Hermie question

  • Thread starter Sunnyseville
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I've got a question about hermaphrodites but I'm not looking for a simple answer of "just don't mess with hermies"or " get rid of them" I'd honestly like to know and understand more about them. I've read other posts trying to find the answer to this but I've had no luck with my scenario. So here is what happened, a couple weeks into flower I noticed bananas on one of my plants (already opened) so I searched for a reason found out I had a light leak and it stressed the plant so I removed the plant and killed it and let the rest finish flowering. The plants that finished flowering have seeds in them, so would the seeds be all female? The "male" pollen was from a stressed female so I wouldn't think it would be in the genetics of the seed to produce another hermie? Please help I don't want to throw out female seeds but I don't want to deal with hermies either. I've read a little on how they make female seeds and it sounds like they just stress a female like what happened to me only they do it on purpose. I'm sure I'm missing something????


Old Pharmer
They will be females forsure. Stressed pollen will make stressed beans. Probably doubles or triples your chances for more herms.

Spread them outside somewhere where they might flourish.

Haven't heard of many hermaphrodite problems with "silver-selfed" feminized seeds--
does that mean those methods don't stress the plant???


Haven't heard of many hermaphrodite problems with "silver-selfed" feminized seeds--
does that mean those methods don't stress the plant???
It must be less stressful. Honestly, not sure why that method works "better" than other hermi made seed.


Living dead girl
I've never found that hermie seeds make more females.

The additional problem you have with these seeds is the fact that the hermie that made them did the switch only 2wks into flower. That's a problem. If it were late in flowering it wouldn't be an issue.


I've never found that hermie seeds make more females.

The additional problem you have with these seeds is the fact that the hermie that made them did the switch only 2wks into flower. That's a problem. If it were late in flowering it wouldn't be an issue.
You've found several males from hermi beans???


Living dead girl
Yes, back when I tried to run hermie beans, I got straight up males, straight up females, and a whole weird mix of hermies.


Ahh. These are seeds from a true hermi. Not one caused from stress?!?


So the way I understand it is there are different ways a hermie is created but only one way that will cause female seeds on a 99 percent level and that's the silver solution? So throw the seeds I have outside or in the trash cuz there is a 50/50 it could be a hermie? Just making sure we are all on the same page before I toss them lol


If its a female plant stressed to make pollen. It will always be feminized. There are no male genes to pass on.
If its a true Hermaphrodite then it displays both sexes under the perfect conditions, and will pass on both genes.


If its a female plant stressed to make pollen. It will always be feminized. There are no male genes to pass on.
If its a true Hermaphrodite then it displays both sexes under the perfect conditions, and will pass on both genes.

This is my understanding of it too. Would the seeds would then be genetic copies of the mother plant then, as is the case with apomixis?


Living dead girl
Might it be different if the hermi was just some random nanners in the buds as opposed to full blown herm with male pollen sacs at the internod sites?
It is. As with all other organisms the expressions of hermaphroditism are practically ENDLESS. When I was a child I spent endless hours poring over my dad's medical books and the disorders that always fascinated me most were the sections on hermaphroditism.
Ahh. These are seeds from a true hermi. Not one caused from stress?!?
I honestly don't know how the seeds were produced. This was my first grow, I used bagseed (who doesn't?). I got straight females, straight males, and straight up the worst kind of hermies you could get--the ones who start throwing pistils, then about a month into it start dropping balls and balls are all they're gonna drop.

I learned a LOT that first grow. Like the fact that I could grow better than the guy who grew what I got the seeds from.

Good Lord I hope that sentence made sense!


I learned a LOT that first grow. Like the fact that I could grow better than the guy who grew what I got the seeds from.

Good Lord I hope that sentence made sense!
LOL!! Yes, it makes perfect sense to this stoner.

I had a similar situation a few years ago. I got seeds as a gift from a breeder (this breeder is no longer around). Every female plant of that variety hermied & loaded my entire crop with seeds. The breeder did not answer my questions about the origin of the seeds, so I don't know if they were a result of hermie genetics.There were no light leaks or anything to cause the plants to hermie, so I suspect the seeds I received were from hermie genetics. I passed on some of the seeds from that crop on to friends with a warning that the seeds were the result of plants that hermied. One friend who grew them let me know that most of the plants turned out to be female and that those plants also hermied during flowering.

My conclusion from that experience is that seeds created by plants that hermie on their own will create mostly fem seeds, but will also tend to continue to hermie in future generations.


I recently popped 30 feminized seeds and 2 bag seeds from a hermied plant two years ago. I have one fem plant that showed beans and the two hermie bag seed plants look out of this fucking world. Just saying it could go either way. Just pay close attention and ride it out.


I had 2 of 12 turn on me, so if I keep them together they will make a "Space King" they are all clones, so will I have accidentally made a possibly unstable strain if I let them cross?


Well i grow bag seeds myself with fem seeds togethre. The fact is that those bag seeds are obviously comming from a hermed plant. Getting straight males and straight females. What I noticed is that fem plants don't tend to hern indoors under constant controlled condutions, but planted outside you will forsure find some seeds in those buds. Also there are only five to ten seeds on lower smaller buds from a 7ft tree. So im thinking this is just plants attempt of self preservation. Indoors I've exposed this same strain to certain ammount of stress like light leaks, temperature peaks of 30+ C, over watering and under watering and never found a single bean.
smokin jay

smokin jay

I recently did an experiment on this subject myself. I had 3 GDP that I grew outdoor this last season that hermied out on me from a street light. Wasn't really a street light as I live on a farm but I don't know what else to call them at the moment. Anyhow I popped 20 beans from those hermies and 4 turned out to be straight out male and the rest female. However about 12 of the remaining females that I flowered out popped bananas the last two weeks of flower. Cropped those out fairly recently and had some beans but not too bad. 4 plants did great with no seeds and looked as good as the original genetics. My question is would it make a difference if the original seed stock came from regular seeds as opposed to feminized? The original genetics I started with in this case were regular seeds.
philly kush

philly kush

Yes, back when I tried to run hermie beans, I got straight up males, straight up females, and a whole weird mix of hermies.
ive also had the same problems even some plants with crazy leaf configurations, I just tossed all the seeds,dont need any problems or weird science projects,,,, LOL
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