Here is what im working with.

  • Thread starter MrCosaLA562
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looks a little light green? could be strain? or not feeding enough?
what you feeding her?


I heard about that, i am curious to see what happens , i have two more plants in separate pots.


oh damn ok that makes sense , i will separate them. thanx for that info


oh damn ok that makes sense , i will separate them. thanx for that info
that’ll be hard unless someone here has a better idea, i’d first have a five gallon bucket or a big plastic tub with luke warm water, than when plant/pot soil is dry id take out the plants, by tipping the pot upside and sliding it out and putting it in the bucket or tub to hopefully wash away the soil and separate which could take a while as you can’t force it, it either comes apart easily or you’ll have to cut off the smallest plant and keep the biggest, than re plant and keep out of direct light for 5 ish days as she’ll be stressed for at least a week..


that’ll be hard unless someone here has a better idea, i’d first have a five gallon bucket or a big plastic tub with luke warm water, than when plant/pot soil is dry id take out the plants, by tipping the pot upside and sliding it out and putting it in the bucket or tub to hopefully wash away the soil and separate which could take a while as you can’t force it, it either comes apart easily or you’ll have to cut off the smallest plant and keep the biggest, than re plant and keep out of direct light for 5 ish days as she’ll be stressed for at least a week..
than we’ll get to feeding..
so you have nothing to feed with?


im gonna take out the smallest plant and leave the 2 bigger ones , its ok if it dosent come out perfect. but thanks for the info


if it’s a grow store than they’ll help out, you basically will need a veg and a bloom feed.
here are some photos of different brands
so i should be adding the veg one now and then add the bloom stuff when its starts to flower? im sure theres instructions on the gallons but just asking


so i should be adding the veg one now and then add the bloom stuff when its starts to flower? im sure theres instructions on the gallons but just asking
yep for the most part, post everything before doing it..
the nutrients are usually mixed with one gallon of water and only use what’s needed at that time.
so you’ll need something to measure out millilitres, like those little spoons on a ring, a one gallon jug.
i have a couple five gallon buckets i keep filled and interchange between, letting the water sit out for a day or two helps evaporate the chlorine.
do you have a set up?
what lights,tent, etc
can you control temp and humidity?


Just jumping in here... 100% agree with everything GNick55 has said, but to add... important to pH your feed/water too. Plants take in the nutrients they want only at specific pHs, and I aim for 6.0-6.5. And don't overfeed or overwater, especially while it is young. There are a lot of variables, and I would recommend doing some basic research online. Or ask your questions here :)


to go on what nick said. There is no correlation between price and quality. There is all sorts of nutes some love of em, others hate em. They all can be made to work (on some level). SO don't break the bank. i run dynagro run it in my fields so i use it for my bud. Its cheap its highly effective and it works. costs a fraction of other nutrients that still then require other nutrients. But its all what you want to do or think you can make work. Some like 2 part systems some like 5 part systems. The choice is yours. but don't get caught in the hype of canna nutes. You really are just trying to give them a basic strategy at each stage in its life. There is no super formula if it was we'd all be running it. You can spend as little as $40 a grow as much as $1000 a grow on nutes, pest management(hypothetically). But you don't have to. There's plenty of people who grow bud with what amounts to no more than fancy poo blends and water. In farming you see people run everything top to bottom and it's really just your preference at the end of the day. Find what you think will work for you.

With nutes and beginning my suggestion is always go under half the strength of the label. work your way into it. Never know how they will respond to feedings and better to not give them enough and have them max out on feeding than stunt them. In my opinion. So learn to use whatever nutes you get by working with them in low doses before taking full approaches to their runs. Some canna brands are notorious for being super hot at label doses. And if you are under and need to feed em a little more its way easier to deal with than the shock from over watering or too many nutes :) We take this approach to watering/feeding crops in fields Its better to be under than over every time :)
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