Here's to a speedy recovery BirdDawg!

  • Thread starter ftwendy
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Ok fam, I'm finally home!!! Holy shit, I've been gone a long time. I had to pop in and out of the ER a couple times because I couldn't keep my temp down and I'm allergic to the antibiotic that would have worked best. They tried several combos and finally found the right one. It's crazy how fast I'm healing now. Dayum that shit HURT o_O!!!!!! But I can already feel the difference.

Here's the skinny:
I had some problems with high fever which is common because your body is fighting a major war against infection. I had a major surgery. I had a fusion from my S1 all the way to my L5....which is like 1/5 of my spine. The incision was 18". I had a lumbar vertebrate completely out of the column and sitting almost side by side to the one that's supposed to be above it. To compensate for the collapse of the column (which collapsed down and to the right), my spine started curving to compensate and keep me upright. By surgery time I had a 15 degree curve. I had 6 screws and 4 plates installed. They were able to pull (reduce) the vertebrate back a little over half way which was a big deal. The doc wasn't sure if he could pull it back at all, it could have been locked. That was the best news of the entire ordeal.They also straightened the curve 10 degrees which is frikin awsome. I couldn't be happier as I had heard every horror story out there. So far it's looking like a success.

They take infection real serious because if it's at the metal site it's big trouble. I was in the hospital for almost 2 weeks the first stint, then in and out a couple times.....almost spent a month but the last part was just them watching my temperature and blood/urine toxin levels. They found the right antibiotic combo and bingo, better and better every day. I had pain in my neck and mid back.....GONE. The injury from surgery should be healed up in another 6 weeks or so. They had to take bone from my hip to use in the fusion and that hurts more than anything else. Have the Doc use cadaver bone if you get a fusion!!!! haha. Anyway, All the pain caused from the surgery will be gone in about 6 weeks or so, then i'll just have the pain that I have to live with. I can already tell it's better. I can't frikin wait. I put off surgery for 15 years. When I awoke from the operation the surgeon said that he couldn't believe that I was actually able to walk at all with that injury. He just couldn't understand why I didn't have surgery sooner. I've seen him 4 times since and every time he brings up how bad my injury was, and how he couldn't believe I was able to live with it. Not that I'm trying to tell yall how tough I am but for those of you that have been in "Pain Management" for over a year, and are taking daily opioid pain killers, please ask for a referral to get a surgeon's opinion if surgery can help you. Every time I saw my pain Doc, he told me to wait turned out to be bad advice in my case. All cases are different, but don't be afraid to demand a referral to get an opinion from a could save you years of unnecessary pain. And it's up to you, you don't have to have surgery if you don't like the odds they present.

I'm about 30% right now, have to wear a brace all the time unless i'm laying down, still using the walker but can use the cane for limited periods. I can walk on my own for 50 foot or so. I'd say those numbers double every day. I think I'll be full on walking around in a week or so.

I do have to cut out some activities permanently, but if that's what I have to do to live pain free......easy choice ;). I can always find new hobbies. Chess anyone??? hahaha

My time will be limited on the computer because I just cant get comfortable yet to sit and type, give me a week or so and i'll be back to puttin' up with all of BigCheese's shit.

MAJOR NOTE: I got a pm about a thread that went way south. For those of you who chimed in and protected my honor while I was down and out......I won't forget it....and dually noted each and every one of you. THANK YOU ;)

Thanks for everything fam, talk to you soon.


Ok fam, I'm finally home!!! Holy shit, I've been gone a long time. I had to pop in and out of the ER a couple times because I couldn't keep my temp down and I'm allergic to the antibiotic that would have worked best. They tried several combos and finally found the right one. It's crazy how fast I'm healing now. Dayum that shit HURT o_O!!!!!! But I can already feel the difference.

Here's the skinny:
I had some problems with high fever which is common because your body is fighting a major war against infection. I had a major surgery. I had a fusion from my S1 all the way to my L5....which is like 1/5 of my spine. The incision was 18". I had a lumbar vertebrate completely out of the column and sitting almost side by side to the one that's supposed to be above it. To compensate for the collapse of the column (which collapsed down and to the right), my spine started curving to compensate and keep me upright. By surgery time I had a 15 degree curve. I had 6 screws and 4 plates installed. They were able to pull (reduce) the vertebrate back a little over half way which was a big deal. The doc wasn't sure if he could pull it back at all, it could have been locked. That was the best news of the entire ordeal.They also straightened the curve 10 degrees which is frikin awsome. I couldn't be happier as I had heard every horror story out there. So far it's looking like a success.

They take infection real serious because if it's at the metal site it's big trouble. I was in the hospital for almost 2 weeks the first stint, then in and out a couple times.....almost spent a month but the last part was just them watching my temperature and blood/urine toxin levels. They found the right antibiotic combo and bingo, better and better every day. I had pain in my neck and mid back.....GONE. The injury from surgery should be healed up in another 6 weeks or so. They had to take bone from my hip to use in the fusion and that hurts more than anything else. Have the Doc use cadaver bone if you get a fusion!!!! haha. Anyway, All the pain caused from the surgery will be gone in about 6 weeks or so, then i'll just have the pain that I have to live with. I can already tell it's better. I can't frikin wait. I put off surgery for 15 years. When I awoke from the operation the surgeon said that he couldn't believe that I was actually able to walk at all with that injury. He just couldn't understand why I didn't have surgery sooner. I've seen him 4 times since and every time he brings up how bad my injury was, and how he couldn't believe I was able to live with it. Not that I'm trying to tell yall how tough I am but for those of you that have been in "Pain Management" for over a year, and are taking daily opioid pain killers, please ask for a referral to get a surgeon's opinion if surgery can help you. Every time I saw my pain Doc, he told me to wait turned out to be bad advice in my case. All cases are different, but don't be afraid to demand a referral to get an opinion from a could save you years of unnecessary pain. And it's up to you, you don't have to have surgery if you don't like the odds they present.

I'm about 30% right now, have to wear a brace all the time unless i'm laying down, still using the walker but can use the cane for limited periods. I can walk on my own for 50 foot or so. I'd say those numbers double every day. I think I'll be full on walking around in a week or so.

I do have to cut out some activities permanently, but if that's what I have to do to live pain free......easy choice ;). I can always find new hobbies. Chess anyone??? hahaha

My time will be limited on the computer because I just cant get comfortable yet to sit and type, give me a week or so and i'll be back to puttin' up with all of BigCheese's shit.

MAJOR NOTE: I got a pm about a thread that went way south. For those of you who chimed in and protected my honor while I was down and out......I won't forget it....and dually noted each and every one of you. THANK YOU ;)

Thanks for everything fam, talk to you soon.
That's great news bro. Im glad you're pulling thru like a champ.


How's your back healing broski?

I'm almost to the 30 day countdown to freedom! I get my x-rays then to see if the bones have all fused then I can start getting back to normal life. It has been tough, mainly because it's hard for me to ask for help and I've needed a lot of it. It really bugs me to see another man mow my lawn......I don't know, just don't like it haha. You def find out who your friends are in situations like this, and thankfully I have an awesome group of family/friends that have been taking good care of me. Now I just gotta heal up so I can hook them all up with a fat steak and rib BBQ with all the trimmings for all their hard work.

Thanks for checkin' in brother, hope all is well on your end :)

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