HELP identifying defiencies, thank you

  • Thread starter StonerMagee
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I've read through so many posts and cannot pin point what the problem(s): curling leaves, yellowing leaves, wilting, slow growth...

I'm uploading pics I took today. Take into consideration my garden tops out at 89 degrees.

Any help is appreciated, thanks!
Help identifying defiencies thank you
Online photojpg
Help identifying defiencies thank you 3


just had some similar symptoms and it looks like your ph could be out of whack on top of salt build up and or lock outs. check your runoff and see what you get.
El Cerebro

El Cerebro

can you get the heat down some? should be easier to diagnose, good chance that alone will improve things too


There are a lot of unknowns here. If you answer these questions you will get a more accurate response.

Soil Growers:
1. Are you growing from seed or clones?
2. How old are your plants?
3. How tall are your plants?
4. What size containers are they planted in?
5. What is your soil mix?
6. How often do you water and what type of water do you use?
7. What is the pH of your water?
8. What kind of fertilizer do you use and what is its NPK ratio?
9. Do you foliar feed or spray your plants with anything?
10. What kind of lights do you use and how many watts combined? (HPS, MH, fluorescent, halogen, incandescent "plant lights")
11. How close are your lights to the plants?
12. What size is your grow space in square feet?
13. What is the temperature and humidity in your grow space?
14. What is the pH of the soil?
15. Have you noticed any insect activity in your grow space?
16. How much experience do you have growing?

Hydro Growers:
1. Are you growing from seed or clones?
2. How old are your plants?
3. How tall are your plants?
4. What type of hydro system are you using?
5. What brand/type of nutrients are you using?
6. What is the Ph of your nutrient solution?
7. What is the PPM/EC of your tap water?
8. What is the PPM/EC of your nutrient solution?
9. What is the temperature of your nutrient solution?
10. Does your PPM/EC show a rise or fall when you do your daily PPM check?
11. Does your pH show a rise or fall when you do your daily check?
12. Do you foliar feed or spray your plants with anything?
13. What kind of lights do you use and how many watts combined? (HPS, MH, fluorescent, halogen, incandescent "plant lights")
14. How close are your lights to the plants?
15. What size is your grow space in square feet?
16. What is the temperature and humidity in your grow space?
17. Have you noticed any insect activity in your grow space?
18. How much experience do you have growing?


Soil Growers:
1. Are you growing from seed or clones? clones- 3 sativa 3 indica
2. How old are your plants? just starting 3rd week of flowering
3. How tall are your plants? 1.5 feet
4. What size containers are they planted in? 1 gallon containers
5. What is your soil mix? 404 - good expensive soil
6. How often do you water and what type of water do you use? i split 1 gallon between the 6 plants every other day or so, after the soil is dry
7. What is the pH of your water? 6.5
8. What kind of fertilizer do you use and what is its NPK ratio? budswell 0.01 -0.1- 0.01 - just started using
Age Old Bloom 5-10-5 , Voodoo Juice for roots about every 3 feedings
9. Do you foliar feed or spray your plants with anything? no
10. What kind of lights do you use and how many watts combined? (HPS, MH, fluorescent, halogen, incandescent "plant lights") 1000 watt HPS
11. How close are your lights to the plants? 2-2.5 feet away
12. What size is your grow space in square feet?small closet- 4 feet wide by 3 feet long by 10 feet tall
13. What is the temperature and humidity in your grow space? from 82-89 degrees
14. What is the pH of the soil? not sure
15. Have you noticed any insect activity in your grow space? no
16. How much experience do you have growing? 5 years
These symptoms just started a week ago and have been increasingly getting worse. Yesterday I watered with 1/4 amount of nutes in my gallon of water mix. Going to continue for at least a week. Generally, most of the new growth towards the top of the colas is shriveling up, curling, wilting and dying WITHIN THE PAST DAY or so. Seems to be getting much worse. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated, Much love -Chrisblaze


Thanks for the info. Your containers are bit small, as a rule of thumb you want 1 gallon of container for each month the plant is alive. This obviously isn't the problem just an observation.

Your temps. are really high. Plants prefer 72-78. I would lower temps. (run lights at night helps if you're not already doing that). Above 85 growth slows and or is stunted as the plant works to keep cool drinking and transpiring water. At the higher temps your plant is going to drink a lot more and you tend to get salt build up.

I would test the soil's PH. get 1/2 cup distilled water, check it's ph (usually 7), then mix with 1/2 cup soil and stir well. then check it's ph and ppm. if ph or ppm's are off flush with 3 gal of water (3x your container size).

I think flushing your soil if you haven't already done so may fix the problem. It appears to be PH and nutrient related.

Also it wasn't in the questions but make sure you have good ventilation and your RH is in the proper range.


Just tested my runoff
4.5 to 5

What should I do, any suggestions based on this new info

thanks again


my water is about 6.5 going in
coming out 4.5
besides flushing with 3x water what else should I do, thank you


soil should be 6.5 to 7 ph. One full point in ph means a 10x increase in either alkalinity or acidity. so at 4.5 your soil is 20x more acidic than it's proper ph of 6.5

if you flush with 3x container size with 6.5 ph water your run off by the end should be close to what you're putting in. i would try this first.

I would get some dolomite lime and add to soil after flushing with 6.5 ph water. dolomite lime won't allow your soil to go above 7 ph so you don't have to be as careful how much you add cause you can't really add too much.

hydrated lime is a bit tricky to mix and if you add too much your PH will get out of whack.

flush your soil every 4 weeks to help prevent salt build up / ph problems.

good luck, let us know how it goes.


yes be very careful with the hydrated lime. you must get your soil tested before you adding hydrated to determine how exactly how much is needed.


Thanks for all the help - the flushing helped.
They were really healthy looking for a little while.
Then this morning I found what looks like mold all over every plant (6)
and one plant is beyond repair, it's gone, so sad.

Can anyone identify what happened based on this pic. I can't find the link with the pics of different ailments.

Thanks everyone.
MJ Closeup mold


Living dead girl
Holy shit! What happened to that poor plant? Good Christ, seriously overfed. Scrolling up, looking at previous pix.... MAN! You like to feed, don't you?

Now it looks like spider mites, but can't tell with only that one pic, you'll need to examine the undersides of the leaves. Looking at it again, there's a pattern to the spotting, which suggests nutrient interaction. Again I'm led down the path of incredibly overfed. If it were mold there would be no pattern, the affected areas would be more random.


Overfeeding? Can you explain

I'm giving nutrients every three feedings
2nd feeding is either distilled water or calcium mag supplement and budswel
3rd feeding is either distilled water or voodoo juice for roots


Holy shit! What happened to that poor plant? Good Christ, seriously overfed. Scrolling up, looking at previous pix.... MAN! You like to feed, don't you?

Now it looks like spider mites, but can't tell with only that one pic, you'll need to examine the undersides of the leaves. Looking at it again, there's a pattern to the spotting, which suggests nutrient interaction. Again I'm led down the path of incredibly overfed. If it were mold there would be no pattern, the affected areas would be more random.

Thanks for the info man
I just checked the leaves and do not see a pattern under the leaves, I see little white dots under the leaves grouping near the center vein, but not many.


Spider mites. Real bad. Damn man you gotta keep an eye out for them. Look for the dots on the lower leaves. That's where they show up first.
El Cerebro

El Cerebro

uh yeah, Seamaiden called it. those spots are where they sit on the leaves and suck all the moisture out with their dry little bodies. mites love hot/dry environment, hence why they blew up on you, gotta get the temps way down. been there myself, feel for ya bruh.

quick followup ? for you guys on the lime (i'm more of a coco guy, but might do some soil testers) -how do you feel about the 'super sweet' lime compared with regular dolomite?


Living dead girl
I don't know a thing about super sweet lime. What is it, exactly? I also don't use dolomite in my coir mix, it undoes what I'm trying to do in using either rain water or RO/DI for my water and feed regimen. I instead separate out Ca and Mg and to that end use EITHER Calplex (3% Ca, it's ok but spendy) OR BioLink 6% Ca (much preferred and smells delicious!). Separating these elements from each other allowed me to learn the difference between the two deficiencies as well as, and this is key, enabled me to push other feeds a little bit higher without taking the EC to unreadable extremes.
Overfeeding? Can you explain

I'm giving nutrients every three feedings
2nd feeding is either distilled water or calcium mag supplement and budswel
3rd feeding is either distilled water or voodoo juice for roots
Why distilled water? May I suggest mixing it with tap or RO or RO/DI water (or switching to RO entirely)? Distilled water is its own sort of beast, being as it's almost completely stripped of all other molecules and, generally, that's just not good for living things.

The feeding schedule seems really weird to me, and since I generally just don't use hydro store-type nutrients I can't speak to the stuff like 'VooDoo Juice'. Budswell, I thought, is for finishing and fattening flowers, not as a standalone nutrient. You say you're using a 'good expensive soil', but often folks are using soilless mixes without realizing the difference and what the effects may end up being.

You *definitely* have yourself a nice little problem with spider mites there, and it appears to be quite advanced. I'm going to suggest raising humidity a bit, and using a spray mixture, 50:50, of isopropyl alcohol and water (here is the place to use the distilled water!) EVERY THREE DAYS. Make it your new religion. Gently vacuum the buds and plant to remove as much spider mite material (bodies, eggs, shit) as you possibly can from the plant and buds in between these treatments.

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