Here's to a speedy recovery BirdDawg!

  • Thread starter ftwendy
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Status check Bird? Funny, but now I picture the tin man after Dorothy oiled his joints when I think of you.

Speaking of oiled joints - a nice fatty with a smear of some fine oil would probably do you some good. I sure hope you get home soon. In the mean time, the positive vibe ray-gun will be on full blast from the Midwest.

Feel the love BirdDOG........ it's so warm. :)


Hey everyone!! I snuck away to give an update. I'm doing good, lots of pain so don't be surprised if I say something that dosn't make sense from the heavy pain meds i'm taking :p. I have been grounded from my computer for a month but I might have to sneek out every now and again :D

Thanks you all very much, I was thinking about all of you. Looks like all the good vibes payed off!!!!
See you soon!!!! (Prob a couple weeks) :cool:


What up fam!! Missed you guys! I had some complications with fever, blood pressure, and infection and had to go back to the hospital for a while. Just got checked back out last night. It's common as I had a full fusion from S1 to L5, basicly they had to cut pretty much from the brown eye to the center of my back, then spread apart, then stick an egg beater on "high" for 3 hours, then pour in wheelbarrow full of concrete in, then gorilla glue the whole thing back together with pop sickle sticks and paper mache. Ya, i'm fellin the drugs alright hahaha!!

Everything Is back under control 100%. I should be back at my place in a week or so and I should be able to get in the pool and start PT in 4 weeks! I'll talk to you all when I get back home.

Keep it DIRTY!!!


Glad to see you doin' better Bird. I think that's the best description of back surgery fusion I've ever heard. Good stuff. Got my Girl Scout Candy beans and popped a few the other day. They look really strong. Excited to see what they offer up.

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