Help With Germination Setup

  • Thread starter od1
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Hi all,

This is my first grow. I got a Rapid Rooter tray and this T5 light: I also have a Jiffy Mini-Greenhouse that's not vented.

I'm going to try germinating 4 feminized Kolossus seeds by using something like this method here:


This guide cautions against Rapid Rooters and humidity domes:

Seems like everyone's got their own take on it. Since I'm only going to be using 4 Rooters in the tray, what's the best way to use water? I read some people soak the plugs, but some say not to, and that Mandala guide says not to use a humidity dome, but some say you want to for germination. Should I put it on, but in such a way that there's some breathing room for the plugs?

Also, I read that for the tray, you fill it 1/4" deep with water, which seems like a lot for only 4 plugs. I don't want to mess up the process. I'm planning to put the rest in a zip-lock bag, and store them. I have a personal mister I can use to mist the tops too to keep things moist, but I think I read some say that's unnecessary.

In terms of water, is it best to go with something from this list with a pH of 7?

I did try to germinate some black bamboo seeds in Jiffy pellets once, and everything failed. I might have watered too much, or waited too long to plant the seeds and they might have dried out. Maybe it's also due to the Jiffy pellets sucking. I want 100% success with my expensive cannabis seeds!!!!

Let me know what you think. Thanks in advance.


od1,I put my seeds in a moist paper towel in a ziplock bag not sealed in the dark on a heating pad to keep warm until they crack and send a tap root out,then into cups with perlite vermiculite mix under a inverted clear storage container with holes drilled into it all around for air exchange the lid being the bottom and the bottom being the dome (deep storage container for head clearance) heating pad under the lid got to keep their feet warm, veg light schedule old skool (cheap)lol,good luck bud,Peace.


Thanks for the reply man. I'm going to use the Rapid Rooters since some consider them the best to use, and I already have them anyway.

This guide is helpful too:

I bought some distilled water and a sprayer/mister. I think I'll use that to wet the plug and for refreshing it. I'll probably put the humidity dome on, but with room for airflow. And also put the fluorescent light 2-3 inches above the dome like the Open Grow guide says. I bought a heat mat with a thermostat so I'll put that underneath. I may go by the hardware store and get some insulation to put under the mat. I read that's good to do, and maybe put a towel between the mat and the Rooter tray.

What temperature do you set for your heating mat; about 75 F?


Hey buddy I use rapid rooter all the time and with great success.
All I do is soak my cubes for a few hours in pH balanced water at 6.0 then lightly ring them out. I drop my beans in but I choose to drop them side ways because I always have an issue when I do it any other way then I just tear a small peace from the bottom of the cube and place it on top of the hole.
I fill my tray 1/4" and put the dome on but all vents opened and I use a heat mat.
After 2 days all my Beans pop and when they poke there head up thru the cube,
I get rid of them mat and take the dome off and within a week I am ready to transplant into a veg pot.
Good luck!
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Thanks! I'll take a photo and post it when everything's set up.


75*-80* moist and dark til they do their thing couple days out to a week depends on strains I think,good luck to you,Peace.
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