLs...they are two 23w, 1,600L, 6,500K, blue spectrum Daylight CFLs. The room reads 56rh and 73F...I put up the reflector because the walls are not a solid flat white ( the need new paint). This is just to try and stop them stretching for light...and to toughen up the stems. I have not added any water (distilled) yet....I have SuperThrive and DG Bloom & Flower combo got here today, but everything I've read says to water/feed after a week....They are in garden store seedling potting mix...PH is 6.5-7.0.
Plastic topp off


This pic shows the condition the first day. After that they shot up and I had to take the cover off. The indirect fan has them quivering in the breeze...which I hope will give the stems strength. If the continue to get taller...I will add some soil for support.
First day


If you are in soil you shouldn't have to feed for the first couple weeks. I would just add more soil leave them uncovered and try to get them under more light and In The future when you germinate seeds it's always best to keep them separate in individual cups. And you won't get too much feed back here in the introduce yourself section just a heads up if you had more questions


If you are in soil you shouldn't have to feed for the first couple weeks. I would just add more soil leave them uncovered and try to get them under more light and In The future when you germinate seeds it's always best to keep them separate in individual cups. And you won't get too much feed back here in the introduce yourself section just a heads up if you had more questions
Thanks for the feedback blu3kush. The two pics are backwards. They are now uncovered and I have a fan on them to strengthen the stems. I def thought I should add more soil for support. I won't be putting 3 seeds in one container again. One per solo cup style. I've got another 15 that popped open in my germ plate....each one ready for its own cup by tomorrow ! I will start posting in another area....thanks !

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