Hello, from So. Cal. My name is Maka. Maka Farms Collective, Courier service

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I know there are alot of serious growers in here, and I am all ears... I was raised on a twenty acre farm in California, and we grew all our vegetables, some fruits, raised chickens (5,000 approx.) for Zachy Farms; 30 head of goats; approx. 5-20 pigs; and a cow - here and there, for slaughter... All were harvested, and none wasted. My Grandpa was a butcher by trade, and my Grandma was a true "Jack of all Trades..." She was also my best friend, and I miss her...
I have always had a garden that dwarfed - even my Grandmas. Planted in the open lot next to hers, and just copied/learned by her example. I was five when I started my first veg. garden, and thats when I developed my "niche." Also, thats when my love for gardening, and fascination grew...
Originally, my family is from Hawaii, and we would return for atleast four weeks to three months - for summer vacation. Fillipino descent (1/2 flip 1/2 howly), my family worked the soil with there hands.
There in Hawaii - there was a plant that was beautiful, intriguing, but very different.... My first encounter was at the age of about six or seven. Aroma filled the air with a sweet smell - that was dwarfed by the huge mango trees on both sides of the house. Always, year after year - there they were... I was told not to go near them and to never "taste" that one, but to concentrate on escuela.... The irony is: It is my money maker, and has always - been profitable, and I just enjoy growing her....
Ive had success with all my indoor, outdoor - balcony grows, and been blessed with phenomenol results. Plus, Ive read every book on the market since 1995, and continue to research/read more. I am open minded, dont know it all. Which, means I can be taught. We can all learn from one another - from beginner to advance growers... Its all about "Love, and understanding." I know my girls and they know - who I am. Passion for its medicinal properties, and the mystery that has always shrouded this plant. I believe in this plant for its true medicinal value... Everything in this plant, and about this plant - has proved mutually beneficial to us (humans), and to them (Cannabis Plant). Our Bio has receptors for recieving THC, and only stimulated with THC. That tells us alot. We are so narcasistic that we ignore our direct relationship/bond that our natural biological process - IS ALL BENEFICIAL...
I can go on and on... Well, will be launching Maka Farms Collective - serving the Antelope Valley, and Santa Clarita areas. Its not a store front dispensary, but a courier service. Discrete, and convenient - medication delivered in privacy and at your liesure to your front door.... So, all medically prescribed patients in the County of Los Angeles - sign up with us, and let us deliver to you.... 661-724-Maka, or Maka Farms.com (under constr.)....
Well, thanx for listening. "put it in the air..."

Maka - Maka Farms :icon_spin:


Welcome, mak! The memories of the poco-lolo fields brought a tear to my eyes. & I love the idea of couriering the dank for the med-mari patients! Good luck & enjoy the farm!

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