Help With Clones. For Everyone!

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ok. So I'm not a newbie with cloning now but I'm still not experienced much either. If you know what that means. Lol. Anyways. Clones have been going great since I switched to COCO COIR. Little rooting powder and drop it in the Coco and bam! 3-10 days ya got nice roots. Anyways. One of my clones. Actually this is a common thing when cloning. But I'm having a bit of difficulty getting one to grow EQAULLY I top my clones after they revive to Manifold the plant I do not like the term Mainline either. I feel it should not be associated with cannabis. Anyways. This particular one the two growth Shoots are not growing EQAULLY But the Fan leaves are also different sizes so I feel that's why it's not letting the smaller one catch up because it's fan leave on that side is half the size of the other one. Here's a pic. I've tried some LST early on here. But I'm thinking cut the fan leaf off the big one to slow it down for a day or so so the small one can catch up. ? But I'm not sure about that working on this one. I've done different things like that on my other clones and it had work. But they all had EQAULLY large fan leaves. Here's three pics. Two are the one that I'm trying to decide how to get them to grow more equal or level with each other. The other pic is a regular clone that has not been cut yet. But you can see that the fan leaves are all Equally the same size. This one is not. So that's why I think the regular LST isn't working on it. What do you guys all think?

Again. This isn't cause I don't know what I'm doing but I could more use a second opinion. I'm newer to the whole thing but I have grown some Qaulity plants in the past but luckily haven't had many issues arise. Until now after years I started back up 800miles away from where I was before So I no longer have to perfect fresh spring water and convenience of 60acres of land. Things like that. So I'm adjusting to different ways of growing, cloning, and just plain like second opinions Lol. I also really just want to post stuff like this online so Newbies can see a problem. And how it was solved. I like to post my stupid mistakes and stuff like that too. Sometimes even the most experienced grower will make a mistake or forget to do something. It happens. But catching it quick is the most important thing you can learn. How to catch problems early if they do Occur. The bad thing is. You have to have the problem yourself before you really know. Reading and looking at pictures only does so much. But once you have had the issue. It's easier to catch early next time it may happen. But do the research too. I'm always reading online about growing cannabis and mushrooms both. Heck I've got so
Much read on shrooms now that I could probaly mix everything and complete the grow without looking online for anything. But I've grown edible food mushrooms before too. But still. Actually doing it. Is a whole new story. We're see. I'll give a link to the grow when I finally do it.

Last. Please be polite and respectful on my threads. I just post them mainly for others to post tips and opinions and advice on here. But you can do all of that in a respectful manner. And smily faces and emogies hell a lot. REMEMBER. TEXT DOES NOT SHOW YOUR PERSONALITY so a joke can easily be taken the wrong way if you don't type it properly or include a SMILEY. lol. Just keep it nice please. Im a grower and I do have decent experience but there are plenty of WAY more experienced than I am. I forgive me about my terminology too. I can't always remember the tech terms for everything.
Thanks and hope everyone can enjoy this chat and really hope someone can learn something.
My next thread is going to be awesome I hope. But I'm Looking for the right place to put it yet


Fixing this is so simple you will laugh. Pinch and crush the dominant node in several places along it's stem. This will slow down it's growth while it repairs it's stem then it will begin to grow again. This thickens the stem on that side so personally I like to do it heavily on one side then after the smaller side is ahead in size I do it to that side too. I might continue doing this every couple of weeks even though the nodes are even also just to thicken the stem. This is known as knuckling and bending or Super Cropping


Yeah. I actually did that a little(I always start little when it's that early) on the taller "dominate" growth shoot. It got a little brown where I did it and it hasn't helped at all. So I wasn't sure if I should do it more yet or wait until it was a little bigger and a little stronger.


Sorry. I guess I should have mentioned what I did try in little "doses". I pinched. Nothing. I bent , twisted, bent and twisted. And a few other little things but it's really young yet so I don't want to break it either. not much luck with anything yet but I think I will try the pinching again first


I didn't see the photos until now. I am concerned the soil is too wet and I am wondering if you have drainage holes in the bottom of that soda bottle bottom? You don't have it sitting in a overflow tray with water that covers the drainage holes do you? It seems either too wet or maybe you are not allowing the soil to dry out. Or possibly the roots are out of growing room.

Back to the thread topic:
Those shoots need to be a bit longer so you have room to work don't worry about it until there is a few inches to work with. In the meantime I don't know if you've noticed, however, YouTube has a ton of great videos on everything. Before I had the balls to pinch/bend the dominant shoot of my plants I watched a lot of youtube first. I personally like to use Google to search YouTube like so: cannabis or marijuana "super cropping" bending training


Yeah I do a bunch of that too. Searching almost everything will bring results but this I a subject that I haven't seen too much reading like this in so I thought I'd ad a post for it to come up in a search maybe. Who knows.

About the soil issue. I had forgotten to punch holes in this one for drainage but I did have holes along side for air and I actually realized it yesterday and punched holes in and flushed it out. That's why you notice it pretty wet looking yet cus that pic was from last evening after I did that. So I. Sure the growth itself will pick up faster. Even tho it actually hasn't been growing slow but I think k caught the holes in time. The soda bottle was just cus I had ran out of the big pots and it needed something deeper so that was good enough for now. In a week I'll slide it out without damaging anything and slide it into the bigger pot But I wanted to get it more even first. My other one is here and I started it at the same age. And the slower shoot is now catching up slowly but it is and will be level by the time I need it to be. Forgive me to. I take EVERY cutting that MAY root into a plant. But I dont waste time on them. I just stick them In the same pot and if they start rooting I move them over. Once anyone gets good enough at cloning they can root and clone the tiniest of cuttings if they take the time to do so. I'll get pic of the other one I haven't cropped at all yet. But the growth tips are slow on it so I actually switch it from COCO to hydro to maybe help it grow faster sooner. I wanted to put some in hydro anyways but I'm only going to have room for one at a time in Veg. My Veg cabinet got damaged from last time so I have to rebuild it I didn't even think that from the 120 pounds of water and all the moisture from water and spraying clones. Water run off would get to the wood sometimes. So it is being rebuilt in about a month or so. I have to prep another area first. I'm thinking about making the front cab section into the full grow area. The upper section where used to be a bed will be Veg and the lower section where the seats and sterering wheel are at is where I have my plants flowering now. So if I can close off the light good enough so no light leaks from the Veg light into the Flower area. We're see. Maybe I'll try it while I rebuild and if it doesn't work I'll move them back to the rebuilt cabinet We're see. I'll have to see if I can seal it off good enough first
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I used to use fishing line to do LST.. For now I'd allow the branches to grow another week or so and it may catch up to it by then, or not.. I simply drill tiny holes in my pots rim and use them to loop the fishing line thru, then, around the stem so I can pull it down and into place.. you do this to every growing shoot, manipulating the branches to go where you choose to, you can really control the growing style of the plant without stressing it out to much.. good luck to ya


Yeah I'm learning more how much these plants can handle before stressed sometimes. But each plant is different as well. But most of mine now are White widow X Big Buds which is a very strong plant and grows very good. I recommend it to newbies and experienced because of how fun it is to grow and how nice of yields it produces. I know there's better out there but I'd say this is a FUN plant to grow for a wide range. And it's not the same EVERYTIME either. One of my seeds were tall and lanky and was single cola dominant. The other seed was very bushy and the shoots were growing nice and coming out everywhere. It is a nice strain combo but you can see it still varies from plant to plant a lot.
And as I mentioned before. I'm not new to growing but I'm still learning all the techniques and how severe you can get into it. I'm loving it. Before when I grew I didn't GET INTO IT like this. I just "grew" them. I love it now way more. Way more fun too. And it's helped my anxiety by itself without even smoking the medicine. Growing and training them relaxing me.

Quagmire. You mentioned about you can really get into training them. I have a neat one going now that I'm trying to Spiral out. I started to top it to manifold it to 8 colas but stopped because one side turned Trifoliate as "some call it" and one of mine in flower is also so I waited and think I may just train this one. I topped it once. And the one side is producing 3 growth shoots and fan leaves on every node instead of two. I LOVE this and can't believe I just got two in a row. But since I think it is doing this now I don't want to cut it cus it may revert back to just two. So I'm either thinking SPIRAL or ANTLERS. lmao. Just having fun with growing Many forget that you can have fun. It's not always about who's the biggest yield. I like to see who's the most unique. Lol


So here's an update on this so if any newbies come along they see the RESULTS. To many time people talks about an issue and forget to post the results after its fixed. So many wonder if it really worked or now. So here ya go. I did do some more pinching and it was helping a little. I than twisted and bent it down toward soil and by the time it strengthened back up right the other side was caught up. This doesn't always happen so quickly. So it may take a few times of LST before they grow even. Thanks for all the opinions and hope this helps someone. Someday. Lol. Maybe they will search for uneven growth and see that this worked for this one and most others. This one was a bit stubborn at first. I usually can catch them early but this one I couldn't and it made me want to more. Lol


Seriously? Or sarcastically ? Lol. Wasn't sure if this was a good one that was going to help someone hopefully. But make me feel good if someone think it may help Someone someday. I just try to post little things that come up. Even if I know the answer already. I try to post it so others opinions can be included and actually help a newbie make his own choice based on a group discussion. But got to post the results to. And oh here. The pic never updated last evening


I've seen many threads that TELL YOU what to do. Or tell you what the result will be or what there are. But few actually show you. So I will try to in all of mine. If you don't see a result pictures. Message me on the thread and ask. If it's ready I will post it


My Clone is dying after transplant can anyone help with any revival tips before it completely dies on me when I transplanted I used super thrive and some plant food and miracle grow soils or and under watering one a few hours it started going down hill fast help please
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I don't give up that easily but ya almost there. Try flushing with some PH water. I hate Superthrive. I think you may have over killed with the super theive and miracle grow. They are not a good combo. I know it's MG soil but still has food I'm assuming? But I would try flushing it with some good water and see. Maybe put her in a window with some natural light. That sometimes helps revive. As long as it's not dry crisp then there is still small amount of hope left for her. But it will take time


Btw. He's pretty much right. It's shit the bed. But you may be able to salvage still by saving the NEW growth. Those leaves prob are done for. But may have enough to keep the new growth from dieing off completely and then you could start the plant over. But that's a decision for you to make wether you want the added time to recover it THAT much. I've had it happen the same way and one little growth shoot was the only part that made it and grew to a new plant.


My Clone is dying after transplant can anyone help with any revival tips before it completely dies on me when I transplanted I used super thrive and some plant food and miracle grow soils or and under watering one a few hours it started going down hill fast help please
Smooth you posted a request for help on two other peoples threads but you didn't make a thread of your own. You really should make your own thread when you're in big trouble. Does your planter have large drainage holes in the bottom? It looks like it might be in too wet of soil. It has roots right?


That looks like a cutting thrown outside on the ground and told to root.
Prob best thing is to carefully take it out of that soil maybe by washing the soil away seeing if the roots are there,it looks like a unrooted cut to me.


Yeah if your able to do that carefully. That would help. Are you using PH water also? I noticed the perlite on top has an orange tint to it. It could just be the brown and the picture but it could also be too hard of water if your using your tap water. And also noticed you have it sitting in the Jug. You only need to bottom inch of the jug. Like a saucer. If you water with the jug. The jug won't allow the water to run off. It would just fill up and drown the plant cus it won't get any oxygen to the roots. Remember. Plant needs CO2. But roots need oxygen. Some forget that or some never even knew But that jug I think is bad either way. If you overwater it takes most of the oxygen out of the perlite n soil. But if the pot can't breath it can't replenish that oxygen either. The jug surrounding it I imagine would not let water out and blocking air flow for the pot to replenish its oxygen too. Especially a clone. It will drop twice as fast as a plant would. And harder to recover sometimes depending on when the clone was taken and if it's healed yet.

But yeah. Roots sound like the issue. Or ONE of the issues. Maybe even try taking it out and rinsing like he mentioned above. And then if you have an air stone to put in some water and set the roots down in. That may revive it the quickest but that depends if your able to. Or if you have some COCO COIR. Replant it in COco and that will help on its own. COCO is very nutricious for them and I even root my clones and clippings in Damp Coco. Coco would be my recommendation for clones and growing period. But to each there own medium. I love coco It saved me on my disaster grow. It really did.
So I suggest coco to anyone starting out. ONLY because I honestly recommend growing One or two plants with no nutrients first. So you know how a plant grows naturally with nothing first. IM actually going to make a new thread today and may include that in it

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